
Chapter 334 MORE DEATH 1

        While everyone celebrated Hazel's birthday in and out of their mansion, On the outskirts of the city was a young lady gradually stepping into a familiar mansion. The last time she was here, she had been humiliated by almost everyone. How could she forget so quickly, she was blinded by love that she tolerated more than she could.

         Though she thought he still loved her and she could easily get him back as always but was blinded by the truth. Alex stop being hers the very moment he signed the marriage contract with his wife.

         She had thought killing Hazel would be a piece of cake, she had thought conniving with her father was all she needed to get rid of a bitch. But she was wrong, and it pained her she was just realizing it now, it pained her she just realized it after losing so much. If she could start over again, she would kill Hazel the first three seconds she sets her eyes on her. Her existence alone has destroyed a lot of her life.

          "Are you sure we should do it this way, what if we get caught? What if he finds out we did it, you know how cunning he is." Chan said meaningfully to Beverly who seemed determined in whatever she had planned to do tonight. Unlike her, Chan was scared to even do this. Maybe if she didn't have an issue with them, she would consider them as family and not try to harm them.

         They both stepped into the mansion and straight to a room, the only living room in the entire mansion. In the only room that held a living soul, Beverly stared at the woman sleeping peacefully on the bed. She suddenly got furious staring at the woman, recalling her last words to her that day...

        "You should give up the thoughts of putting confusion between the new couples and let them work things out between themselves naturally. My grandson is not getting married to another woman, stop practicing to be a home-wrecker and have respect for yourself and your family." 

          Those words... She picked a pillow by the side of the bed carefully placing both her knees to sink in the soft bed which made a little creek sound. Beverly held the pillow above great grandma Wilson's face ready to strangle her when the woman opened her eyes.

         "Huh." She gasped surprised at the dreadful sight before her, "what are you d..." Her words were covered by the pillow on her face. She had no strength in her to push the girl from on top of her. Besides Beverly held her legs between her knees as Chan held her hands still.

          She was too old and weak and could barely walk anymore. She didn't want to die this way, at least she would love to say goodbye to her great-grandkids and even see Avery's children before she dies. She struggled to pull Beverly from her body but couldn't, she was losing her strength with every passing second until she couldn't take it anymore and gave up.

           "She should be grateful I'm saving her the stress of living longer," Beverly said standing from the bed feeling relieved inside. This is only the beginning, she would hurt everyone who has hurt her and make her useless. She stared back at the lifeless old woman emotionlessly not minding Chan who had her heart beating wildly against her chest.

          Even if she hasn't touched the woman, she had brought Beverly here and helped hold the woman which made her an accomplice in the crime. This woman is also her great grandma, she joined their enemy in destroying her family. No matter what Alex must have done to her father, he deserved it cause he spends day and night at home calculating the next tactics to use in bringing down his nephew.

        "Let's go before someone finds us." They both placed the pillow back in place before leaving the big farm the same way they came.

         Great Grandma Wilson's personal maid went in to help the woman bath and keep her in place just as she's been paid to do. Arriving at the woman's room, she noticed the way she slept, the girl with grey eyes and black curly hair stepped further into the room, her steps were calm as she checked the woman. "Grandma." She called stepping closer to the lifeless body.

        "Grandma." She called again, this time standing next to the old woman. She checked her pulse but noticed how cold her hands were. Placing her hands on her forehead, she noticed how cold and lightheaded the woman was. Only then did it occur to her, that the woman before her is...

         "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!" She screamed and fell to the floor, this was unbelievable. Just last night she had helped the woman to sleep after giving her her drugs, she was fine and healthy so how did she die?

        The guards of the mansion rushed into the room after her loud scream to see the old lifeless woman too. "Take her away from the body, no one has to step into this room until boss arrives." Their leader gave his instructions before stepping out of the room to inform his boss about the demise of their mistress.

        It didn't take long for Alex to arrive with Phill tailing behind him. While he told his father to double his security he also made sure to double his great grandma's security so he wouldn't hear news like this one so early in the morning. This was sad. "Welcome boss." The chief guard greeted.

         Alex had thought one of their gang leaders killed his great grandma, but that wasn't the case. It was reported that she had no scratch on her body, nor was there any sign of blood from anywhere. He got confused. If no one shot her, how then did she die??

         One thing he was certain of was her living for more years before she finally dies. She cannot die from a natural occurrence that he knew of so who killed her in her own home? Who trespassed his security guards and stepped into the mansion??