
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Secret Cave

The next morning everyone got ready for the final hunt.

Since today is the final day scout team is also asked to join in.

In Johnny tent, the three leaders once again gathered for one last time to decide on the game plan.

"Daniel today I want you to take your team and join the hunt. As for your role, we will decide on it after reaching the nest. It isn't a problem for you right?" Johnny first turned to Daniel to ask for his opinion.

'I would have joined the hunt even if you didn't invite me.' Daniel has other reasons to join the hunt but replies, "Yes! No problem!"

Then Johnny turned to Arthur, "Arthur! We will go the usual way! But this time you must put your focus entirely on the Kingbird. I will assign others to kill the small ones."

"You don't need to say more! My aim will be entirely on the Kingbird this time. I also want to see how special that bird is." Arthur is actually burning in fighting spirit.

Johnny nodded with a smile when both took their role without debate.

"It's settled then! Arthur, call your teammates we will leave immediately." Johnny asked Arthur to prepare then turned to Daniel, "Daniel! Take your teammates and lead the way we will follow you closely."

After breakfast sixteen armed people went into the forest and disappeared after a few minutes.

"Do you think they will be successful?" The first guy who is left behind to take care of horses asked his colleague.

"It should be alright I guess! After all, they have gathered enough experience from previous hunts." The other guy who is left behind to keep a watch on the Meat answered the first one.

Both gave a sigh looking in the direction where the group disappeared and then went back to do their job.

The scouting team led by Daniel showed the way while the others followed him silently.

After more than two hours they reached the area where the king's nest is present.

"There is a plain area to the south of here, there you can find the King's nest." Daniel told Johnny while pointing in the direction.

For a better hunting plan, Daniel showed them the nest and the surrounding area.

Returning to the safe area Johnny called all the people and started assigning their roles.

"Daniel! You know what to do! Please form the third line of defense at the perimeter to stop the birds from escaping. If Kingbird escapes to your direction then keep it engaged until we come." Johnny gave an easy role to Daniel because he already fulfilled his role by finding the nest.

'Good! That will help me protect my interest! Now I don't have to push for another role.' Daniel is satisfied with the job given to his team.

Daniel did not leave immediately after taking the role because he wanted to listen to the complete game plan and the role each person is playing here.

After fifteen minutes the entire plan is revealed and Daniel is prepared to leave.

Just as Daniel is about to leave Arthur raised a question that halted Daniels's steps.

"What about that Special bird in the group? What do we do with it? It's neither as big as King Bird nor it is small as general birds." Arthur obviously would not miss the special traits of that bird with his sharp eyesight.

"I think it's about to evolve into another Kingbird. But you don't have to focus on it." Johnny has an idea about the bird so he intends to push it aside.

"Why?" Arthur is not willing to leave the issue like that.

"Monster development takes a lot of time. Even though the bird is big in size it holds no more value than a normal chick. So better not shift our focus to it."Johnny does not want Arthur and other members focusing on unnecessary things and letting go of the target.

Hearing all the details Arthur promised to go with Johnny on this.

'No! It's not a normal bird! It is way too smart for a bird! Anyway, this is good! Now I can work in peace!' Daniel also smiled at his heart after seeing everyone moving away from his target.

Daniel had an eye on the special bird since he saw it for the first time at the waterfall.

In fact, he is participating in this hunt entirely for that thing.

Daniel called his group and arranged the positions for each of them.

Daniel leaves the position that is leading to waterfall for self intentionally.

Not only them but all other members also took their positions.

After everyone took their positions it is time to start.

"Go!" Johnny who is hiding behind the bushes gave a signal to Arthur to fire the arrows.

'Shoo…. Shoo… Shoo….'

Sharp arrows from different sides targeted the Kingbird sleeping in the nest.

Kingbird which got alert by the string sounds jumped over three meters and escaped the nest.

Although the bird managed to dodge ten arrows two arrows still got to it.

One got stuck between its feathers and the other got lodged into its leg.

The bird which landed on to the ground immediately gave a loud chirp because of the pain in the leg.

Ignoring the injury the bird first tried to escape into the forest. But this aggravated the wound even more and the bleeding continued.

During the escape, arrows kept targeting it. In such a hurry few more arrows managed to hit the target.

