
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

New World

This is a big world filled with insurmountable mountains, unexplorable forests, and unnavigable oceans. The dimensions of the world are unscientific, to say the least. Here also exist terrifying powers that are wielded by humans, monsters, plants, and all.

With the sun going down the west, the night has already descended onto the forest.

Here in the middle of the forest on the rugged and muddy road, there are a dozen horse carriages parked to the side.

A section of grassland to the side was cleared for camping while the rest was left for grazing.

At this time nearly seventy teenagers aged 12 to 15 years are busy looking locations and setting up tents for resting.

The job of guarding these little warriors fell on to dozen middle-aged men dressed in steel armor. Oddly though, these strong-looking men are taking orders from two youngsters who are wearing loose robes and are with attitude. These two youngsters who wore richly embroidered clothes must have extraordinary status.

"Alright, half of you pick up the torches and start patrolling the surrounding area. If any wild animal crosses the perimeter kill it immediately. Remember you are only allowed to call us if there is a monster attack. Do you understand?" one youngster with Green hair and Black eyes started issuing orders in a condescending tone to the armed middle-aged-looking men.

"Senior Jeff, you can be assured, I will allocate capable men to secure the surroundings and avoid any disturbance." The tall burly man of the bunch who is acting as leader answered the youngster giving orders with a proper salute.

"I trust your strength and skill Mark but the rest of the bunch are cannon fodder at best." When Jeff saw respect and fear in others' eyes his expression eased a little. But he still poked the rest for their weak strength.

"Anyway three of the rest will go hunt some game for food and the rest will keep a watch on the carriages. If the drivers or caretakers play some idea on the horses and carriages then give them a good beating" Jeff continued with the orders until work is allocated to all of them.

Mark and others couldn't raise any questions nor are they qualified to do so. By the time they raised their heads all they saw was the distant shadow of the two youngsters.

Mark delayed no further and immediately started assigning qualified people to specific jobs while he overtook the important job of watching the kids. With dense forest all around, the danger will be lurking at every corner so it is imperative to have someone at guard near the kids.

But Mark did not walk in the direction of camp after sending everyone away but he took a detour.

'If the kid dies then I must get testimony from senior Jeff otherwise next few months will be tight' Mark moved to the last carriage by the time he thought of countermeasures.

Looking through the window there's is red-haired teenager resting on the floor without blankets. There is a bandied on his head with redness seeping outside the edges.

"Hey! kid get up! If you are late, food will be gone", with a loud shout Mark tried to wake the passed-out teenager.

'Who is shouting so loudly and why is my head hurting so badly!?' This is Daniel's first thought upon waking.

He opened his eyes with great difficulty and started surveying his surrounding for clarity. What filled his vision were crooked sealing, leather stitched benches, and a polished floor that are all made of some unknown wood.

The seconds passed but the confused mind failed to process this simple data.

People will get irritated if their calls are ignored and more trouble will follow if they are more powerful than you.

"Kid don't play dumb. You got 30 minutes to get out and pitch your tent or you will be sleeping on the cold floor" Mart left to camping area after leaving those cold words

Those angry words were like a reset to someone else.

With the world spinning, two memories one complete and the other broken get bombarded into the teenager's mind. The fusing memory also brought unbearable pain and confusion. The feeling of having needles injected into every single nerve of the brain is really hard to describe. Daniel never felt such a pain in his entire life. Clenching his teeth and focusing on fresh memories to numb his pain is the best he could do at this time.

Each passing second was like a year. Finally, after a few minutes, the pain subsided and all the senses gradually returned.

"Is this Reincarnation!?"There is no way a disintegrated body can be regenerated. So the present situation can only be attributed to the transfer of soul.

Furthermore, a coffin in the 21st century will be more luxurious than this carriage.

'The best action now is to organize the new memories thoroughly and avoid suspicions of others', after thinking this Daniel sat cross-legged and got to work. Some time passed as he gained few insights about his body and this world.

This world has a very long history and records go back to tens of thousands of years. But the technological evolution is presently stuck in the medieval period which is very odd.

The most important point however is the existence of extraordinary and supernatural powers in this world. And the humans who wield these powers are titled 'Martial Artists'.

