
Chapter 312 SHOWER 1

       "Benson, I haven't seen Alex around," Falcon asked with a friendly smile as the man stepped into the yacht. "I'm afraid he's not coming tonight. He said you're not friends so he can't attend." Benson said. "I know you tried your best in convincing him, my brother-in-law seems to be a very stubborn man," Falcon stated.

          "Trust me, Alex is very stubborn and one funny thing is he complains his wife is stubborn but he is as well." Benson picked a glass of drink from a waiter, "Those people totally deserve each other." He smiled for Falcon to return it awkwardly. Backing the man, his smile faltered and he walked away, he didn't know why everyone talked about those two being so much in love.

         It's his groom's night but almost all of his friends were talking about Alexander, Alexander was all there was on their lips. They were all desperate to see the man and make good acquaintance with him forgetting about him completely. They referred to Alex and Hazel's marriage being the best, no matter his dark side that woman was still with him.

          She would defend him anyway and proclaim her love for him without care, even though she doesn't know how much she loves the man. Falcon could feel himself going crazy again, staying away from her for years, and even when he stared at her picture, he felt nothing but hate. But seeing her again, hearing her talk, and seeing her smile wholeheartedly, made his heart beat again. He couldn't stop loving her, and he could not hate her either.

         He picked a glass of drink from the passing waiter to calm himself down, the yacht started moving and there was still no sign of Alex anywhere. "Yo Falcon, come over here, the party just began." A man called for him to walk u to where they were. Benson needed a place he could be to get over the heartbreak he was going through.

         Liquors and women were a good reason when it came to heartbreaks, at least that's what he thinks. 



         A familiar feminine figure stepped into a club to get a drink, Vieve felt hot and needed to calm down. She sat by the counter for the bartender to attend to her. "What can I offer you, pretty lady?" The man asked, "Vodka, raw Vodka." She said to see him open the bottle and handed it to her. Pouring its content into a Glass, Vieve took a sip.

          Vieve's eyes scanned the bar in search of a male stripper who was ready to satisfy a woman's need until a familiar figure came into sight. She gasped, stunned seeing the man hear. Who knew she would walk into a bar to see Alexander Wilson having a drink with some ladies dancing around him. She got off her seat with the glass of vodka in her hands as she sauntered toward him.

        Alex and Lukas arrived at the club earlier to drink and get wasted for the night, Lukas drank in celebration of his coming son, and Alex drank cause he's finally figured out a way of settling things with his wife. Both men watched the paid strippers dancing before them, it's not a club if there's no entertainment.

           "Hello, brother-in-law." She walked up to them sitting on the sofa next to his as she gestured her hands for the girls to leave. Lukas had a puzzled look on his face, the woman sitted there had the face of Hazel but her attitude was the opposite of what Hazel was. "I didn't know you'd find us easily Hazel." He said just to be sure she was the one.

           "I'm Genevieve, Hazel's cousin nice to meet you." She said with a smile taking a glance at the man who has not said a thing since she arrived. "Why did you send my strippers away?" He met her gaze irritated at the woman sitted on the couch.

         "Don't get mad at me, why pay strippers to dance when you can have any woman in the world? If you're tired of my sister I'm available." She confessed without an atom of shame. Genevieve lost her shame the very day she changed her face for this man since he wouldn't look at another woman except for his wife, she had to turn into Hazel so he could at least look at her.

          She was ready to do anything to be with him, not minding the outcomes. Alex has been the only man on her mind for years now, if only he understood how she felt. Alex chuckled at her audacity, but he was eager to know how it ends. "Then strip for me." Alex declared bluntly staring at her lazily.

          "H... How could you tell me to do such right here, before even your friend? We could go to an enclosed place but not right here." She said with a contemptuous expression. Alex took all of his drink in one go before bringing out a weapon from his pocket, he sniffed the air harshly and stared down at her.

          "Now strip before I place this bullet on your head." Vieve could feel her body vibrating at the gun pointed at her, why was he treating her this way even if he knew she was related to his wife? Why is he trying to humiliate her before everyone in the club? He never acts this way before Hazel, he hasn't shown her this side of him before, or else Hazel will be very far from him.

         There was no emotion written on his face as he watched her, "I'm a public figure Alex, please don't embarrass me." She pleaded praying he change his mind. "I would not like to repeat myself, woman." He stated. Aiming a shot close to her legs, Vieve jumped and quickly took off her clothes one after another until she was completely exposed before everyone. She cried glaring at the heartless man sitted on the sofa taking a sip of his drink with a mischievous smile on his lips.

         "Your body is not fun to watch," Alex said to the woman who tried to cover her body with her hands. "Now this is going to be fun," Lukas mumbled with a smile. Alex gestured his hands for one of his bodyguards to move forward, he turned his gaze back to Vieve and his smile broadened.

         "Suck his d**k." He declared...