
Married to a mechanic, she shocked the world

【Top Female Lead Crushing Trash-Talking Foes! Male Lead is Super Wealthy and Obsessively Dotes on His Wife】 Lin Wu was reborn. Her mother was duped into a sham marriage by a worthless man. And she herself was the pitiful illegitimate daughter kicked out of a wealthy family. She was mocked, "What can a wild child from the countryside amount to?" Facing adversity, Lin the Magnate just smiled faintly. What did being an illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family matter? She directly took her mother, kicked her worthless father to the curb, quickly gave her stepmother the boot, crushed the trash, and established her own skincare brand, living a prosperous life ever since. Facing her enemies, You advise me to be forgiving? Should I feel wronged to make you happy!? If there's no justification, I might give in a little, but why should I let anyone off when I am in the right?! —— Just as Lin Wu was living a thriving life, her maternal grandfather's family, who had been missing for many years, suddenly came knocking! And so, the woman who everyone thought was divorced and saddled with a child, unexpectedly became the sole heir to a wealthy family. What shocked Lin Wu even more was that her "good-for-nothing" car mechanic boyfriend transformed overnight into an unattainable top tycoon. Afterwards, Lin Wu became a lady of high society, who got everything handed to her on a platter and was pampered by the tycoon to the heavens and back. —— Later. Lin Wu had become a renowned female entrepreneur. Standing on a high platform, she delivered her speech: "Our ancestors mostly valued boys over girls, taking it for granted that 'once a daughter is married, she's like water that has been poured away'. They neglected the education and growth of girls, trapped them between household and trivial matters, asserting that husband was heaven and son was earth. Once betrayed by men, these women would lose their support and be condemned as ruined!" "But today!" "Look at this plaza filled with thousands of people, they are all the youngest female entrepreneurs!"

Deutsche Unforgotten · Urban
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481 Chs

014: Despise her, country bumpkin_1

Translator: 549690339

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "I am Xiao Wu."

Lin Guimei examined her niece, whom she had never met before.

Although raised in the countryside from a young age, Lin Wu didn't exude the slightest air of pettiness, instead, she possessed an indescribable quality.

However, beauty wasn't very useful, Lin Guixiang had been beautiful when she was young, but she ended up being deceived so badly in the end. Lin Guimei hoped her niece would be sensible, not overambitious, and avoid following her sister's unfortunate path.

After the pleasantries, Lin Guimei introduced everyone in the yard to her family, "Sister Liu, Aunt Zheng, Aunt Yang, Xiao Sun... this is my younger brother and his wife, they're the ones who bought the apartment on the third floor; it's already renovated. From now on, we're all neighbors."

"This is my eldest sister and her daughter."

After the greetings were over, the group went upstairs together.

Lin Bingqiang's new apartment was on the third floor, a 120 square meters three-bedroom that was spacious and beautifully decorated.

Once Lin Guodong entered the apartment, he was very excited, looking around each room, "Mom, mom, mom, where is my room?"

Zhao Cuinong smiled and said, "That small room is yours."

Upon hearing this, Lin Guodong immediately ran into his room.

The children's room was decorated beautifully, and Lin Guodong rolled around on the bed several times.

Zhao Cuinong looked at Lin Guixiang and continued, "Sister, you and Xiao Wu can sleep in this second bedroom."

The second bedroom was very spacious and had a small private balcony.

Standing in such a gorgeous new apartment, Lin Guixiang felt quite uncomfortable, "Cuinong, we're causing you trouble."

"We're all family, what's this talk of trouble?" Zhao Cuinong took Lin Guixiang's arm, "Sister, you and Xiao Wu should treat this place like your own home from now on."

After visiting Lin Bingqiang's new apartment, Lin Guimei led everyone to her house for a meal, "My husband has been on a business trip and is not at home recently, and Shan Shan is at a boarding school so she isn't home either, it's just me and my in-laws at home."

Lin Guimei's father-in-law was already retired and spent his days gardening and playing cards.

The mother-in-law worked at a factory and was still a few years away from retirement.

Since her husband's family was local, the house was very large and lavishly decorated. As soon as they entered the house, Lin Guimei brought out slippers for everyone to change into.

After changing shoes and entering the living room, Lin Guimei took the initiative to introduce her parents-in-law, "Mom and Dad, this is my eldest sister Lin Guixiang, and this is her daughter Xiao Wu."

Although Lin Guixiang was somewhat restrained, she still smiled and greeted the two elders, "Hello Uncle Sun, Aunt Sun."

She knew they were going to her sister's for a meal and should have bought some gifts to bring along in advance.

Showing up empty-handed now felt slightly inappropriate.

Lin Wu politely addressed them, "Grandpa Sun, Grandma Sun."

