
Married to a mechanic, she shocked the world

【Top Female Lead Crushing Trash-Talking Foes! Male Lead is Super Wealthy and Obsessively Dotes on His Wife】 Lin Wu was reborn. Her mother was duped into a sham marriage by a worthless man. And she herself was the pitiful illegitimate daughter kicked out of a wealthy family. She was mocked, "What can a wild child from the countryside amount to?" Facing adversity, Lin the Magnate just smiled faintly. What did being an illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family matter? She directly took her mother, kicked her worthless father to the curb, quickly gave her stepmother the boot, crushed the trash, and established her own skincare brand, living a prosperous life ever since. Facing her enemies, You advise me to be forgiving? Should I feel wronged to make you happy!? If there's no justification, I might give in a little, but why should I let anyone off when I am in the right?! —— Just as Lin Wu was living a thriving life, her maternal grandfather's family, who had been missing for many years, suddenly came knocking! And so, the woman who everyone thought was divorced and saddled with a child, unexpectedly became the sole heir to a wealthy family. What shocked Lin Wu even more was that her "good-for-nothing" car mechanic boyfriend transformed overnight into an unattainable top tycoon. Afterwards, Lin Wu became a lady of high society, who got everything handed to her on a platter and was pampered by the tycoon to the heavens and back. —— Later. Lin Wu had become a renowned female entrepreneur. Standing on a high platform, she delivered her speech: "Our ancestors mostly valued boys over girls, taking it for granted that 'once a daughter is married, she's like water that has been poured away'. They neglected the education and growth of girls, trapped them between household and trivial matters, asserting that husband was heaven and son was earth. Once betrayed by men, these women would lose their support and be condemned as ruined!" "But today!" "Look at this plaza filled with thousands of people, they are all the youngest female entrepreneurs!"

Deutsche Unforgotten · Urban
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481 Chs

015: Bankrupt_1

Translator: 549690339

Lin Guimei was no fool, and naturally she wouldn't bring Lin Guixiang with her to open a supermarket!

Mother Sun slowly peeled an orange from the fruit plate and said, "Gui Mei, it's good that you understand this principle. Although you are sisters, there are no father and son on the business field. Countless relatives end up in court over money disputes!"

Lin Guimei sighed, "I never expected my eldest sister to suddenly come to Qing City. When I received the call from my brother, I thought he was joking!"

Unexpectedly, she really came.

As she finished speaking, Lin Guimei added, "Once my elder sister hits a snag in Qing City, she'll go back on her own."

She had been married to Qing City for so many years, and had only just barely managed to learn the local dialect and integrate.

Lin Guixiang, who couldn't recognize a single character, how could she survive here?

Mother Sun shook her head, "Go back on her own? Impossible!"


Mother Sun continued, "Not to mention your elder sister, what about that niece of yours? Is she an easy person to deal with? And with her pretty face, do you think she'd resign herself to returning to the countryside?"

After all, the Lin Family had a successful example before them.

Lin Guimei became a phoenix perched on high branches, transforming from a country girl into a city resident. Could Lin Wu, her niece, not be envious?

Mother Sun could tell at a glance that Lin Wu wanted to follow in Lin Guimei's footsteps.

At this point, Mother Sun added, "I reckon that even your elder sister is harboring this idea! Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten divorced."

Upon hearing this, Lin Guimei furrowed her brows slightly.

Her family always thought that marrying into Qing City was her rise to success, not knowing how hard the first few years had been for her.

Her in-laws never really respected her, a daughter-in-law from the countryside.

After finally living comfortably for a few years, Lin Guixiang came to stir up trouble.

With someone like Lin Guixiang, did she even think of marrying someone from Qing City?

Forget about Lin Guixiang!

Even Lin Wu might not necessarily be able to marry someone with a local Qing City hukou.

What on earth were this mother-daughter pair thinking!


Lin Wu and her mother lay on the bed.

The city's night was very quiet, the absence of frogs croaking and insects chirping made Lin Guixiang feel somewhat uneasy, "Xiao Wu, are you asleep yet?"

"Not yet."

Lin Guixiang turned to Lin Wu and asked, "Xiao Wu, do you think we can make a success of our skincare product business?"

She was feeling very nervous now.

If they couldn't make money, what would they do for a living in the future?

They couldn't always bother her brother and his wife.

"We can," Lin Wu spoke with conviction in the darkness, "we definitely can."

Lin Wu continued, "Mom, I'll go check out the large flower and bird markets nearby for raw materials tomorrow."

"Mm," Lin Guixiang nodded.

"Mom, don't worry. Once we get our business up and running, we'll buy a house in Qing City. How about we buy a first-floor place with a small garden?"


Listening to her daughter's description, Lin Guixiang felt very hopeful.

She eagerly anticipated that day.

The next morning, Lin Wu got ready and prepared to leave the house.

Zhao Cuinong was somewhat worried, "Xiao Wu, are you sure you'll be okay on your own?"

"Of course, Auntie Zhao, I have my phone! If anything happens, I'll call you!"

"Okay," Zhao Cuinong nodded.

Lin Wu rode Lin Bingqiang's old bicycle.

Although it looked a bit old, it was still rideable.

Qing City was bustling with excitement, especially in the city center.

