
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


With the end of spring, the temperature of the atmosphere is gradually increasing.

This morning Daniel just came out of the meditation room after finishing the cultivation routine.

'It's been a week since I sensed the Qi. Although I practiced regularly until the mental exhaustion the breakthrough is nowhere near in sight. Just as expected! It would take me another month to touch the bottleneck.' Daniel shook his head and decided to continue his daily routine.

Just as Daniel is preparing to leave for food Bell came to visit him.

"Brother Daniel, A guy from Johnny's team came to deliver the news to us this morning. He said the hunting is planned two days later. And we were told not to be late as the schedule is very tight." Bell told the news he got in a single breath.

"Did you ask him where the hunting area is?" Daniel wanted to look for general information about the hunting area in the library.

"He didn't tell me where the hunting area is. He just told me the address where the group is to be gathered after two days." Bell shook his head.

'Well! It is understandable! Anyone would want to keep such a place to themselves! Even the messenger himself might not know about the hunting place.' Daniel thought it is normal for Johnny to keep the place a secret until the last minute.

But Daniel is unwilling to step into unknown territory without enough Intel.

Daniel turned to Bell and said, "Bell you go find Johnny and ask him the location of the hunting area. Tell him it will help me in preparation. And assure him on the secrecy."

"Don't worry! I know what you are looking for! I will get the directions to that place as accurately as possible." Bell knows he made a small blunder by letting go of the messenger without asking many details and failing to bring him to Daniel.

So Bell decided to complete the task as fast as possible.

After Bell left, Daniel decided to wait for him before visiting the library.

While he is waiting Lloyd came to join Daniel for lunch. With time at hand, Daniel invited his friend for practice, so both of them picked up the wooden swords for passing the time.

Bell returned after four hours with good news.

"Where is it?" Daniel asked for the address straight away at the first sight of Bell.

"You know our sect is surrounded by forest on the three sides right? According to him, the hunting area is located near a bush garden at the edge of the southern forest." Bell told what he inquired.

"Isn't it dangerous for us to hunt in the forest before reaching the Refining Real?!" Lloyd felt that going there is a bad idea.

"We are not going deep into the forest so it wouldn't be dangerous. The hunting area is located at the perimeter of the forest where monsters rarely laid claim. So I think we would be alright." Bell also had the same reaction as Lloyd when he first heard about it but he became assured after Johnny explained to him in more detail.

"It is dangerous even at the perimeter! Why don't we look for other ways of procuring monster meat?" Lloyd still thought it was not worth putting themselves at risk.

"Did a donkey kick your head! Do you know how much it costs to buy such high amounts of monster meat? And don't forget Daniel already decided on this hunt last week" Bell raised his voice in anger.

Lloyd also raised his voice, "I will ask Daniel he …."

The argument and counterargument between Bell and Lloyd turned into a full-on debate after a few minutes.

With no end in sight, Daniel finally had to step in.

"Enough! The debate on this issue is no longer productive. Whether it is dangerous or not we have to join the hunt. We got no better choice. It is much better to be prepared for unexpected encounters than skipping it altogether." Daniel felt that they are just wasting his time so he reminded them of their true situation.

Lloyd is starting to back down in front of opportunities because of danger which is not good for him.

So Daniel looked at them and said with a smile, "When is cultivation easy? A cultivator is bound to live a dangerous life. We have to fight against all odds to progress in cultivation. Once fear takes root in our heart then our strength will regress rapidly and we will turn to dust in no time."

Although they are simple words Lloyd Bell felt a lot of majesty in those sentences. At this time they saw an image of a Grand Elder in Daniels's shadow.

They felt Daniel's image in their heart grew a little taller.

"Are you guy's listening?!" Daniel called at Lloyd and Bell who are looking at him dumbly.

"Yes! We did pay attention to every word you said." Lloyd and Bell said at the same time.

"Alright! You guys go find your sources to gather more information about the southern forest. But don't be too obvious about it. I don't want anyone snooping around the area later." Daniel gave some suggestions to both of them.

"I am not so dumb to raise their alertness. Don't worry!" Bell assured while Lloyd nodded.

"We will meet tomorrow if possible. But remember to get your medical supplies and hunting equipment separately to avoid any spying eyes." Daniel gave some more instructions to both of them to avoid any future troubles falling onto his way. And both of them agreed to everything.

"Since we decided on this matter. Let's go to lunch I haven't eaten anything yet." Lloyd touched his stomach which is making hunger protests.

"Alright! Let's go!" Daniel is also hungry so he agreed to it.

All three went to lunch but during the return trip Daniel send them away first then he went to visit the library.


The unique thing about the library is, the building is constructed into the underground.

Only three floors are present above the ground which can be accessed by anyone freely.

The rest of the floors present underground are all restricted for unauthorized people.

'There must be other ways to enter the restricted area' Daniel came here many times but the number of times he met outer sect seniors is very few. So he concluded that the library has many entry and exit points.

