
Martial God Asura - Fan Fiction.

Chu Feng soul was devoured by another one, originating from Earth. A World Traver, Armed by his cheats, He would rule the world.

Dangeroustoxin · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 - Asura Ghost Tower.

Holding his qualification badge, Chu Feng entered the World Spirit Guild and he stepped into the huge city that was as vast as a kingdom. After layers of 'useless' inspections, Chu Feng arrived within a grand palace.

Looking around him, he was still surprised at the huge number of people. No matter how he tried to adapt to it, it was still hard to.

People formed mountains and oceans in the center of the main hall. There were at least a thousands or so people there and they were all young. The oldest was not over twenty years old. The prideful aura emanating from them, coupled with their arrogance made Chu Feng pulsed his lips in amusement.

"Look, it's the geniuses of the World Spirit Guild!" Suddenly, someone yelled out and following that, everyone's gazes were cast over.

Dozens of young males and females were slowly walking over. Every single one of them wore a golden-colored robe and it was quite dazzling. Also, the World Spirit Guild symbol was on their left arms.

Chu Feng eyebrows jumped in embarrassment. He was really feeling embarrassed in their sakes. Seeing them, not even surpassing Origin Realm, and still walked with an air of dignity as if they were the illegitimate child of the heavens, was really quite the sight to behold.

"These geniuses have not been seen in the past few exams, but I never would have thought that they all appeared in this one. Is today some sort of special day?" As someone yelled out, they did not forget to add in their speculation.

"Yeah, even Gu Bo appeared. He is the number one person in the young generation within the World Spirit Guild. He is only sixteen years old and he is already at the 7th level of the Origin realm. According to rumors, his attainment in the Spirit Formation technique cannot be compared by anyone."

Hearing them shouting how Gu Bo that was 16 years old and 'already' in 7th level of The Origin Realm, Chu Feng almost blown his cover.

'I wonder where their confidence is even coming from?', thought Chu Feng in wonder, as he choose to ignore those background characters. He already knew what's happening.

Not much later, the examination started.

First Stage.

"Shatter a statue. The amount of strikes will be in the single-digits. The faster it is shattered, the higher the points." The middle-aged man overseer flatly said.

The fists landed on the statue and they made noises of steel colliding with one another. There were even sparks.

A lot of people tried their best, but only a dozen or so was able to pass, with nothing worth talking about.

Even Chu Feng, only get a bare pass, as he controlled his power skillfully, blending himself in the average section.

Second Stage.

The next stage was The Twisted Forest , a huge formation and it was laid by the World Spirit Guild when the guild was created. After endless improvements by World Spirit Guild's experts, the Twisted Forest's formation could not be deciphered by normal cultivators.

Chu Feng moved through the formation casually, and after he felt the sun setting in the west, he walked out from the formation, received a World Spirit White-cloak and also a Spirit Fruit Seed.

Third Stage.

The Plaza was soon filled by the contestants, as even the elders showed themselves. Today was certainly a big day where both The Jie Clan and The World Spirit Guild will fight for supremacy.

Chu Feng stood there, his presence was suppressed so he was no different from any other average joe. The Elders explained the rules and things that should be recalled. Following that, everyone was given a protective talisman.

Soon, the Asura Ghost Tower finally slowly opened. After the doors opened, the thing that appeared in front of them was not the insides of the Asura Ghost Tower. It was a blood-red Spirit Formation entrance. That was the real entrance to the Asura Ghost Tower.

Chu Feng moved along with the crowd, but the moment he entered the tower, he vanished without any notices.

With an unseen speed, Chu Feng passed through the floor almost instantly.

1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd Floor, 4th Floor, 5th floor, 6th floor.

The crowd outside in the main plaza had their eyes wide in shock?!

"What's happening?! is the formation malfunctioning or something?!", asked an Elder from The World Spirit Guild with apprehension in his eyes.

The others were also trembling. It was very clear for them that some scary genius made an appearance, and it wasn't any normal one.

"Impossible! The Tower must have some problems!", An Elder from the Jie Clan shouted in denial, but his pale face, spoke volumes about his true feelings.

The common crowd in the plaza seethe with shock and shouts of amazement.

"Elder Li, how do you see this?", said an elder from the side, as he could only ask Elder Li his opinion.