There was a constant stream of vehicles on the road.

Lin Wu rode through the lively streets until, after many inquiries, she found a flower and bird market.

It was now half-past ten in the morning.

The flower and bird market was buzzing with people.

Lin Wu parked her bike and took a leisurely walk around the market.

There was everything one might need in the flower and bird market.

Lin Wu was aiming to find fresh lotus flowers and rhodiola.

Lotus flowers have the effect of purifying the stratum corneum, helping the skin avoid environmental pollution and computer radiation damage.

Nowadays, people face computers every day and need to apply radiation-protection skincare to prevent the formation of spots.

Rhodiola contains salidroside and tyrosol esters, which have the effects of anti-aging, anti-hypoxia, and promoting metabolism.

Soon, Lin Wu found a vendor selling both items.

"Boss, how much for the lotus flowers?"

"5 yuan a bunch," the boss replied.

This kind of happiness can be found only in Qing City, which is also known as the "City of Spring" and "City of Flowers," due to its favorable climate. Fresh flowers bloom all year round, and elsewhere, such lotus flowers could cost at least 5 yuan per flower.

In Qing City, however, it was 5 yuan for a big bunch!

"How about the rhodiola?" Lin Wu continued to ask.

"Thirty yuan per jin," the boss replied.

Lin Wu picked some lotus flowers and rhodiola, "Boss, if I come to buy in large quantities every day in the future, could you give me a discount?"

"Of course." The owner smiled and packed up the flowers Lin Wu had picked, "Young lady, that'll be 100 yuan in total."

Lin Wu, carrying a bunch of lotus flowers and red stonecrop, arrived at the parking lot, where she tied the lotus flowers to the front of the bike, and placed the red stonecrop bag on the rear seat.

After leaving the flower and bird market, Lin Wu planned to buy some chemistry equipment.

She wasn't in a hurry and rode her bike leisurely.

Lush parasol trees grew on both sides of the road, and the gentle breeze was particularly enjoyable.

Just then.


A loud noise suddenly filled the air.

Lin Wu immediately got off to check.

Sure enough.

The tire had burst.

Lin Wu frowned slightly and looked around, just in time to see a bicycle repair shop by the roadside.


Lin Wu pushed her bike to the front of the repair shop, "Is the owner here?"

There was no response from inside.

Lin Wu called out again.

Just then, a figure emerged from inside.

It was a young man.

About twenty-five or twenty-six years old, standing at 1.83 meters tall, with handsome features and a bit of a roguish air.

This person was Xue Jinghao.

A bona fide wealthy idler from Qing City.

Xue Jinghao crossed his arms, "The boss isn't here at the moment. Little sister, did your bike also get a flat tire?"

The word 'also' was cleverly used.

Lin Wu was taken aback. How did he know her bike had a flat tire?


Xue Jinghao glanced at the bicycle, then back at Lin Wu.


This little sister was quite pretty...

Lu Ye's charms were not small!

Xue Jinghao continued, "Little sister, why don't you wait a bit? The owner should be back soon."


Lin Wu nodded slightly.

She wasn't in a hurry and pointed to a nearby stool, looking at Xue Jinghao, "Can I sit on this stool?"

"You can."

"Thank you."

Xue Jinghao touched his chin, the little sister was quite polite.

Taking advantage of the time, Lin Wu took out her mobile phone, logged onto her alternate account, and sent out a message, "Need a favor."

She wasn't running a no-license, no-report, no-certification workshop.

Her account hadn't been logged into for a long time.

Seeing the familiar icon light up, the man on the other side of the screen was extremely excited.

"Boss! You finally came back! What kind of help? Just say the word, and I, Ma Liu, will go through fire and water for you."

Lin Wu sent over a few pictures.

Ma Liu, looking at the photos of skincare product certificates sent by the boss, was stunned. After a moment, he sent several question marks, "Boss, has your account been hacked?"

The next second, Ma Liu's phone screen went completely black and displayed a line of text: [It's me, no hacking!]

Ma Liu swallowed hard.

The boss was truly the boss, even proving his identity in such a unique way.

After a few seconds, the phone returned to normal, and Ma Liu immediately replied, "Give me one day!"

Ordinary people might need to wait for various procedures to process these documents.

But the boss didn't need to wait.

Lin Wu didn't reply again and signed out of her alternate account.

Just then, footsteps were heard from outside.

Xue Jinghao, half-leaning against the door, chuckled, "Third Lu, you're finally back!"

Lu Ye raised his eyes slightly.

"Here, this young lady's bike has a flat tire," Xue Jinghao said, looking towards Lin Wu.

Lin Wu, with her eyes lowered to her phone, could only see a crisp side profile.

Lu Ye pressed his forehead. Recently, with an explosion of orders and working late into the night every day, the customers were all young, beautiful girls, which put him under a lot of pressure.

At that moment, Lin Wu also looked up and saw Lu Ye, pausing in surprise.

Lu Ye was slightly astonished as well.

He didn't expect to run into the kid again so soon!

"Zhang Wu?"

Lin Wu raised her eyebrows slightly, "I said, my name is Lin Wu! Mr. Lu, how come you are here?"

Here to fix a bike as well?

Lu Ye shrugged helplessly, "As you see, I'm bankrupt now, just getting by fixing bikes."