Daniel went in and joined the line like other juniors and waited for his turn.

'It seems many haven't yet completely understood the Mantra yet. Should I sell copies of notes for money?' Daniel thought of earning some gold.

'No! Not right now! I have to concentrate on entering Refining Realm first. Otherwise, I will fall behind too much.' Daniel shook his head thinking it would waste too much of his valuable time.

After two minutes it is finally his turn.

"Which section do you want to reach?" The librarian lady at the desk asked Daniel while keeping her head down and writing something in the book.

Daniel leaned closer and said in a low voice just to be safe, "I would like to enter the restricted area."

Saying that Daniel took out a pouch holding twenty gold coins and put it on the table leaning towards a blind angle.

The lady lifted her head and took away the pouch in a blink.

After weighing the pouch a smile appeared on her face.

She carefully put it away and turned her face towards Daniel, "Rules speculate that juniors are not allowed in the restricted area. But seeing your dedication I will put my job on the line and sneak you in. Come with me"

Daniel rolled his eyes on her rhetoric but he still followed her silently.

She led him down the staircase and opened an array door at the end with a talisman to let Daniel in.

Daniel had already come here before so he entered the first floor of the restrictive area without any hesitation.

'It hasn't changed a bit' Looking at a few people reading under dim array lights in this huge hall, a familiar feeling came to Daniels's mind.

Daniel went straight for the geography section on this floor and started looking for relevant information on the southern forest area.

After finding the relevant books he took an empty seat at the benches and started reading.

Outside, the sun gradually sunk from over the head into the horizon and after some time it gradually disappeared altogether.

'Finally out! I better eat something first before returning home' Daniel who came out after many hours of continuous reading is really hungry. So he decided to visit the dining hall first before returning home.

It took him more than two hours to complete the dinner and return to his residence.

'The book highlights no real danger at the perimeter of the southern sector. So I just need to take some poison antidotes for emergency and some weapons for self-protection' Daniel made plans for tomorrow and then went to bed after exercise.


Some people want to sell the items they have and some want to buy the items they need. And the place where those two parties meet is called a Market. Markets exist where humans exist.

There are also special markets exclusive for cultivators. And there is one for outer sect disciples also.

This early morning, a Green robed person with a masked face entered the outer sect market.

With the noise of hundreds of people and bargaining shouts the whole place looks similar to a fish market.

The person who is observing the surroundings is actually Daniel who is here to buy a weapon and some supplies for the hunt.

Not only him but almost ninety percent of the people here have some kind of mask around their faces. It is general knowledge here for avoiding unnecessary troubles.

'There are eighty gold coins on me after paying twenty to the librarian lady. It should be enough to buy a good steel sword for me' After touching his bulging pocket Daniel walked on the streets to search for an affordable blacksmith shop.

It took him twenty minutes before finding a suitable blacksmith shop. Daniel went in and started looking for the blacksmith.

But seeing the owner buy with another customer he started observing the weapons put on the display wall.

"Did you draw all the runes on the knife I told you to do?" The Green robed man with snake-like eyes questioned the blacksmith.

"Yes! I did carve every rune you mentioned including the sharpness rune. You can come back if you find anything wrong. So could you pay the remaining money now?" Blacksmith spoke to the person with respect and waited for payment eagerly.

The snake eyes hid the assassin's knife in his robes and threw a small pouch towards the blacksmith.

Blacksmith caught the pouch and took a sneak inside to check the contents.

After the deal is settled the guy turned around and left for the exit.

But just when he crossed the paths, Daniel felt a threat towards his life and the alarm bells started ringing in his mind. So Daniel took a step back to avoid inviting any trouble for himself.

After the snake eye completely left the building the Blacksmith put out a sigh of relief.

'That guy must be a cultivator of Middle Stage of Refining realm.' Daniel has been around many Refining Realm cultivators so he can approximately gauge the realm of a cultivator from the pressure they release.

Although the pressure released by that guy is not as strong as Rosina's, it is definitely stronger than a cultivator of Early Stage of the Refining Realm. Of course, if he is intentionally holding back the pressure then nothing could be said.

Daniel shook his head and went to Blacksmith to ask for a good steel sword.

This shop deals with both Gold and Spirit stones as mentioned in the advertising board. So Daniel had no problem in buying a good steel sword after paying a hefty price.

'I paid fifty gold for this sword. The remaining money should be enough to buy medicines and antiseptics.' Daniel started looking for important supplies after hooking the blade to his belt.

It was Evening by the time Daniel returned to his residence. Putting away the supplies he went to bath first.

'I should thank that assaying guy. Otherwise, I had to borrow money from others this time.' Daniel laughed a little when he thought of the kid from the eagle nose guy group.

Looking at the sunset Daniel leaned back to his chair, "I am ready for my first hunt. It better end well"

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