
Marrying Mr. PRESIDENT

'She is the Chess piece' "Rebirth happens after an accident which is not in chapter 1..." "Reborn; A second chance to live again but knowing she is the calamity, is it worth it?" Su You Qing who had traveled back to her birth country on an important mission, gets involved in an accident and realizes, she has gone through rebirth. Lying on the hospital bed crippled, wonders if she had any right to be reborn... Knowing how her past life had ended tragically, she is afraid of having the same end knowing all along, she was only a chess piece. Would she be able to change the outcome of the present? But she needed to alias with the President, how would she gain his trust, above all his love? She had one life to repay him for the miseries she had made him go through but she knew even if she had a million lives, she would never be able to. Crippled, pregnant, and in a foreign territory, what path would she choose to have for herself? ............sneak peak........... She stretched her hands out waving, if only she could see for the last time how beautiful the sky was. "Yeah I know, it's my fault to have gotten obsessed with you, after losing everyone and everything, I'm still here by your side... How funny and comical..." He muttered chuckling with sadness, he had lost his sanity because of her, and because of her, he had lost everything ever held dear in his life, was it worth it? "Hahaha, Feng Ying Xie... You better live well and never be that stupid again... When it's time to let go, then do so..." She closed her eyes and could only feel the breeze with her hands since her eyes were deemed useless. She could feel her body paralyzing from the down part heading to her upper body, she knew, it was a dead end for her, and her time was up. "You Qing, if only you had trusted me, all this wouldn't have happened, we could have gotten through all this but you chose to betray me over and over... I forgave you all the time, but still, I was unable to get your heart... You are really cold and selfish..." He slightly smirked, life was really funny, for this one woman, he had lost himself. "Hahaha, Feng Ying Xie, next time don't love women, some of us won't reciprocate it..." She sarcastically mumbled. " Su You Qing, tell me... Was your love for Feng Ying Long so great that you wouldn't spare me even a thought? Didn't I deserve even just a small portion of your heart?" He still couldn't believe that her love belonged to his son Feng Ying Long. "Feng Ying Xie, you killed him! You took his life because of your possessiveness, how could you be that cold?" Up until now, she couldn't believe he had done it. "I never killed him, he requested me to do it, he couldn't suffer any longer, no matter how high or low we navigated, we couldn't get the cure... Do you think I wanted to see him suffer? I was his father for God's sake, but you never believed my words, Su You Qing you went berserk for him... How could I watch the woman I love be entangled with my son? Su You Qing... If it were you, what would you have done?" Every time he recalls his son, tears would roll down his cheeks. "Live well...." She softly mumbled while withdrawing her hands and they fell onto the sides. "Su You Qing..." He called her name but didn't get any response, he crawled over to her side and dragged her into his arms. "Su You Qing, talk to me..." He nervously mumbled shaking her but the person had already fallen unconscious. ***Cover doesn't belong to me, credit goes to the owner...** This novel is writing under the rebirth idea and second life...

Kim_Li_0078 · Urban
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121 Chs

Chapter 5; I have missed you........

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Su You Qing picked up several flowers that were wine red roses and pink before holding them in her palm and approached the White House police officers who tied them together for her, and they gave it back to her, she held the huge bouquet in her arms and walked over to the reception.

It was filled with people of different dignitaries, from the government, royal families, and other big families in the country, it seemed to be a huge affair and everyone was ready to witness her engagement.

"I'm here..." she inwardly mumbled exhaling loudly and watching her steps, on of her hand holding the down part of the gown, while she fixed the bouquet in her armpit and supported by the empty hand.

She confidently walked over into the garden with her flowers, from a distance, she could see her family members that were busy taking chances to make several connections with bigger companies and people at the parties, this has always been solely the only reason they would attend such kinds of parties, it was an honor.

With her entrance, everyone turned around to gaze at her as she walked around aimlessly, men were lured by her beauty and women couldn't stop feeling jealous. Her feeble body strolled around weakly as she smiled at everyone who was gazing at her.

"She became the centre of attraction, everyone stopped what they were doing, and turned their gazes at her.

Walking through the aisle, Feng Ying Long finally beheld the sight of the woman he has been waiting for, he hurriedly strode over to her smiling warmly, they were of the same age group with just a difference of two years.

"Qing Qing... You are back... Welcome home..." He gazed at her warmly while approaching her, Su You Qing halted in her footsteps and gazed in the direction the voice came from and eyed the handsome man in front of her.

He was handsome and all the women wished to get engaged to him but to her, she preferred mature men, and more so now that she wanted someone powerful.

"Mnnhh..." She took a step forward and intimately hugged him tightly knowing he couldn't take the first step so she went for it, he was surprised but he hugged her back calming down, but he didn't know Su You Qing was just acting in the presence of the audience.

After a few minutes of hugging, she let go and gave him the huge bouquet of flowers, "Flowers for my most handsome fiancee..." Her face was smiling but deep down, it seemed like her boiling hatred was devouring her from the inside little by little threatening to erupt.

"Thank you dear one, but this should have been my work, sorry for being inattentive..." He couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as he gently pinched her soft cheeks that were blushing, and the entire audience present could tell that they loved and cared about each other deeply with that little intimate gesture.

"It's okay, it doesn't make any difference, the most important thing is the meaning behind it..." She politely excused his behavior stopping him from feeling guilty. But this was a part of her plans.

"Okay... Thank you for coming over..." They intertwined their arms walking around toasting to their guest.

"Su You Qing, you are a beautiful woman and I could say, Feng Ying Long is really lucky to have you..." They toasted Feng Ying Long's uncle who praised and complimented her looks and everyone was in synch with him, she was truly a beauty.

"Thank you, Uncle, I'm flattered...." She sweetly mouthed smiling, before turning around and gazing at Feng Ying Long with her warm and alluring eyes.

"Thank you for coming over to witness this day for me Uncle..." Feng Ying Long toasted to his uncle before moving to the other empty side, he might be smiling but deep down, he didn't like how men were gawking at his woman, those eyes were more than appreciation and admiration.

"Thank you for coming..." He hugged her in relief as he passed the flowers to the police officers who were walking around patrolling.

"Hehehe, of course, I was to come, I wouldn't let you down..." She pecked his cheek as they gazed at each other adorably.

She might have adored him while growing up but at the moment she knew his family was involved in her mother's death, that likeliness and adoration was instantly replaced with hate.

Her beautiful face had already learned to mask her true feelings and no one knew exactly what she was calculating about.

"I have missed you... I can still recall the several times we spent time together playing around, I had promised you when I grow up, I will marry you... Here we are..." He pecked his hand intimately, he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt. He looked just the same as the boy who had promised her marriage.

"Hahaha, you still do remember..." She softly giggled blushing, she wiggled his arm around shying. Feng Ying Long ruffled her hair sweetly.

"Let's go on toasting my dear...." He intertwined their arms and strode away toasting and welcoming the guests, some of the guests were envious of their relationship and others were jealous.

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"Master, they are together now toasting to the guests...." Secretary Lin immediately reported once he got the news and even the pictures of them, they looked sweet together.

" Oohh, how are they? Looking harmonious or pretending?" He stood up and strode over to the closet to get changed. He knew his son hadn't seen that woman for more than ten years and they must be awkward facing each other for the first time.