
Chapter 106

But Adam didn't listen to her. He and Harry seemed to be in a rivalry. They kept putting roasted meat on Lumma's plate. After a while, Lumma's plate was full of roasted meat. She couldn't finish all the food on her plate.

Lumma thought Adam and Harry were very weird today. But she couldn't tell the reason.

Until Harry said proudly, "I have been taking care of Worm for more than 20 years. Our deep relationship is as deep as the sea. Nobody can weaken it."

Lumma almost choked when she heard Harry's words.

Ruby and Harry were her childhood friends. They had a deep relationship with Lumma. Adam was her superior. There was no comparison between childhood friends and superiors. It was so embarrassing to say it in front of Adam.

Lumma tugged Harry's clothes secretly. Harry also realized that his words had gone too far. He immediately put food on Ruby's plate. "Ruby, eat it."