
Chapter 311 RACE TRACK 1

           Partaking in a car race for Alex was the best thing to get his mind off his wife for a few minutes. That woman was driving him nuts, every day to him feels like the first day they met, that day always made him smile. The black cute lines that decorated her eyes, her pretenses thinking she could scare him. She's his little Angel and him her Demon.

         The three men waited at the starting line in their cars, waiting to hear the gunshot which they did and started moving. Alex let out all his frustration on the road only to crash against a wall, shattering a section of the race track. Luckily, he didn't sustain any injury, just some minor scratch.

         "Are you alright? You should take it easy on the resentment Mr. Wilson ." Benson stopped to help his friend out, "I guess the race track is not enough to get these hard feelings of guilt out." Alex took Benson's hands and got out of his car, staring at the track which has not shown any sign of Lukas only track aiders with their first aid kits.

         "Hey, you're attending the party tonight aren't you? Falcon invited you specially." Benson announced trying to convince his friend. If the man didn't ask himself, he wouldn't have been bothered and would have just attended himself, but he jad already promised Falcon to bring Alex there.

        "I'm not attending anything, we're not friends." He allowed the men to check his injury before finding his way out of the track leaving Benson behind. "What would you do tonight Alex?" Ben asked his voice a bit raised high cause of their distance. Alex met his gaze, narrowing his eyes a bit cause of the rails of sunlight flashing into his eyes, "A club, probably a nice one to get wasted." He turned around and walked away rejecting the car that came to pick him up back to the starting line.

          He wanted to get his mind off certain things, Ben and the rest have done a great job handling things in his absence it was time for him to resume. Just as he walked further his phone rang and he had to pick it up. For trying to kill him, Phillip was going to hear from him one way or another, he'd make it look like an accident to Hazel doesn't get to know, but he'll deal with him.



         "I made sure the guest were invited properly this time, we can't condone the last mistake." Mother said putting the kids to early sleep cause of the event at hand. "My dear, let's go, you have a Bridal shower to attend." She held my shoulders and led me out of the room after I was done kissing my babies, closing the door behind me.

         I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone what Falcon had said earlier, it sounds dumb and stupid and he's only going to deny it before everyone. His threats earlier were driving me nuts, he threatened to never leave me, and he was still very much obsessed with me even if I've rejected him like a thousand times.


         "You're going to be married to Avery tomorrow, we cannot be a thing." I was happy the kids were so focused on their Icecream that they paid no attention to us. "Hahaha." He laughed, "Yes I'm getting married to Avery she's going to be my wife." He confirmed my already confirmed words. "You love her remember, you told everyone you were in love." 

        "I'm getting married to her, but I love you, you and you alone. We were good, we were going to get married till you met that man again." 

         "We were nothing but friends, getting married to you was all my dad's idea, he wanted us married cause of his hatred for Alex but I declined a thousand times." "And then you led me on, you let me rub and kiss your stomach while pregnant, you let me take you out even if I kept on hinting my intention to you. YOU LET ME FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!! Falcon whacked the table with his hands startling the kids and they all started crying.

          "I will never leave you, Hazel, you've just marked your doom. Go a tad and tell your family members, you'll only end up being the bad one." He walked away for the guards to rush into us. They helped place the kids in the car and I tried to calm them down kissing them continuously and telling them everything was okay and no one was going to harm them. I needed to talk to Alex but on getting to the villa, he wasn't there, he wasn't picking up his calls either. Where could he have gone to?

           Only he can stop the wedding and send Falcon as far as possible from me, I arrived back at the mansion in search of him but still couldn't get hold of him, rather I found my baby Carie and mother in the mansion.


         "Here, this is the dress code for Avery's shower." Carie handed over a pink night dress to me and I took it with a forced smile on my lips. There is no way I would want to disturb Carie over such things, especially in this condition...