
Married Or Contracted

Liam Reigns in the corporate world is a household name , there's no business he ventured into that he doesn't come out successful. He was known to be cruel and heartless despite his calm demeanor and innocent face. Liam's true self surfaced after he couldn't fufill his promise he made to old granny Dawkins on her death bed to marry her granddaughter named Rose. But that promise was left unfulfilled because Rose died in a plane crash in place of her best friend Chloe. He promised himself to avenge the old woman's daughter by blackmailing her friend that caused her death into a contract marriage in Rose's stead. ***** All Chloe wanted to be was a famous actress , her flitting dream came to pass when she was picked by a famous company to be their brand ambassador. But unfortunately for her she couldn't go because of a stomach ache, Chloe couldn't sit back and watch her dream die and pleaded with her best friend Rose to shoot the AD in her stead. But Rose couldn't make it to Spain because she died on a plane crash shattering Chloe soul and her dream . Chloe was confronted by Rose's fiance about her death, feeling guilty Chloe promised to atone for Rose's death in any way she can . From that moment upwards she became Liam's wife on a piece of paper. Caught between her hate and love for Liam , Chloe didn't plan to find herself caring for her husband to the extent she founds herself willing to risk everything to protect him. Getting married was an easy part, but staying in the marriage was another thing entirely and Chloe wasn't happy with the immense filling she's having for Liam . Even fairytale has it's ups and down. When she thought she was ready to face whatever curveball their relationship is gonna throw her way all the lies , the deceit, the manipulation stared her right in the face . She found out she was just a pawn in his game . Whoever said failing in love was a piece of cake hasn't been prickled by its thorn . Chloe successfully found her way back into entertainment industry and it's one step from achieving her dreams and clearing her name . Then Rose, her former best friend and Liam's fiancee who was reportedly dead resurfaced again with a malicious intent of ruining everything the had. Chloe ended up been kidnapped by Gwen an actress and model who was obsessed with Liam

Mirachi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Office Enemy - I

Chloe's sneeze interrupted the silent drive to the Reigns Corporation, this is the second sneeze in ten minutes. She flung her hair back to her shoulder, and raised her head to meet Liam's gaze.

" Did you catch a cold? " he asked her, for Chloe to shake her head in response .

" I did not, it's just a sneeze, " she replied. She didn't know if she actually caught a cold or not because of how long she stayed in the shower or if someone was calling her name. She can't actually tell but whatever it is .

Is a jinx !

" Good ! Because I wouldn't have my employee sick on her first day at work " he deadpanned and returned his attention to his phone.

Chloe scoffed and mimicked him ' I wouldn't want my employee sick on her first day at work ' .

' It's not like I chose to fall sick nor did I apply to work for you ' she grimaced and rolled her eyes .

Throwing her gaze out of the window she took in, a breath of fresh air, because the air in the car is stuffy and it's making her uncomfortable. She feed her eyes with the view outside the window panel ,

She saw a large billboard with Liam on the display , if she hadn't actually met him she would be crushing on him by now . But she's sitting with the devil inside the car and he does not possess those qualities the billboard claims he has.

' Humph ' she harrumphs, recalling how terrible he can be sometimes . Tapping her fingers rhythmically on her laps, she hummed the song that was playing on the car radio. Closing her eyes she leaned on the car seat , she sang along with the artist. Her voice was not loud but low enough to draw the attention of two men in the car.

The driver acknowledged her melodious voice and smiled , looking into the rear mirror in hope to catch a glimpse of her while singing but his eyes met with that of his boss who stared daggers at him. He quickly retracted his gaze and bowed to Liam in an apologizing manner. He wiped an imaginary sweat from his forehead . He unbuttoned his shirt , because the car all of a sudden became stuffy for him. If looks could kill he would be dead right now with the look Liam gave him.

Chloe felt the car swerve and opened her eyes to see that they had arrived at the Reigns Corporation. The building is a skyscraper and her head began to hurt by merely looking up to see where it ends. The surroundings were very large, the parking lot of the building was an open spiral structure with the cars parked neatly.

She entered the private elevator with Liam to his office on the 30th floor of the building. The elevator stopped to reveal a long hallway built with glass, their reflection on the glass like mirrors as they walked through it . Liam's office was the only one on that floor, she didn't notice any other one. She wondered how he feels occupying one floor.

' Don't he feel lonely ? ' She asked herself, she can't imagine herself working in a place like this because she's likely to suffer depression from it.

Once inside Liam's office she let out a gasp with the exquisite interior design of his office,the floor has white marble tiles that stretched to the corners,the ceiling was high and a large chandelier in the center added to the brightness. The sofas were plush black leathers .

Her gaze flitted to the glass wall overlooking the whole city and she marveled at the sight , it was a beauty to behold. She felt like she was standing in the cloud and looking down to earth. She can pick up every slight detail. Her hungry eyes found a beautiful cafe down the next street and her eyes lit up at the sight, the excitement in her eyes was obvious. She can't wait to check it out.

Liam watched her worship every single detail in his office, he felt proud . For a moment he was happy that she got to like his office . He called his female secretary who came in barely three seconds after he dropped the call. Richard, his secretary, was dispatched to the other branch in the city for some reason to represent him in a meeting with his staffs at that branch.

" Good morning sir , you called "

" Yes, take her to the advertising department and fix her in any vacant position " he said , pointing to Chloe who was still mesmerized by the view from his office .

" But sir, we don't have any vacant position in the advertising department nor anywhere in the company for now " She replied amidst confusion , her smile still on her lips as the one of the qualities she possesses as a secretary in the company.

Liam sat straight, his face devoid of any emotion

" I don't know , I don't care if I sack any person . What I know is that you should fix her somewhere goddamnit ! " He said through gritted teeth hitting his fist on his desk, which was loud enough to distract Chloe from her daydreaming and also frightened his secretary who was startled at his outburst.

Chloe wondered what could be the issue, she walked towards his table remembering why she was here in the first place , for a moment she scolded herself for acting out of impulse. She stole glances at the lady who was visibly shaken from Liam's outburst. She was a thin fair lady impeccably dressed wearing a black skirt with a black matching stilettos. A yellow blouse with a white scarf tied around her . Her hair was tied in a bun.

There was a small metal clip on her blouse that spelled her name Hanah peters.She almost looked like an air hostess. ' You see that Chloe, that's how to say one is formally dressed, her subconsciousness prickled her ' .

Coming out of her reverie she shot out her hand towards the still lady " Hi, am Chloe, Chloe Adams" She introduced herself , her smiles reaching at the end of her lips .

Hanah turned to see the lady behind her early morning scolding, she gave her a quick assessment and nodded. She's indeed curvy and has a taste for fashion. All her clothes are limited edition. She must be someone special, for her boss to protocols. ' Hanah you have to be her friend if you want to be in Liam Reigns good book' . She lips curved in a smirk at the thought, taking Chloe's arms she returned the smiles

" Hanah Peters, nice to meet you. This way " she indicated their way out of Liam's office, for Chloe to follow behind after one last glimpse at Liam .