
Chapter 3

Caleb was dumbfounded and didnt know how to retaliate to what Kendra said, it was as if he had lost his voice within the few minutes he spent questioning the girl.As a young heiress and an only daughter of the famous and wealthy perfume producer, Gilbert Williams, she had never in her life been questioned about her deeds but here she was ,answering sarcastic questions thrown by the infamous Mr Cunningham.

Kendra was present at the press conference of the Cunningham family because of her position as the prospective bride of Caleb with her best friend , Truth Jackson who was a news reporter and an undercover detective but of course , Kendra didnt know she was a detective.

I don't know why u are here amd which you are but one thing I know is you are not welcome here so get out before I lose my reasoning, Caleb commanded and Kendra seemed to have been brought back from her daydreaming.

She looked up to his face and wanted to speak but was held down by Truth who immediately recognized Caleb,reached out to calm her friend to prevent any further harm from being caused but Kendra would hear none of it. She stormed towards Caleb and whispered something into his ears which made his face pale as he broke out in cold sweat but he still emitted that powerful aura and carried this killing intent in his sapphire eyes. He remained speechless till Kendra walked out if the hall with head held up high .

I should really catch up to your brazenness because till now no one has ever won against u in a fight. Thumbs up girl, Truth spoke happily as they exited the hall to the Williams Company.