
Married to my Ex-wife

After three years of getting married, the two couples faced each other with cold faces every time they met. Elena left the the marriage after a divorce and disappeared. Four years later, she returned with her babies to her birth country and went into hiding not wanting Dav to discover the little children. She became bold and charming. She also became the most popular designer ( Miss Sky designer). Dav finds her attractive again. "Why do you have three little chairs in the house?" "Why do I see little shoes at the door she" "Are you hiding something from me?" Elena was pressurize to tell the truth." The children are mine and it's also none of your business." Dav brought out a diamond ring and placed it in her finger. "The children and this house belongs to you from now on!"

mimitheewriter · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

The pattern on the edge of the clothing looked very similar to the one on the man in her dream, but unfortunately, most of it was covered by his clothes and she couldn't see it clearly.

She stretched her neck to try to see better, but Dav pulled up his collar and teased her, "You've taken good care of your face all these years. You're not even shy about staring at a man like this?"

It took Elena a moment to snap out of her jumbled thoughts and realized that he was mocking her for being shameless.

She crossed her arms and snorted disdainfully, "Mr Linton you called me hear just to show off, right?"

Dav had already come up to her and a chill emanated from his body as his deep black eyes stared straight at her.

Elena felt a little uneasy under his gaze, but her mind was still focused on the totem...

Although they had been married, they had never shared a bed, so it was normal for not to know to know about his tattoo.

If she couldn't see the tattoo, there was another way- she could pluck a hair from Dav's head and have it analyzed!

Thinking of this, Elena walked over and offered to blow-dry his hair, saying, "Mr Linton, your hair is wet. You'll catch a cold if you don't dry it."

Regardless of whether Dav agreed or not, Elena pulled him to the sofa and started blowing his hair with the dryer.

In addition to the faint scent of shower gel in the air, there was also a woman's fragrance, and Dav felt her delicate fingertips gently massaging his scalp, even more comfortable than a professional masseuse.

Elena pinched a thick, black hair when Dav wasn't paying attention. Just as she was about to succeed, her wrist was suddenly caught by the man's strong hand.

"What are you doing?" Dav narrowed his cold eyes.

It was a bad Start. She was caught in the act!

Cold sweat broke on Elena's back and she looked flustered and couldn't say a word.

"Dav, what are you guys doing?"

An angry voice came and Elena instinctively withdrew her hand.

When she looked up, sha was a beautifully dressed woman in front of her and both sides were stunned.


Before Elena went abroad, she had two close girlfriends and one of them was Mia Jacobs.

She was in a hurry when she went abroad and she hadn't contacted Mia Jacobs for four years.

Mia recognized Elena at a glance and her fa e showed not only a little surprise but panic.

Four years ago, she found Elena and Dav sleeping on the same bed when they were drunk, so she secretly too Elena out of the room and pretended to be the woman who spent the night with Fav.

As she expected, Dav was drunk that night and didn't doubt her identity, so they got engaged. But just when they were about to hold a wedding, Elena came back!

She couldn't let Elena ruin her her happiness.

"When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mia took out her phone and wanted to exchange numbers with Elena.

"I just came back," Elena typed the number for her.

Dav grabbed the shirt on one side and put it on.

The displeasure of Mia's intrusion showed on his cold face. "What's the matter?"

His voice was cold and distant, as if he was keeping people at arm length.

Mia hid her panic and smiled, " I heard that you hired a designer to design our wedding dress, so I came to take a look."

Their wedding dress?

Elena's pupil trembled slightly. Her Best friend and her ex-husband were now engaged?

And they wanted her, the ex-wife, to design it??

Dav handed her a letter of appointment and said, "Sign it and come to the company to see me."

Elena felt as if her hands were a thousand pounds heavy at this moment. She met his burning gaze and thought of the divorce papers. She had no choice but to accept, "Okay, I'll go first."

After speaking, she turned and walked out.

There were only two people left in the room. Dav calmly adjusted his toe, and his y'all figure exuded an oppressive aura. "You can go now."

Mia knew that she had upset him by barging in like that, but there were some the she had to say!

Dav, Elena is your ex-wife. It would be awkward for her to design our wedding dress. Why don't we invite a more famous designer to customize it?"

Dav had already dressed neatly and resumed his usual cold and arrogant posture. He asked coldly,

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

His voice fell on Mia like a sharp knife. She clenched her palms tightly with her fingertips and said cautiously, "No, I'm worried..."

"Nobody can influence my decisions," Dav always had the final say, and no one dared to challenge him.

Putting aside Elena's identity, her design was of high quality and the best among all the initial drafts he had seen.

Although they had been engaged for four years, Dav treated her as if she was dispensable. Their relationship was established through her scheming, so Mia has always been trying to please him.

She raised her eyes and smiled, "I trust your judgement. I'll leave you to it and not disturb you."

Mia k ew how to read the mood and realized that had upset Dav. After she finished speaking, she turned around and left the room.

After leaving the room, Elena received a call from Mia.

"The second floor here is a coffee shop. Let's sit and chat there."

The sunshine poured in through the transparent glass window, illuminating Elena's fair skin. Compared to four years ago, she had become more feminine, charming and ethereal.

"Elena, where have you been all these years? I only found out from the professor that you went abroad to study."

Mia sat down and nervously looked at Elena.

Elena furrowed her brows slightly. When the incident happened four years ago, she was forced to leave without saying goodbye.

So everyday was fulfilling for her. After studying in the library, she would rest in a rented apartment. Apart from school and the apartment, the only event she attended was Mia's birthday banquet.

After the party, she slept in Mia's guest room for the night. The next day, she woke up disheveled and sore all over her body.

At the time, she felt strange and sensed something was wrong. However, Mia said her room was locked from the inside, and no one could have entered.

But within two months, she was found to be pregnant.

So all these years, she had a doubt in her heart. Today, she could finally ask. "Mia, I got pregnant not long after attending your birthday banquet. Are you sure no one entered my room that night?"

Mia's pupil slightly contracted in shock as she asked,

"You got pregnant after that night?"