Seeing Lin Guixiang, the Sun Family Parents were somewhat taken aback; they had assumed that since Lin Guimei was so beautiful, and Lin Bingqiang was also a technician in a factory and had bought a house in the city, their eldest daughter would certainly not be any less impressive.

But Lin Guixiang turned out to be a genuine rural woman.

She even spoke Mandarin with an accent!

The elderly couple had always maintained their dignity, and suddenly facing such a country bumpkin relative made them uncomfortable. They had strongly opposed their son's marriage to Lin Guimei!

Who could have imagined their son was so besotted, and now they had an impoverished relative visiting, what were they to do in the future?

While they had many thoughts swirling in their minds, the Sun Family Parents still smiled and said, "Come, come, today it's just family, no need for formalities. Please sit down and have a meal!"

At the dining table, Lin Guimei looked at Lin Wu, "Is Xiao Wu planning to find a job in Qing City in the future?"

Lin Wu was so beautiful, it was clear her mind was not on studying.

Lin Guixiang's beauty had attracted so much trouble back in the day!

Lin Wu put down her chopsticks and shared her plans, "In the first half of the year, I plan to start a small business with my mother, and after the summer vacation, I'll continue with my last year of high school."

A seventeen-year-old girl planning to start a business with her mother?! How unusual!

Hearing this, Mother Sun frowned slightly; she felt as if Lin Guixiang and her daughter were eyeing their family's supermarket for their plans.

"Business isn't so good these days," Lin Guixiang said. "Our family's supermarket might look alright, but it's just barely covering living expenses. Plus, the high school admission criteria here are very harsh, especially for transfer students. You're thinking about advancing directly to the third year of high school in the second half of the year—it might not be easy."

There was a double meaning in her words.

She was reminding Lin Guixiang and her daughter not to set their sights on their family's supermarket, let alone entertain the idea of Lin Guimei getting them involved in the business.

At the same time, she was telling Lin Wu that Qing City was a tough place to settle down, especially for people like them from smaller places.

If they were wise to the ways of the world, they would know that Qing City was not suitable for them.

"I heard that transfer students at Qing City First High School can be admitted through examination," Lin Wu said.

Qing City First High School?

At the sound of that, Mother Sun's expression changed again and again.

To be sure, Qing City First High School was the best high school in Qing City, with the highest graduation rate year after year.

Who would have thought that Lin Wu, young as she was, had such lofty ambitions?

"My granddaughter is in her second year of high school at Qingzhong. My son-in-law is a class advisor at First High School, and indeed there is an exam for transfer students," said Mother Sun, her tone shifting. "However, according to my son-in-law, for out-of-town registrations like yours, you'd need to rank at least in the top ten, or else you can't get into Qingzhong."

Lin Wu thinking of getting into First High School with her qualifications?

She was truly overestimating herself!

When she heard this, Lin Guixiang said with a smile, "Our Xiao Wu has always been the top student in her high school back home, and this year she even won a 5,000 yuan scholarship."

Mother Sun didn't speak, only scoffing quietly to herself.

Do they really think this is their countryside?

Each year, several hundred students register to take the transfer student examination.

For Lin Wu to stand out among these hundreds of students would be as difficult as reaching the blue sky!


After dinner.

Mother Sun went to speak with Lin Guimei.

"Your older sister is going to live at your younger brother's place from now on?"

Lin Guimei nodded, "That seems to be the plan."

Mother Sun frowned subtly, implying that although Lin Guixiang seemed to be staying at Lin Bingqiang's, in reality, the pressure was on Lin Guimei.

After all, the two were sisters.

Could Lin Guimei really ignore her if there was trouble?

"Your elder sister doesn't seem like the easygoing type!" Mother Sun continued, "She hasn't visited you in Qing City for over a decade, and now she's talking about starting a business as soon as she arrives. She's probably noticed that her younger sister has married into prosperity here in Qing City and has come to rely on you! Considering we also run a small supermarket, she might be thinking of starting her own too!"

Could a woman who had a child out of wedlock be good news?

Even though the Lin Family claimed Lin Guixiang was deceived.

But who knows whether she was truly tricked?

The face of a mistress is not engraved with the word 'mistress'!

Upon hearing this, Lin Guimei narrowed her eyes.

No wonder Lin Guixiang suddenly wanted to go into business.

It turned out she had her sights set on her younger sister.

Mother Sun picked up an orange, "Guimei, you know I always speak my mind. There's an old saying, 'A disciple's success starves the master.' If your sister mentions wanting to follow in your footsteps and open a supermarket, you better think thrice."

The wisest individuals know when to protect their own interests.

Sometimes, sisters need to keep their guard up too.

Lin Guimei turned to look at Mother Sun, "Mom, don't worry, I'm not confused."