
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Early Stage of Refining Realm

'It's time for the main event!' Daniel felt a strong suction force coming from his mind and the next second he lost contact with his physical body altogether.

Daniel is still calm after losing contact with the materialistic world because he knows it is all a part of Breakthrough.

'I am here again!' Looking at his soul and Chaos Stone floating in front of him, Daniel affirmed he is in his sea of consciousness.

After Daniel came here, the entire pitch-black world shook heavily as if signaling some change.

Millions of blue droplets that look like gems emerged from all over the void and started gathering together.

The spinning whirlpool turned gigantic in a matter of minutes sucking away every single droplet. To the end, what's left under the soul is a small pond filled with blue liquid.

Next, as if someone painting on a black screen with a blue brush the entire void above the head is replaced by blue sky.

Daniel felt the Blue pond below and the Blue sky above brought some life to this place.

'This must be my Spirit Power or Soul Power!' Checking the crystal clear Blue Water below Daniel nodded his head. He confirmed that there is no spiritual pollution because of his rebirth.

Just as he is observing this new world carefully an unknown force hits him. This force is compelling him to recite the 'Ascension Mantra' which he practiced.

Although he could easily break free from the force but he knows only an idiot would do that.

'Didn't Johnny say the compelling force will be very strong? Why do I perceive it as a very weak force now?' Daniel is also waiting for this push to complete the breakthrough but he has doubts now.

Pushing his doubts aside, Daniel started to recite the Mantra with the utmost attention.

Following the chant, many complex asymmetric symbols started materializing in the soul consciousness.

One by one after appearing they started revolving around the golden ball which is the Daniels soul.

After many rotations, all golden characters got stacked together one after the other to form a more complex structure.

A few minutes passed before an 'Array Model' started appearing in front of Daniel.

"This must be the 'Array Model of Refining realm'! With this, I have completed my Breakthrough!" Looking at the newly formed golden structure Daniel heaves a sigh of relief.

Just when he thought of declaring his Ascension, the 'Chaos Stone' present in his consciousness started buzzing like crazy. Daniel approaches the Stone to press his will on it but the results are not positive.

Within a few seconds, the Array Model also stated vibrating in response.

'What's going on here?! Why is Chaos Stone showing such activity?' Daniel's thoughts are running fast for solutions.

When they both got into synchronization the entire conscious world also started vibrating with them.

While Daniel is observing every unknown change a little anxiously, a dazzling light came from the 'Chaos Stone' covering the entire world.

Under that blazing light, the 'Array Model' got broken down completely right before his eyes.

In the next few minutes, the original characters become more complex, and many more new characters were derived out of thin air without doing anything.

The old characters and the new characters are all getting together like before to form a new 'Array Model'.

This new structure is double in overall size and more complex than the old one. Now only a close observation can provide any sort of resemblance to the old structure.

Some tremendous changes also took place under Daniel's soul.

Under the same influence, the spirit power also increased exponentially to become the size of a lake from a small pond.

'My spirit power also increased by such a large magnitude! It's almost five times the original amount! It is surreal for a cultivator of Early Refining Realm to have so much spirit power!' Daniel is also a little surprised by such a vast increase in spiritual power.

'Good thing is every change here seems to be helping me in building a better foundation' Knowing the cause and effect Daniel let go of his anxiousness.

Just when he thought there will be no more surprises, Daniel felt some signals coming from the physical body.

Immediately after exiting the sea of consciousness, Daniel noticed some changes happening in his body.

Crystallization of meridians which got stagnated at 10% started showing progress surprisingly.

In a noticeable way the process picked up the pace and the crystallization of meridians reached a new high level in a few minutes.

With such speed of crystallization, the Qi is also getting consumed at an alarming rate.

Daniel also felt the urgency, so he started eating all the jerky without chewing at all. But he still couldn't support the high rate of consumption.

With no better choice, Daniel took the Jade box with a decisive look and started eating the White Clovers one by one giving some interval in between

This satisfied the Qi required by the body.

'It was a right decision to bring them here.' Daniel felt lucky to have this elixir for fulfilling his need.

On one hand, Daniel holds normal bird jerky and on the other hand, he holds the petal of flowers to eat when needed.

'The Qi consumed the second time is ten times the total amount absorbed in the entire last month.' Daniel could guess why he is in such a pinch.

The meridians are also materializing at an alarming rate that is never seen before.

After more than half an hour, when Daniel almost ate away all the precious things in his arsenal, the crystallization finally started slowing down.

'Almost got sucked dry!' Daniel heaved a sigh of relief after looking at the empty boxes all around him.

When the crystallization is completely stopped, the Qi levels in the body are dangerously low.

After opening the sea on consciousness successfully, Daniel could finally see what's going on inside his body.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is good! Very good!" Daniel laughed loudly for the first time in happiness after observing all the amazing changes that have taken place in his body.

Of course, he will be happy because at this time more than 20% of meridians have been materialized in his body. This is an unprecedented event for any cultivator.

There was never been a case like this before in the entire history of the cultivation world.

This is a perfect foundation that can only be dreamt of but never is achieved.

Observing the complex root structure shining in dim white light Daniel had a touch of fondness for it.

Daniel looked at it many times and spent a few minutes enjoying its beauty, 'I can spend a decade just looking at this!'

Moving his focus from the root structure Daniel started observing the internal organs of the body.

This is an entirely new way of seeing things inside his body. Every muscle, Tissue, and bone is visible in a three-dimensional view.

For the next hour, Daniel carefully checked all corners of the body for any damages.

In his body, Daniel found some blocked blood vessels and some damaged muscle tissues in his arms and legs.

When Daniel opened his eyes, a faint light flashed in his eyes for a second before disappearing.

At this time his entire body is devoid of any Qi and is also very weak physically.

Forget about fighting Daniel found it is difficult to even stay in the mediation posture.

But there is a big smile on Daniels's face.

'Finally succeeded! I am a true cultivator now! A cultivator of Refining Realm!' Daniel declared his first step towards hegemony to the world with a clenched fist and a big smile.

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