
Martial God Asura - Fan Fiction.

Chu Feng soul was devoured by another one, originating from Earth. A World Traver, Armed by his cheats, He would rule the world.

Dangeroustoxin · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12 - Spirit Province.

"Where are we?", asked Zi Ling, as she was finally able to leave his hug.

"Some mountain range near the White Tiger Villa, I presume." said Chu Feng.

Zi Ling nodded in understanding.

"What now?", asked Zi Ling suddenly.

Chu Feng titled his head. He didn't think that she would be the one to stick with him.

He smiled a little, as he said.

"I don't know much about the way you cultivate. I only need resources, but you are a divine body, so you should understand your body power. While I can't help in that part, I knew a place where 'Source Power' and some 'Natural Oddity' exist.", said Chu Feng with a slight smirk on his face.

Zi Ling was surprised. She only meant when they will be staying? Or what is his future plans? She wasn't expecting that he was already located a treasure trove.

Chu Feng took her in his hug, as he leaped towards the sky heading towards a certain position. Zi Ling hugged him back, as she rested her head in his chest. While there was no love in her heart towards him, she couldn't deny her feeling of safety in his arms.

Void School. Void Tower.

On top of the Void Tower, Chu Feng and Zi Ling were standing there, as Chu Feng Eyes seems to see through the secrets hidden in this place.

"Are you sure there is something precious here? I can't see anything.", said Zi Ling with a slight doubt, as no matter how she inspect the place, other than a slight odd feeling in her heart, there was nothing else.

Chu Feng didn't answer, he just slightly smirked, as his finger pinpoint to the figure that just appeared behind them.

"You are not a disciple from the Void School." Suddenly, an aged voice came from behind Chu Feng.

"Who?" After hearing that voice, Zi Ling was moderately shocked. She throw herself in Chu Feng hug like a small scared girl, as she asked back, soon, she was finally able to see the said person.

That old man was short and he had wrinkles all over his face. His appearance did not seem out of the ordinary, but his body emitted a special type of aura. It was an aura that belonged to those who cultivated to a certain realm, Heaven Realm, and the late stages to boot.

Such a strong consciousness could only belong to the founder of the Void School, Void Zhenren.

"I never would have thought that after such a long time, a decently talented person finally came, yet was not part of my school. Ahh, whatever. Perhaps this is the will of the heavens.", added the old man.

"I'll pass the cultivation method for the Blade of the Void Dragon's Cry verbally down to the both of you. As for how much you can remember and whether you succeed in cultivating it will all depend on your talent and luck."

Chu Feng watched the old man with amusement. Strangely though, he still waited for the martial technique, as he always found it cool.

Zi Ling was the same, as she also seems eager to gain this technique. Narrating the cultivation method, the duo was able to grasp it instantly.

"Senior, thank you for passing your unique skill down to us!", said Zi Ling with gratitude on her face.

"No need to thank me. I just don't want my unique skill to be lost. Also, if you don't have anything else, leave. Don't disturb my peace again." After speaking, the old man waved his sleeve and he was about to disappear, only to be trapped inside a purple spirit formation.

"What?!" the old man shouted with clear fear in his tone.

"Now, listen old man, guide me to your remains, and I'll take care of your school. Refuse to, and I'll find it myself, and believe me, you may not like it if I do so.", said Chu Feng, leaving Zi Ling beside him speechless.

At first she thought, he may attack him, but seeing him silent, she already got satisfied with the technique, only to be surprised at his ungrateful side. She gave him an odd glance, as if re-evaluating his morals.

"What? I'm doing it for you sake. My own spirit is already Martial Lord, I don't have any interest towards his remains nor his half-arsed martial technique.", said Chu Feng while shrugging his shoulders.

The old man lips twitched as he felt humiliated hearing his peak martial technique being called 'half-arsed'! He really wanted to shred the young man to pieces, sadly, he wasn't strong enough.

Zi Ling eyelids jumped hearing the cultivation level of his spirit, as her eyes shined with adoration like a fan girl.

The old man begrudgingly lead the way, and soon his source power was devoured by Zi Ling. She also took the strange divine objects to refine later.

