
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Where are you taking me?


I have been walking down this same road for a while. 'There is nothing here. Maybe i should turn back' I am tired already, But where did Alexandra go to, Before i turned back i saw an oak tree at the far end. This tree was different from all the other tree it must be planted, it looked neat so that means it is being cared for right? Maybe i should still walk down a little bit. I walked for so long, The tree was not getting any close, How can something that look this close be so far away *Sigh*. I can not see any one, Or Anything that shows that there was indeed life in this area, No car or even tricycle can be seen,,,, If really alexandra live here how does she survive? Is she with grandmother? She wouldn't take Alexandra this far away from actual human beings am i right? I mean alone times are good but too much alone type makes you crazy, And lonely And then lastly you fall into depression, There is not even a single building in of sight,. I walked down a little more, My feet is killing me, Finally i saw a building, With the oak tree just beside it, It was built like a farm house, It was really small but looked comfortable. Does she live here? So far from people? so isolated?. I will go check it out.


Eli just gave me a shock i never taught i'd feel this early in my life time. The way he asked me what i was doing in his room made me speechless then it actually looked like i was doing something bad, With the way he was staring at me, I looked and felt like a child caught being disastrous on purpose. For some reason seeing Eli scared me "I asked what you are doing in my room DRA, And what is that you are holding?" He said and this time i snapped back to reality, I mean why am i not speaking? I am not doing anything wrong. "She is really pretty" I said holding out the picture so he can see it. He took the photo from me and looked at it for a while then at me "I never want to see you in my room again" He said, hiding the photo, Why is he being so serious? "Is she your girlfriend? I asked "What"? Was all he said "She is your girlfriend! My brother is so lucky" I teased and went to sit on his bed "She is not my girlfriend" He said "Then who?" I asked raising my eye brow at him "A friend" He said as he went through his bag searching for something maybe "Just a friend?"...I Asked again teasing harder "Yes, Just a friend...She is a colleague from work" He stopped what he was doing for a while and looked at me "Never come into my room again when i am not here" He said sternly "OK fine" I raised my hands in surrender and said "I found the door partially open so i thought you were back" I said then he stopped searching his bag "You found the door open?" He said "Yes but just a little bit" I replied. He didn't say anything more as he stared off into space so i got up "Later" I said walking out then he went back to searching his bag 'What is he looking for anyway.

I got to the window that oversees outside the compound. *sigh* When will we leave this place? I asked myself, I want to be with people, Have friends, Lead a normal life. I was staring out side, you know just thinking about how fucked up my life is until i saw the man from before. I ducked immediately and peeped from under the window "Oh God.....Did he follow me?".


We've been driving for while now. The ride is just not ending, It was long and quiet,,,, The silence is actually a comfortable one. I cant help but worry about Marie. What will Lisa do to keep them safe? Lisa is just a child, If they get discharged where will Lisa take her sister. How will they be safe. Oh God,,,,, Please watch over my children. "Josh, Now more than ever i need you, Look after our kids please. I am not there with them, I can not keep them safe, So please do it,,,I said a little prayer. For a moment i thought about the reason i was going to prison, That Russian laughing man. Who was he, Who was he working for? How could he just throw himself off a roof just like that, For what? Who was he protecting?. Who is this man that wants my child dead? Is he a politician? Because i know, politicians are very bloody and evil. I really pray its not a politician. Oh God is there even a safe place out there for my self and my children? I know i don't pray much but please lord help me this time. At least i could've taking them to mum or uncle before this unfortunate thing happened to me, I deserve to be locked up for a while but not for killing someone i clearly did not know or have any grudges on. I stared out the window and noticed we were not on the road that led to the police station, This road looked deserted, You can actually count the cars passing by. "Excuse me sir, This is not the road to the police station" I said to the driver but he did not respond "Excuse me?, Where are we going?" I was starting to Panic now, Why isn't he responding?, Who sent them? Oh my God are they not police men "Stop this car now....Stop!!!!. All this while I wasn't thinking of my self any more, I was thinking of Lisa and Marie, My children "Where are you taking me?.

Crazy things are happening.





See you later.

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