
Chapter 4

Williams stood rooted to the spot till Kendra's head disappeared from his sight. He ended the press conference to continue with other important company affairs.

Kendra carried this happy and carefree nature around her making it easy for people to like her. Her father was in the conference room when she arrived so she was asked to wait in his office, she was here to plead with her father to allow her work in a different company instead of theirs with the intention of making a name for herself in the business world.

She knew her dad would never allow that, so she came prepared and determined. If there was one thing her dad hated, it was her tears, her tears were his weakness. A tear from Kendra could make him change his decision no matter what.

What are you thinking about, Mr Williams whispered in her ears which made heat creep its way to her face, she turned her head to face him and realized her father had entered the office without her realization. He moved to his seat as she followed .

So tell me what brings you to my castle today, did you change your mind about working outside, he was all smiles as he expected the answer but her answer made him frown.

Dad please can I work at a different company , Kendra sobbed, I will come home everyday and drink green tea with you if that's what you want and come home on time, just let me work at a different company. I just want to know how it feels like to start from scratch at a different place, she sobbed bitterly as she played the role perfectly but her dad was too focused on her tears to notice it was an act she pulled on to change his mind. Kendra , he started, and Kendra waited for him to continue but he just humphed and said , let's talk when i come home today okay, I'm really busy and i don't know if I should agree or disagree. I want to think about it thoroughly and suggest a satisfactory answer , he said, almost in a whisper.

Kendra was all smiles as she exited the premises and moved home.