
Married To My Greatest Enemy

A prince nicknamed Tempest rumoured as the definition of darkness. A princess loving, carefree and naive, always lurking for freedom because of the restrictions. ... Prince Leon is the most powerful Crown Prince in the whole empire and yet he demands for a naive and carefree lady as his wife, who is exactly the opposite of him. He is rumoured to be the definition of darkness and evil itself. Medea always fighting for her freedom, trying out new things ends up being fed up with her new life as she is forced to marry who she has never met. She knew she had to marry him because her father had signed the contract earlier. She ends up marrying her worst nightmare after hearing several of rumours about him. She despises him to the core and rebels him most especially because of the restrictions and extra care that was always given to her. Suddenly Love comes in between them and their love story blossoms and hatred and despises turns into love and care.

Derin_Asha · History
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9 Chs

Chapter four

The carriage was moving so slow and I felt so awkward because the one time devil Leon was sitting beside me.It was as if he was sent to frustrate my life.I sat there like an idol unable to shake or even turn my head because of fear,

At last my long and silent prayer came true.The carriage stopped at the front of a very large mansion.It was five times bigger than the mansion in my kingdom.I felt I could get lost.I kept on staring at the mansion till I heard a cold voice.

Won't you get in or do you just want to stare.Bring your hands let me help you in.

I was so annoyed,he wants to hold my hands as if I couldn't walk on my own.I pretended to be calm and stretched out my hands.

I was so uncomfortable holding his hands,I was suffocating then I broke the silence.

Pl....Please M...Mr Em.....Mr Tempest, please can you leave my hands a...a..am not fe...fee...fee....

Before I could finish,he cut me shut.

Feeling what? Answer me.His voice alone sent shiver into my spines.I swallowed my saliva and thought of a graduated lie to tell.

I meant my hands hurt please release the grip a bit,I said that in a very soft voice.

After I said that luckily he fell for my lies and released the grip but suddenly,he took me and carried me in a bridal style then he put his lips on my ear and whispered.

My queen,I don't want to stress or give you pain so I prefer carrying you in my hands,he said that in a soft but dangerous voice.I knew I was definitely in trouble.

When we entered the mansion, I immediately buried my head in his chest because I was shy.

Welcome prince and princess.

I want you all to guide this palace well my enemies have sent messages and remember no mistakes,I heard him say in a very cold voice and the last word "mistake" sounded more dangerous. My heart started skipping.

After he finished his boring speech with his men,he took me towards an elevator.

My queen am taking the elevator, the stairs would take time,he said.

The more I heard my queen,the more I got nervous.I managed to speak.

Please kin....kin....kindly pu....pu...pu.pu.put meeeeee d..d.do...down.I said while stammering. I couldn't understand when I started to stammer.

Immediately I said that he threw me on the floor.Damn the floor was so cold then he slowly bent down and whispered into my ears.

My queen I have warned you but since this is your first time,u get a little punishment but the next time you reject what I do or what I give you,I would be your worst nightmare. Mark my words.

After he said that,he left me on the floor and used the elevator. I watched him leave and groaned in pain.

This was my first day and its a nightmare, I can't imagine how the other days would be.I managed to stand up and I took the elevator to a no destination.

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