Elder Li eyes were already wide in shock. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Let's watch a little more.", said Elder Li with a trembling tone. Even if he wanted to stop him, he wasn't able to go to the 6 floor.

The people from the Jie Clan weren't any better, as they could feel pain in their faces. They were just shouting about their geniuses, and soon, a genius appearance made their faces looks like they ate shit.

"It's the same at that time! no, even worse!", said a Jie Clan elder while his hands were shivering. The speed was used to pass through the floors weren't anything normal, it's more like abnormal. They could see that their genius are still in the first floor.

The crowd only enjoyed gossiping talking about the geniuses, but the two factions clearly weren't taken the appearance of this genius as good news. Even The World Spirit Guild Elder Li was having troubles controlling his quick breath.

'Something bad is gonna happen!' Thought the elder, and he always believed his intuition. IT wasn't just him, a lot of elders from both clans, could feel an imminent catastrophe approaching.

Chu Feng stood in front of the spirit formation to the seventh level, with a smirk on his face. He started to lay the opening formation. The opening formation, like its name, was used to open all sorts of sealing or hidden formations.

Following the end of his formation, a pillar of light suddenly appeared from the opening formation. It rushed towards the top of the Asura Ghost Tower. A Spirit Formation entrance appeared there.

At the same time, the crowd outside the Asura Ghost Tower boiled because everyone could see that the top of the Asura Ghost Tower emitted a dazzling, red-coloured light and it lit up the area around it as if it was day.

"This scene happened a hundred years ago as well!" Elder Li from the World Spirit Guild was endlessly shocked, as his unease grow unrestrained.

"Look! The blue light at the sixth stage disappeared! Did something happen in the Asura Ghost Tower?" Suddenly, someone yelled out.

"Does that mean that the formation finally fixed itself?", asked one of the youngsters of The Jie Clan, as he was one of the supporters of Malfunction Theory.

With their small capabilities, they can't believe there is another people that are more bright than them, so they could only accept this.

The crowd actually bought it, but the elders were sweating in fright. Because that's only meant that it wasn't malfunction or an error, it was a damn super dove talent.

As everything outside was in chaos, Chu Feng successfully entered the seventh floor, not that he cared about them. They were already about to be screwed, so why bother?

The seventh floor was completely different from the sixth floor. The walls everywhere were translucent Spirit Formations, and on top of the Spirit Formations were strange symbols.

"This is great! This is great! After one hundred years, finally, there's a person who came to this place!" Suddenly, an ear-piercing screech rang out, and along with came the excited voice of an individual.

Inside a Spirit formation that was shaped like a cage, a 'person' with sharp ears, like some animals. A pair of blood-red eyes and a mouthful of sharp teeth. More or less, it was a bit scary.

Chu Feng didn't bother with him, he let his eyes inspect the floor. The Monstrous Beast was clearly surprised that the boy doesn't seem to care about him. He tried to see through his cultivation, and his body started shivering. He can't see anything at all, rather, it was like he was gazing at the abyss. Even his purple spirit formation power was devoured like nothing.

He watched Chu Feng with apprehension, as he didn't dare to bother him again.

Chu Feng finally finished his inspection, as he looked towards the the mysterious beast.

He moved his hand, and a purple spirit formation appeared, destroying the spirit cage formation cage.

The monstrous beast was clearly surprised, and soon his eyes grow wild with joy.

"Thank you Brother!! I won't forget your debt of life-saving!", said The monstrous beast while swearing to the heavens.

"Just do me a favor, and make the scene chaotic outside. And if you want to repay me, just protect the Chu Clan in azure province.", said Chu Feng as he really can't find any way for him to repay him.

The monstrous beast nodded, and after warning Chu Feng about the dangers of this floor, he left.

Outside, the people saw the blue light in the sixth stage reappearing again, and all of them went silent for a moment.

Soon, a huge roar could be heard, and the contestants inside the tower started exploding their protective talismans, running away from the monstrous beast that just appeared in the tower.

Monkey bro clearly accomplished the mission given to him, and chaos reign soon in the plaza. He didn't kill anyone but he bullied the elders of both factions. And after feeling good with himself, he vanished, heading towards the azure province to find the Chu Clan Residence.