
Married to my Ex-wife

After three years of getting married, the two couples faced each other with cold faces every time they met. Elena left the the marriage after a divorce and disappeared. Four years later, she returned with her babies to her birth country and went into hiding not wanting Dav to discover the little children. She became bold and charming. She also became the most popular designer ( Miss Sky designer). Dav finds her attractive again. "Why do you have three little chairs in the house?" "Why do I see little shoes at the door she" "Are you hiding something from me?" Elena was pressurize to tell the truth." The children are mine and it's also none of your business." Dav brought out a diamond ring and placed it in her finger. "The children and this house belongs to you from now on!"

mimitheewriter · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Under the bright sunlight, Elena was wearing a red backless swimsuit, her delicate and translucent skin glowing white. She swayed her slender arms lightly, moving gracefully like a mermaid from an ancient myth.

After a while, she got out of the pool, and water droplets fell along her perfect figure. She picked up a towel and gently wiped her long hair.

At this moment, her phone rang and it was My Felix Anderson's assistant on the line. "Miss sky, Mr Felix has reserved a private room for you to have lunch and discuss work matters."

"Okay, send me the room number," she said and hang up the call, packing up her clothes.

At this time, Prince and Josh had changed into casual clothes and put on masks, revealing only only their watery eyes and charming eyes. "Mommy, we can go now."

The three of them returned to the room, and Elena had already ordered lunch to be delivered. "You two stay in the room and wait for me. Mommy will come back to accompany you after finishing work. Remember not to open the door randomly."

Prince and Josh's little faces were tense, saluting their mommy. "Yes mommy."

Elena left the room and locked the door before taking the elevator to the fourth floor restaurant of the private room according to the address on her phone.

Pushing open the door, she saw two tall figures sitting inside.

Miss Elena, the Sky designer, I didn't expect you to be so young and beautiful!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr Felix," Elena smiled lightly, Accounting his praise.

At the same time, she also noticed the other figure in the private room. Her long eyelashes blinked lightly, and her heart suddenly tightened. What a coincidence, she actually met Dav Linton here?

Dav narrowed his cold eyes and met her gaze.

The woman was wearing a black off- shoulder dress, her long hair cascading down her back, with bright eyes and white teeth. She was both beautiful and elegant.

Was she the SKY designer?

She had refused his offer and then accepted someone else's?

What an unpredictable, woman!

"Please sir down, would you like something to eat first?"

Felix Anderson didn't notice the subtle atmosphere between the two and considerately pulled out a chair for her.

After Elena sat down, he personally poured her a glass of wine.

The rumored Anderson CEO was indeed wealthy and handsome, a noble young master. Seeing him in person today, he lived up to his reputation.

The three sat facing each other, Felix Anderson constantly trying to please the black-haired beauty and find topics to chat with Elena, completely forgetting that he was here to discuss work.

Even a discerning person could see that he was interested in Elena.

Dav's cold gaze flickered with a glimmer of light, interrupting Felix Anderson's endless chatter. "Shouldn't Mr Anderson first understand Miss Sky's situation before proceeding to the next stop?"

After he said that, Mr Anderson felt embarrassed to ask, "Miss Sky, do you have a a boyfriend?"

Elena put down her cutlery and raised her clear l, cold gaze, saying lightly, "I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have an ex-husband sitting next to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, the lively atmosphere just now instantly became heavy.

Mr Anderson's pupils dilated in shock. Wait a minute, didn't Dav say that his ex-wife was a very ordinary, unremarkable woman?

The beautiful designer in front of him was clear6 a complete different person, wasn't she?!

At that moment, his phone rang, breaking the awkward silence. "I need to take this call outside," he said, before leaving the private room.

Elena also stood up, planning to explain to Me Anderson to reschedule their business meeting.

As she turned around, she heard Dav's cold and stern voice, "Miss Sky, this is your lawsuit letter. Please take it."

Elena froze in her tracks, remembering the incident with his phone the night before. If he wanted to sue her, she would just have to pay him some money for the phone. She could afford it.

She turned around and picked up the lawsuit letter from price!

Elena was speechless and felt more helpless than ever.

"I don't even know the password to your phone. How could I have stolen the data?"

Dav didn't take her anger seriously. It was like a little lamb trying to threaten a lion. "If you have any questions, you can talk to my lawyer or the judge. Of course, there is also a way to settle this. You can agree to design my wedding dress. You should be grateful that I am satisfied with your design."

She didn't feel lucky at all! The design she drew was just a rough draft, but he actually liked it.

Elena narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She wondered if Dav knew that his phone data had not been lost, so he only wanted her design.

Looking at the unfair compensation conditions, she thought to herself, how could a small shrimp like her possibly compete with Dav, the sea dragon king?

"If I promise to do the design for you, will you not sue me?"

Elena asked irritably.

Dav smiled victoriously, stood up and y'all figure exuded a sense of oppression. "It depends on your performance."

After speaking, he strode out of the private room.

When Mr Anderson returned, only Elena was there.

He sat down, maintaining his elegant posture. "Even if you are Dav's ex-wife, it won't affect my good impression of you. He once said that you were boring and ordinary, but after seeing you today, he must have been wrong..."

Dav Linton had no idea how talented Sky Designer was, and her future was limitless.

"Also, do call me Felix." He said politely.

Thinking about it carefully, it was funny that Dav, who had always had a unique investment vision, would also have times when he mad mistakes!

The woman in front of him was bold, beautiful, and charming. How could she be ordinary and boring?

Elena smiled coquettishly, "The past is not important."

The two of them talked for almost an hour, and Elena recorded the details that needed attention. "I will provide you with the initial design draft as soon as possible for your review."

Felix narrowed his eyes, "I look forward to your work."

After leaving the private room, Elena went dire6 to Dav's room.

As she was about to knock on the door, she found it was ajar. After knocking a few times with no response, Elena pushed the door open and walked in.

"Mr Linton, I'm here to sign the contract."

The empty room was devoid of any human presence. Suddenly, the bath door was pushed open and Dav walked out wearing only a white bath towel.

He stood against the light, his dark hiding, a flicker of emotion. He wore a loose bathrobe that exposed his slender calves, every inch of his well-defined muscles outline clearly, emitting a strong hormone scent.

Elena's pupil contracted, and her gaze fell on the loose neckline, where she could faintly make out a black totem.