Just as it approached the bushes, Johnny who is waiting for a chance jumped out from the side to give the bird a heavy strike.

As the bird tried to dodge the strike it lost its balance because of the leg injury.

After falling heavily onto the ground, the fierceness of the animal came out.

Instead of running away, it started attacking Johnny after getting up.

How could Johnny handle it alone? So the remaining members of the group came to help him. Forming a circle around the bird they intent to wear it down.

This tussle continued while Arthur's team is looking for an opportunity to strike again.

The second team which is tasked with killing the small birds got busy immediately after encirclement. Although they managed to circle most of the chicks, some still escaped the encirclement. And the special bird is one of them

After the first arrow rain came, the special bird hid behind the back of the other chicks. And when everyone is focused on the escaping king it snuck past the hunters and entered into the bushes.

Daniel, who is aiming for it from the beginning, saw its movements clearly.

Just as it entered the bushes Daniel shouted to Bell who is at a near distance, "Bell! Birds are escaping to the perimeter! Tell all others to vigilant! I will look for the birds that have escaped the perimeter."

After pushing his job on to Bell, Daniel left the area without even giving a chance for him to speak.

Since everyone is bust, it is the perfect time to sneak away.

Rushing at full speed Daniel managed to catch up with the prey after a few minutes.

'The bird is fast! It might rival the kingbird in speed!' Daniel has to run at his full capacity just to keep up with it.

The bird which is running away is completely oblivious to Daniel following his from distance.

Since it has not seen any being smarter than itself from birth it is very confident that it has cheated those weirdly walking creatures.

After half an hour, just as Daniel is reaching his limits the bird finally slowed down.

'As expected! This cunning thing hid something here! otherwise, it wouldn't rush here just after its nest got hit.' Daniel's hunch came true now.

There are many water sources between here and the nest. So this bird didn't have to come here for quenching the thirst.

And on that day, this bird didn't drink water from the shore but approached the waterfall with the utmost caution, which is very odd.

'What are you hiding here?' Daniel had a thoughtful look on his face.

As the destination reached bird reduced its speed drastically and rushed into hiding after a quick survey of the surroundings.

Daniel also reduced his speed and moved under the shadows of thick trees.

Getting out of hiding the bird approached the waterfall.

After carefully looking around, the bird started to climb onto the rocks just beside the waterfall.

Because of the jumping habit, the bird did not show any discomfort while climbing on the slippery rock.

Daniel who hid behind the rocks is observing every move of the bird.

Finally, after reaching half a distance the bird jumped onto a protracted rock present just at the corner of the waterfall and disappeared from Daniels's field of vision.

Waiting for a few minutes Daniel also approached the waterfall with caution after leaving the shadows.

After Checking his long sword and other equipment Daniel also started climbing the rocks carefully.

Although the slippery surface of the rocks is increasing the workload the cool water vapor surrounding Daniel is re-energizing his tired body and mind.

It took him fifteen minutes to reach the place where the bird disappeared.

Even at this angle, he did not see anything special about the protracted rock.

Taking a shot blade into his hand Daniel took a jump onto the protracted rock.

'It's actually a cave!' Daniel found the place where the bird disappeared after landing on the big protracted rock.

'It's a very good spot for hiding! The rock is covering the view of the entrance from all three sides and the waterfall is covering the last side of the view. With mist all around it's a perfect hiding spot.' Daniel observed the entrance of the cave while being on high alert.

'It seems the noise of my jump is covered by the waterfall' Since there is no response from the inside Daniel approached the entrance slowly.

Daniel is on alert to counter any sneak attacks from the bird or any other animal hiding here.

Because the size of the hole is only enough for a child to go freely Daniel had to move forward uncomfortably.

As the pathway became wider soon after Daniel started walking comfortably.

Although it is dim here, Daniel still is able to see clearly because it is afternoon outside.

At the end of the pathway, Daniel can see a small cave house formed naturally.

Approaching the entrance of the cave house Daniel took a peek inside.

There is actually a bird's nest inside the hall entirely made out of mud and stones. And the bird which came first is sitting in the nest and is busy laying the eggs.

But something else inside the hall immediately caught the attention of Daniel.

'I hit the Jackpot! It's actually an Elixir!' Daniel had a smile after seeing the fruits of his planning.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dark_Castlecreators' thoughts