
Married to the Prince of Darkness

After princess Nardin was married off to Prince Liam who was rumored to be a devil, she has to struggle amidst all odds to survive. Meanwhile, the devil, Liam was starting to fall in love with her and love was the only weapon to bring him down. Can Nardin save her devil husband or will she be the death of him? Cover Image from Pinterest.

Rita_Chioma_9038 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


I noticed someone was throwing pebbles at the window to get attention and when I looked out through the window it was Edward. He started to climb the wall to make his way to me. I looked back and around to make sure Liam was not coming out yet before I spoke.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered as Edward came up to my window.

"I'm here to see you." Edward responded.

"You can't be here. Ed, how did u even get into the compound?"

"Does it matter?"

"Listen, Ed, my husband will be out here in just a few seconds so please you really must go." I pleaded with him.

"I'm not going without talking with you." He responded.

"We can't talk here..."

"Then promise you'll come to see me." He said.

"I can't," I responded.

"Why? Because you're married to the king of Akalon?" He said.

"I'm not married to the king. Edward, you must go now please." It already seemed like Liam was making his way out.

"Promise you'll come to see me and I'll leave."

"Okay fine. I promise. Please can you leave? Now?" I whispered as I looked back and forth.

Just then Liam made his way out. He glared at me before he spoke.

"I'm not coming back tonight." He said and walked out.

I wanted to ask him where he was going but I was scared he'd find out Edward was there so I ignored him so he'll leave quickly.

When I looked back to the window, Edward was already down. He blew me a kiss before he left.

That same night, I was lying in my bed when I saw a paper kite fly in through the window. I got out of my bed and looked through the window but I didn't see anyone. I then unfolded the paper which read 'meet me in the garden closest to the palace at midnight. Don't be late. Love Eddy'

I sighed. I really did not want to see Edward but maybe I just had to to make things clear to him.

At midnight I put on my cloak against my long gown and covered my head with the hood. I knew what I was about to do was very dangerous but I had to.

I left without any horse. I walked to our meeting place to find Edward waiting.

"You're late my love." He said stroking my cheek.

"Stop it, Edward." I said as I pushed off his hand as he chuckled.

"Edward! What are you even doing here in Akalon?" I asked.

"Wow. So now you don't want to set your eyes on me?" Edward said.

"It's not that Ed, you know you can't be here." I tried to convince Edward to leave but he paid deaf ears.

"I loved you, Nardin, very much and I thought you loved me back. I thought we had a thing going on, I was going to make you my wife." Edward said in bitterness.

"You're wrong, I loved you and I wanted to be your wife but things turned out ugly," I explained.

"Ugly." Edward scoffs "Nardin if you loved me please come to somewhere out of Akalon with me so we can talk."

I hesitated before I spoke "I can't... even if I want to. I'm married now Ed, and you need to come to terms with it." I said.

"Of course... You know it's all my fault. I was really stupid to ever believe you'd be mine forever. After all, I'm no king, I'm not even wealthy and all you royalties ever want is more wealth and power."

"How dare you think that of me? You know that could never be my big problem." I said.

"Then why couldn't you ever tell your father about me? Why didn't you just say no to that marriage? You could have just told your mother and father you already had a husband." Edward started to raise his voice at me but I hushed him.

"I had a boyfriend, not a husband, and Ed that's not how it works. I can't just wake up and decide I have a husband. I'm a princess and I have a duty, you know this."

Edward's expression fell and he looked broken.

"Of course. I thought so highly of myself, of what I was and meant to you. Nardin, did you ever love me?" He asked looking into my eyes probably in search of the truth.

"Yes, Ed. And it was my wish to be in your arms forever." I responded looking back into his eyes.

"Then let me grant your wish, my love." Edward said seductively and took a step that got rid of the gap between us. He then put his hands on my cheek without breaking our gaze at each other. He then gently rubbed my lips soothing them softly.

"Ed," I whispered and he started to bring his lips close to mine, leaning in for a kiss.

I almost got carried away but I was cautious of the fact that I'm married now, even if my husband never acknowledged me so I quickly broke out from his hold.

"I'm married now. I can't do this." I said.

Ed looked at me in pain and disappointment without saying a word. He was broken but I obviously can't do anything to help him so I slowly turned away from him and left while he stood there looking so defeated.

I secretly sneaked back into the palace and to my room hoping no one saw me.

The next morning, I was woken up by a maid who helped me apply scented oil on my body after I had my bath. She also styled my hair beautifully but not as beautifully as Irene my maid at home did. I miss her, I really do.

After she got me ready for the day I majestically walked into the courtroom. The aura seemed strange. All of the maids and guards were all standing there including the one who just helped me get dressed as the king addressed them

"....and if I ever find out one of you is responsible, I will have you hanged." He ended his address.

"Good morning your majesty." I bowed as I greeted the king and queen.

"Good morning princess Nardin. I trust you had a good night." King Albert said.

"Yes, I did." I responded and then looked at the servants "your majesty, is everything okay?" I asked.

"For now yes, but without taking good precautions things might go wrong." The queen said.

"We suspect there is a traitor in our midst." The king added.

"A traitor? Why would you think that?" I asked in surprise.

"One of the maids saw someone covered in hood leave the palace last night." The queen said.

As soon as she said this my heart started to beat fast.

"Oh, really?" I asked trying to fight the fright which was possibly written on my forehead.

"Yes, but she couldn't see the face. I'm sure that person is one of us." The queen said.

"Maybe. Bu... B.... But maybe the person is no traitor. L... Le... Let's not just assume, you know assumptions may be wrong." I stuttered. Shit, why am I stuttering?

Queen Charlotte stared at me for some seconds before she dismissed the servants "you may leave now. All of you." She said and they bowed and left one after the other.

When the last servant exited the room, queen Charlotte turned to me.

"Have you been selling us out to your father?" She asked me.

"What?! No way your majesty. I'm not even close with him." I responded.

"But you know about the trait don't you?"

"I don't." I replied in a shaky voice.

"Charlotte? Let her be." The king said but the queen would not just listen.

"No Albert. She knows something. She was defending the traitor just seconds ago." Then she gazed into my eyes "don't you dare lie to your queen Nardin. You are hiding something, I can see it in your eyes." She insisted.

Well, queen Charlotte was not going to let me be so I had to lie.

"Well yes, it was me. I left the palace because I followed your son." I said building up all the courage I could.

I'm sure queen Charlotte would not want to discuss prince Liam in the presence of king Albert so this should be the perfect getaway for me or maybe not.

"Your husband?" King Albert said in surprise...