
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasy
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25 Chs



Narogu *Sigh* A place i never thought i'd come back to....I have abandoned a lot leaving Narogu, I needed a new life and nothing here suited it so i left them all -My friends,Relationship even my family- They just didn't suit the Angela Gillies i needed so badly. Today i am back here and it feels like i never left,,,,This place still has its way of getting on my nerves....Once i marry Alex i will be settled for life, I will be a somebody nobody can pull down,,,,,My aura will be as strong as Alex's and my presence commanding *Smile* Now that i am pregnant i will be Alexander's priority for life,,,,,Now i will make sure he has no other choice than to marry me *Laugh* "Alexander here i come".


"Grand father, if there is something you need to say just say it and stop being mysterious" I am getting fed up with all this "Really? tell me my boy why are you so anxious? what are you hiding....?" Grand father said smiling and wiggling his eye brows "Grand father you look really weird right now" He threw an envelop to me and it landed on my lap "What is this" I asked trying to open it "The truth" what truth is he talking about? I opened the envelop and saw a photo of a pretty lady, A really pretty lady,,,,When i saw this lady the first thing i noticed was her gray eyes... "They are just like mine" I said softly " That is Abby, My daughter" Grandfather said "You have a daughter?" I couldn't take my eyes off this lady, she looks so much like me "Abby is my first child, She is 6 years older than athuro" Grand father said "Where is she"? i asked "My Abby?....She is dead". Grand father said "Why are you showing me this photo?" I asked because i couldn't understand, what am to do with a dead aunt? . "44 Years ago when i started the ALGEROS GROUP OF COMPANY i only had plans for construction...And i did well for a short period of time but after a while things flopped,,,We didn't have new ideas,new strategies and good working equipment -Hell those things were expensive. Abby was 12 years back then when the company started to fail, I didn't Want the family to know but at last they did when food was short and bills were not met. Abby came to me she said "Father what happened to your business?" I was so ashamed i couldn't say the truth *Laugh- sad laugh* "Business is alright sweety, you go to school and study hard" i told her " You can do many things father but lying is not amongst them" She said then dropped a file in front of me kissed my forehead then ran out side to her school bus. I took that file to my room and read through it and i was in awe of how a 12 year old could do this. There in front of me was not just a plan for a construction company but also a new idea to add to the company -An idea i could actually afford ,,, it was beautiful of how thoughtful Abby could be. I did what she said in the file and business was going fine, She would want to see the company once in a while and i'd allow...A Few years after when business started paying well, I could not let Abby walk senselessly anymore,,,,,I started seeing my own daughter as an ASSET. "I do not need a body guard father!" "Yes you do, You can not just go out in public any more, You are not like those ordinary people, you are special, SPECIAL my girl and i will not loss you" we had an argument....It all seems so senseless now *laugh* there it is, that sad laugh again. Abby was 20 now and i still saw her as nothing but an ASSET. "I want to find a job" Abby said one day "No" I simply stated. "You don't need a job, You are still schooling" I said without even sparing her a glance "I am home all day father i need to see the world, I am alive and young father.....Please" She said "No. Abby no, you can not go, the world is a scary place" I said not thinking about my daughters safety but the safety of my business,,,,,I was a fucked up man who allowed greed control him and i know that now...I lost my Abby because i could not keep my focus on my daughter.....On my Children. Athuro was feeling left out in everything and he felt i only loved and adored Abby while Abby thought Athuro was happy and living his life alright. Both my children was broken because of me.....My wife left me because of this.....Yes, Sylvia left...She did not die. One day when i left for a meeting, I left with all the family except Abby because i did not want her get attached with one of the gentlemen and forget she is an ASSET "Make sure Abby does not leave this house" I said to Solomon " Solomon is the security guard i hired for Abby "Yes sir, she is safe with me" Solomon said "Abby i will leave now, Everything you want is available, just ask Solomon" i said and left "When we came back.....Oh God" Grandfather sobbed "When we came back we found Abby in the pool of her own blood ,,,,,Naked! My girl...My baby girl" grand father paused to sob again "we rushed her to the hospital, After waiting for hours the doctor came out" "What happened?" Sylvia asked "The young lady was raped and severely at that but we were able to save her but i must warn you she will not be fully able immediately" "what does that mean?" Sylvia asked again while i stand there like an idiot. Abby could not speak when she woke up, She was terrified of me,,,,,of MEN- she would not let me come close. My girl was broken, completely broken *Sob* a shadow of her self...Weeks later we found out Abby was pregnant.....She tried to kill herself a couple of times so we started watching her closely. Months later Abby birthed twins -Alexander Algero and Alexandra Algero. My Abby died giving birth to you. When i went to the nursing room i only found one baby with a note attached "I will not let you destroy this one too" Sylvia left that note, She took Alexandra and left. Left me, Left Athuro, Left you -A baby- to ME. Grand father let out a really hard breath "God knows i did a bad job with Athuro too" Grand father wipes his eyes " I just want to do one last good thing for you and for my Abby" *Sob*. I was shocked, I knew when grandfather sat me down like this i knew it was going to be something but i never expected this. "Athuro is not my father"? .

Oh God! what is happening?

Athuro is not Alexander's father

And Alex has a Twin sister?

Where is she?

So guys i have decided to be posting twice a day....One by 10am and the other by 5pm

please encourage me by liking and commenting.

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