

Someone's trying to run away from the possibilities of love. Will she ever find happiness and the feeling of warmth she's been yearning for?

Musicatlava · Urban
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19 Chs


"Don't you have work today, 'nak?" in a calm, gentle voice, Mrs. Anthea Fajardo asked his son who is still suffering from the hungover due to last night's session. She decided she'll have to go down and cook some hung-over soup for her son.

"We're still on vacation terms, Ma. Probably will be back two weeks before school starts on September." Rubbing his creased forehead to ease the ache, he suddenly remembered. "Oh, wait... Nope. The admin only gave me three days vacation leave. There's a lot of things to do at the university."

His mom smiled at him. "Don't overwork yourself. All work, no play makes Joshua dull." She knows that even if sometimes he acts like a spoiled child, he is still has many things she can be proud of. His son is a hard working person, dedicated, spiritually and morally driven, loyal, independent, dependable, trustworthy and respectful. She's no longer young. If ever it'll be her time to go, she can be at ease leaving this world, for she is certain that his eldest son would be able to handle matters in the family himself. He is just like his father.

Joshua laughed upon hearing it. "Sure mom, you know me. I excel in my field of work." His mom sure knows how to joke around, though timid and gentle by nature. One should not judge the covers. "Don't get ahead of yourself, 'nak. You've got more bumpy roads to take. Life's not easy, you know. Moreover, wherever you are or what you have become, either someone high in society or not, always remain rooted to the ground. God blesses those who humbles themselves often. At the same time, let none bullies you."

"Noted." The throbbing pain in his temples subsided after hearing his mom say those words of wisdom. He hopes to see his mom happy all the time. Maybe someday, he'll find a person just like his gentle mom.

Turning to take her leave, she added, "Take a bath first, Josh; come down later for your hung-over medicine and breakfast." His mom went downstairs.

"Okay, Ma." Joshua took his phone out from his side pocket and checked the time. It was nine in the morning. He stood up and began his morning rituals.

The next day, Kenny was up late in the morning. This is her routine: sleep late, wake up late. The routine that is difficult to change. She felt her body ached all over. This experience is not new to her. She is as dull as Maria, and needs to learn how to play more often, in literal sense. She's getting heavier, and worst, she's not getting younger anymore, and sleeping late, according to research, causes fatigue, memory loss, and many more.

She lazily fixed her bed before going down. She's not surprised that the house is in a topsy-turvy state. This has been her job, fixing and cleaning the mess in the house. The people here are not helping out...either. Her mother's always busy; her dad's not the neat-loving type, plus, he's always out because of work; her sister, the widely-known at home as the notorious messy person (yes, in super literal sense), went to her classes; her younger brother's out again, not even preparing for school as his classes starts at one in the afternoon. All the job at taking care of the house goes to her. There are times when she really felt bad about it, thinking, 'Am I even their maid?'

House chores has been the fuel to the fire for Kenny and her siblings. They have never come to terms with this dilemma, since when they were kids. She began to accept the fact that she's on her own now.

Right after breakfast, she went to the living room and lazed around for a while. After which she'll start cleaning.

Kenny went upstairs, looking for her planner, where she lists all the things she'll have to do for the whole day. Going over it, she was overwhelmed with how many she'll do today, not to mention she need to sleep in the afternoon for charging herself, sketching, painting, and drafting her novel's next chapter.

While she's at it, she heard their telephone ring. She picked it up. "Hello, who's this?" she asked, bored. "Kenny, this is mom." The other side of the line answered. "Do me a favor. Wash my clothes. I placed it in the laundry basket near the stairs." Her mom gave her additional errands. She continued, "I will be using some of it tomorrow. Make sure you hang it properly. Okay?" Upon hearing what her mom said, she hurriedly declined. "Mom, I still have to clean up the mess in this house, and then you are asking me to do laundry for you? I still haven't even wa--" she wasn't able to continue when her mom cut her off. She was going to say that she haven't washed her own clothes, too. "You're just at home doing nothing. Just wash it now. Thanks, Anak!" The person on the other line hung up. She was rendered speechless. Dismayed at how her mom thinks of her, she put the phone back.

"Geezuz! My mom's blind!" She exclaimed. "Why can't they even recognize my efforts to make this house clean all the time?" She wanted to call her mom back, but she dropped the thought. Is this how it feels to be a maid without pay? Grunting, she moved her ass and started cleaning. This can't continue anymore. She has to do something.

By the time her family arrived, Kenny already tidied the house: washed the dishes, mopped the floor, dust off the furniture and cooked rice. The task her mom gave her was also done in a jiffy. The clothes are now hanging at the clothesline, still wet.

"Mom, I think I need to look for a job." Kenny told her mom when she arrived from work. She can't stand it anymore--everything! She's not happy anymore, nor enjoying her life. If this continues, it'll only gobble up her self-esteem more, her mental health and people might look down upon her if they knew her situation. She can't stand it.

"Oh, okay. That's good. Just make sure that the work you're going to apply will not let you sign a contract. Remember, you still have to process your papers for a Public School teacher position by next year." Kenny felt the pressure arising.

Kenny sighed, feeling anxious. Her fears are starting to show up, running through her mind, making her to overthink.

Now, the real question is: 'Am I really up for this?'