
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

He is not human


I was so shook i couldn't move looking at Camuel's body -He died because of me "Run! Marie!" Lisa grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs. "Look we can not all hide in one spot we will be caught so divide yourselves and be safe" Mum said before she ran to the basement. Lisa also ran to the basement while i ran to the laundry room, I looked at the washing machine "That is not a comfortable place to hide but after what i did to Camuel i really do not deserve comfort" I said to myself. I deserve all the pain in the world for Camuel's death, I ran into the washing machine and half close it, Few minutes later i started suffocating so i opened the washing machine to change my hiding spot "Where do you think they Went?" I heard a man said when i was about coming out so i rushed back in and closed the machine by mistake 'Oh no,God help me please i do not want to die, At least not here Lord please' I said a silent prayer because i know if someone doesn't find me after this guys leave i will be a dead girl. "How should i know" The French man said "How should you know? You are the one who said they went into the bed rooms" The black man shouted "Because that's what girls do normally when they are scared, They go into their room and hide underneath their bed" The French man defended himself "You are so stupid, I hate you so much" *Vibration* "Oh fuck me"! The black man cursed "Your phone is ringing" The French man said "I know that! you mother fucker its the Boss! What the fuck should i say to him"? "mm don't know" The French man said not very audibly "No shit" The black man said to the French man before answering the phone "Boss" He greeted "Did you finish the job"? wait i know that voice? The phone was on speaker so i could hear the person at the other end "No sir, She isn't here sir" The black man replied,They were silence for a while before the boss replied "You all are a bunch of incompetent fools"! The boss thundered "You could not handle a little girl and an average family? What CAN you do?!" The boss continued "We will find her sir" The black man said "You have 48 hours to or i will be having your liver for dinner after" The boss said then hung up "Shit"! The black man cursed "Yea shit!....The boss said he will have your liver for dinner" The French man said after a little pause,,,,,"You idiot he will have both our livers" The black man said clearly irritated by the French man....I was slowly losing my hearing "No I didn't hear that, he said YOURS" The French man said as they walk away. My vision stated failing "I know who was speaking, I know i do" I said before i passed out in the machine.


"Make sure you give her this, Once in the morning the other in the night....You can not afford to fail even once. Her blood pressure can only be tamed but with diabetes you need to give her attention OK? because any slight mistake and your mother will be gone....*Sigh* I see what you are doing for her, I see how much you love her DRA, But you need to be careful, You need to be very careful OK?" The doctor said and i nodded before i left his office to momma's room. Mother is sick...And her medication is crazy expensive. I only left her for a few hours when she was asleep and she had a night mare again which led to her blood pressure rising and which led to us being in the hospital.

"Momma, How are you feeling?" I asked her when she woke up "I am sorry DRA, I always make you worry" Momma said "No momma No do not say that, It is my duty to worry for you,,,,you are the only one i have left in this world and i am yours" I said crying while i remove hair from her face "You are never alone you know that right? There is always a new world, A new family, A real life out there for you" Momma said rubbing my face "And yet i choose You" I said smiling.


I asked Athuro to take you as his son and care for you the way i never did him,,,, He quickly agreed, Without questions" Grand father said "But...I don't understand" I said hardly believing my own voice -It sounded like a lady in distress "I know this is hard my boy, I understand if you'd want to hate me for all i did because i deserve it" Grandfather wiped a tear again "What about Solomon...What happened to him?' I asked "Solomon ran after what he did,I found him a few months later and arrested him...After the Russian police tortured him he finally spoke" He bowed his head "What did he say?" I asked but grandfather was quiet, why was he quiet? "Athuro had his sister kidnapped" He finally said "What? Why?" This doesn't make sense to me "Athuro had his own sister raped almost to the point of death" He did that? How could be such a monster "He wanted my attention and unfortunately to him eliminating his own sister was the only way" "Did you confirm?....That he did it?" I asked because there are always three truth in a story -Yours, Mine and the actual truth- "I confronted him and he admitted it....He said he did it all, That he wanted my Abby to die so i could notice him" What kind of sick logic was that "Why isn't he behind bars? Was he placed on bail?" I asked but grand father was silent "Did he play dirty to come out?" I asked again but still silence "Grandfather" I called "I never took him to the police" He said "What?" "I couldn't see my only remaining child in prison" He sobbed "I just couldn't, I tried but.....I just couldn't" He stood up and rested on the wall wiping his tears. " Grand father if this is true then you should've arrested him, He is not a Human being can you not see it"! I yelled because i needed him to understand that him protecting Athuro was the dumbest thing to do "I know, but i want to die first" He said "I can not believe you right now,,,,,,You owe this to Abby! and you want to die first before making things YOU did wrong Right?! "I know i wronged Abby that is why....that is why my boy i want you to take the properties...Because there are Abby's work" He said holding on to me, I removed his hand "No, there are YOUR greed" I said to him and walked outside.

He followed me outside "My boy..." He was about to say before he noticed the commotion outside "Who is that? Let her in" He said to the guards. A lady with blond hair with long legs and really really over done make up cat walked through, What an ugly lady' Grand father muttered but i heard him...He has never been the one to like ladies on heels or excess make up, he would say -It is easy to spot a witch this days- but i think he is just old fashion "Young lady who are you and what do you want?" Grand father asked adjusting his glasses. Angela completely ignored him and walked up to me "Boo, I've missed you" she said pouting her lips like a child.

"What are you doing here Angela?".




If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I will be uploading two chapters a day

One by 10am and the second by 5pm (servers time)

Next chapter will becoming in a few hours

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