Before leaving, Chu Feng surrounded the school with a spirit formation protective barrier that could take a full strike from any Average Martial King, plus an attack spirit formation that also can decimate any Martial King, along with some tokens to control it with a letter to the headmaster of the school.

As long as it's not some super powerhouse that lost his way from the holy land of martialism, their School won't have any danger for years to come.

Zi Ling clearly appreciate his ways of paying the favors, 'her favors' to be more specific, as she found him more pleasing to the eye.

She clearly forget how he blackmailed an old ghost to show him the hidden place of his remains.

"I need to go back.", said Zi Ling suddenly, but her eyes was clearly reluctant. She really enjoyed being with him, looting tombs and growing in power. But her grandpa would end up worried if she didn't return back.

Chu Feng nodded in understanding, as he gave her a pile of martial techniques, resources and even a cultivation technique compatible with her divine body.

"Take this, while your talent is strained and restricted, with this cultivation technique, you will be able to easily cultivate more efficiently, but your divine body will still be accumulated. I still have some things to do too. I'll come for you later.", said Chu Feng. His heaven's library ain't a joke. He could easily compile a technique that unlock her talent, but he can't seem to have a solution for the accumulation of her divine power.

Zi Ling eyes watched him with a strange light in her eyes. She was still in disbelief. The young man was really different than any other person she met before. She have seen her share of the so-called 'talents', but comparing them to him, she felt like they were pitiful dancing clowns, that don't even understand their own limits.

'Maybe, maybe, if it's him', thought Zi Ling, as she accepted the martial techniques and other treasures with a fluttering heart. She felt sweet under his tender gaze, as her eyes didn't even inspect nor care what's inside the cosmos sack.

The duo said goodbye to each other, not before Zi Ling giving him her address. Qin Province, Prestigious Villa.

Watching Zi Ling turning back more than one time to look towards him, Chu Feng made a victory sign to himself inwardly, while waving his hand towards her.

'Yosh! it seems my first impression, while may not be the best, it still was able to plant my existence in her heart.'

Chu Feng found Zi Ling to his own taste. A strong-willed girl that fight against destiny. Really a brave little girl, and while she is naive, she still harden her heart to grow stronger even if it means sacrificing others for her purpose. An interesting character that turned to a sitting duck with 0 presence after 'Original Chu Feng' entered her life.

Chu Feng sighed as he wondered what course of action would he take to help her. If he wanted, it will be easy just flaring his aura is plenty enough, but he doesn't want to ruin her character, because she is charming that way.

'The only way to help her, is to make her strong enough to destroy her enemies by her own hands.', decided Chu Feng, as he moved towards another direction.

The Spirit Province, World Spirit Guild.

The Spirit Province and the Azure Province are neighbors. Although the road isn't too near, but that's only for weakling cultivators.

Chu Feng was soon able to appear in the skies of the province. White-headed Eagles sweep past him, and a lot of respectful and admiration gazes could be seen from their owners. After all, a Heaven Ream Expert was a peak existence in the whole Nine Continents.

Chu Feng was clad in a black mask. He wanted to hide his identity, because what he will be doing later, will really make him mortal enemy with both the World Spirit Guild and the JIe Clan.

He wasn't afraid of them, but why bother attracting problems. While he is stronger, his dead weight 'family' would really suffer some massacre.

Arriving in a city outside of the World Spirit Guild, Chu Feng saw a lot of people in white cloaks, some are even in grey cloaks.

A lot of them gave him a strange look as he was wearing a mask, but no one bother with him, as they didn't care much about him. Inquiring around, he was surprised that by the man informing him that he should take off his mask because wearing one is an offense towards the World Spirit Guild.

Baffled with the discovery, he suddenly remembered that it was actually true. Removing his mask, the man happily explain to him the rules of the The World Spiritist Exam.

'As long as I hide my identity later in the tower, no one will be able to link it to me.', thought Chu Feng, as he decided to wait for the Exam, some days later.

Heading to an Inn, he booked a nice room, and passed his next days working on his Spirit Formation control, which clearly helped adapting to his Heaven power and his own bloodlines.