
Chapter 6; What brings you over Miss Su?

" Oohh, how are they? Looking harmonious or pretending?" He stood up and strode over to the closet to get changed. He knew his son hadn't seen that woman for more than ten years and they must be awkward facing each other for the very first time.

He was still in his pyjamas and hadn't gone down to welcome the guests yet, he was waiting for the perfect time to make his appearance and this was the moment he has been waiting for.

"Yeah, they look like a couple that has been in marriage for years... They look sweet and beautiful... A century-old couple..." Everyone could tell how beautiful the couple looked and their natural smiles towards each other were alluring.

He walked over closer and showed him the several pictures that were taken, he scrutinized that smile and he as a man could tell the woman was beautiful, but beneath that, he could see a scheming woman.

"Okay...." He hummed as he began going through the closet looking for a perfect suit that was perfect for gracing the stage. it was his son's day, he needed to look presentable.

Secretary Lin eyed him before perusing through the pictures carefully, most people didn't know how Su You Qing came to be since her genes were totally different.

"Mr President, is she a foreigner?" He eyed the pictures closely, those ocean blue eyes never existed in Chinese heritage, and her figure and face were totally different from Chinese women.

"Kind of, her mother is a foreigner, a Spanish, so, she must have taken after her mother..." He hummed eying him, actually very few people knew the Su family's secrets since it has been years since she passed away, and no one knew where she has been buried.

"A foreigner? Is she a love child?" He queried curiously, if she was a foreigner, how did she come across Su You Qing's father, he couldn't stop his mind from overthinking.

"We will talk about it later, I want you to check out in the customs and know how she checked in, as a citizen or as a foreigner?" He dismissed him as he went around to find something for himself to wear.

_ _ _ _ _ _

After having had enough toasts, they stood in a corner away from people, "Dear, can you take me to see your dad? I have something to talk to him about..." She sweetly smiled with a glass of red wine in her palm as she gently swirled it playing around with it.

If she walked over to the White House by herself, she would be stopped before even getting closer to the entrance door by the White House Police Force that was all around patrolling.

She could only use him as a stepping stone to get her plans to progress. With the way she behaved so intimately, Feng Ying Long was convinced that she had truly accepted him as her husband, so seeing his father didn't bother him.

"It's okay dear, from now onwards, he is your dad too..." He gently flickered the tip of her nose while moving in the direction of the entrance door leaving the garden behind them.

"Young Master..." The White House Police Force stopped them at the door eying her with their arms stretched out, without an official title, she wasn't supposed to walk into the house.

"What? She is my fiancee and don't look down on her because I know that's what exactly you all are doing..." He glared at them and they stepped aside letting them walk in with their heads bowed, she was still holding the glass of wine.

"Dear, don't mind them, they are following the House protocols... " He ruffled her hair trying to soothe her emotions just in case she felt bad.

"Hehe, it's okay... I understand that they are doing their job, thank you Ah Long...." She lightly pinched his waist walking into the huge mansion while they sweetly giggled.

"You are the best...." He liked her kindness and the open-minded person she was, she was very understanding too.

"Thank you...." She giggled and sweetly smiled at him.

They took the left-hand side and walked through the hallway to the further end before taking the stairs up to the second floor, the secretary had already been notified of their movements and plans to see the president. He walked over to the door.

"Young Master Feng Ying Long...." He opened the door and gazed at them as they stood side by side all beautiful. A century-old couple.

"She wants to talk to Dad, so let her in..." He didn't think much thus he could do anything Su You Qing requested him to, she played around with his left hand while eying Secretary Lin, her face full of smiles and her eyes were innocent.

"But Young Master...."

"Let them in..." A chilly voice cut them short from inside the room, Feng Ying Long held the Secretary's shoulders dragging him out of the room and Su You Qing got inside silently locking the door.

"What brings you over here Miss Su?" His voice was cold as he went through the huge closet looking for a suitable suit to wear, Su You Qing softly smirked before pouring some wine onto the white dress where she had sprayed the perfume causing it to mix up.

The perfume was an aphrodisiac and the moment it intermixed with wine it would immediately turn into a strong aphrodisiac, she slightly swayed over to his side weakly.

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