From vague memories, Daniel concluded that Martial artists are the mainstream of this world and they have a final say in everything.

Also, Martial Artists of the very high realm seemed capable of living thousands of years and this got Daniel very excited. A smile appeared on his face when he confirmed the fact that, the body he occupied tested to have good qualifications and he is on his way to join a sect.

"Hey! Daniel are you awake?" At this time carriage door got opened and a Blonde-haired, Brown-eyed teenager got into the carriage.

The kid has thick eyebrows, a large nose, and his long hair tied like a ponytail. Even though he is wearing leather armor with a long sword, the outline of his muscular body is still visible. He is a typical handsome European guy to who girls get attached.

Daniel remembered this guy after a moment of thought. This is his good friend 'Lloyd' from the same town as him. Both have an ancestor who was a high-ranking Martial Artist which led to the change in their hair color but with their deaths, both families have fallen from prestige a hundred years ago. Having little to no qualification to practice Martial Arts among the following generations led to seizer of all properties in passing time.

At present, Daniel and Lloyd are just rich kids from a prosperous town and have no strong family background. This is why both decided to stick together in this journey and help each other in case of trouble. But someone broke the promise as real Daniel died on the hard floor of the carriage.

"My friend Lloyd would you mind explaining how I got seriously hurt and the reason I am healing here alone without any warmth" Daniel looked straight into Lloyd's eyes and asked the questions that were bugging him.

A good friend will take care of you in case of a serious injury much less a childhood friend. If the alibi is not strong then it is better to end this partnership and keep it to a cordial one.

Under Daniels's penetrating glare Lloyd felt very uncomfortable, so he quickly started explaining what happened before, "Who told you to talk to the goddess of their group and much worse trying to get close to her. Jasmine is the red apple in many people's eyes and you became a target because of jealousy. I warned you …"

"Enough lecturing! just tell me the crux of the issue" with the headache bringing pain one wave after another, Daniel lost patience with this friend.

Lloyd is a little unhappy with this but he continued. "When you are busy playing servant for Jasmine, Luther got his followers to teach you a hard lesson. Last night when we were camping you went to the toilet at a late hour and didn't return. It was the patrol team that picked you up and helped you. The likely hood of them ambushing you and leaving you to die is very high"

Daniel got the profile of the two fellow travelers from the broken memories.

'Martin Luther' is from a well-established Martial family unlike Lloyd and his family name is 'Martin'. He has violet hair and violet eyes which are in stark contrast to the Black eyes many people have. The well-toned body without bulging muscles makes him popular in all groups of women.

'Skyfall Jasmine' has a similar background as Luther and her family seems to have a high influence in the city where she came from. With Blue color hair, and mesmerizing Blue color eyes, and pale white skin, the posture is similar to the Greek demigod. Beauty aside she is not a simple character.

Daniel has red hair, a sharp nose, and brown sharp eyes. Having exercised since childhood his body muscles are finely tuned and he is tall for his age. Wearing leather armor he looks handsome. Also, the body has a similar name as the previous one.

But being handsome is not enough to get attention from a girl like Jasmine. That was a trap and the overly excited teenager couldn't see it. Her being absent during the last 26 hours further affirms this thought.

"Since I am half dead! then tell me why my body is left to freeze in cold" Daniel continued his interrogation with a cold look

Lloyd raised his voice, "what can I do! That guy Luther threatens to cancel my admission into the sect if I helped you. Presently they are busy, so I sneaked out at the first chance to check up on you"

Following his words Lloyd showed the blankets he bought, also took out healing medicine from his pocket.

With ins and outs are clear, it is time to focus on splitting pain from his head. Closing the eyes the entire concentration is focused on the gap between eyebrows where the pain is immense.

When Daniel started meditation and stopped asking for accountability, Lloyd breath a sigh of relief.

"You can meditate peacefully and return to camp at your leisure. As an apology, I will set up a tent for free and pick your portion of food if necessary" After a self-declaration, Lloyd put the healing medicine on the seat and escaped from the carriage.

Daniel paid no attention to his friend's fiasco because he found the reason for his splitting headache and this gave him no small surprise.