
Chapter 107

Lumma didn't know that Adam's car had been following them all the way.

Seeing Lumma return to the community safely, Adam told Steve, "Go to Harrison."

Steve nodded. "Yes, Mr. Hills."

Adam asked, "What's the place of Foggy Club?"

Steve said, "I'll check it right away."

"No need." Adam took out his mobile phone and sent Simon a WhatsApp message. [Do you know Foggy Club?]

After he sent the message, Simon replied to him quickly. [Adam, you have been single for so many years. It turned out that you are interested in men.]

Adam frowned when he saw this message.

Simon sent a message again. [You should be interested in places like Paradise Club, not Foggy Club.]

Unfortunately, Adam didn't know what the hell Paradise Club was.

He typed a message. [Tell me in detail.]