
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Not her parents

Chris dropped Summer off at the parking lot , cause apparently, she was still shy to be seen together with him in public. Her dad's call two hours ago threw her off balance, but, she knew how to bounce back. Everyone hated her. They thought she was just with Chris for his money. If only they knew. From a distance, through the see-through glass, she could see everyone in the office gathered at a spot. What was going on?

  "Please, help us. We lost contact with our daughter after she came to the city. We're desperate to find her." Grey began and Sheila, by his side, nodded.

  "They're talking about Summer Cale."

  "Is this how she treats her parents?"

  "Cale is a snake, she kicked her family to the curb just to sip tea in a fancy mansion"

  "What a bitch."

People began gossiping.

  "Please, let us see Summer, she's our baby girl and we love her so much." Grey put on a fake sincere act. "We just wanna know if she's okay. It breaks our hearts to know..."

  "Mum, dad?"

Summer stepped into the crowd in disbelief. What the actual hell? How did they even know she worked here? She'd kept her workplace from them for a secret for a long time. Sure they knew it was around here, but not exactly this building. And this was why she didn't tell them. So they don't embarrass her at work. Shelia hugged her and Summer just stood there, limp.

  "Summer, why did you put us off all these years?" Grey started. What even was he talking about? She couldn't deal with this right now.

  "Let's go somewhere quiet, okay, there's too many people around." She said calmly, trying to lighten the situation.

  "No, we're not going anywhere."

Calm down Summer, calm down, they just wanted money. Give it to them and they'd leave. She tried to calm herself from the anger rising within her.

  "Okay, I'll give you money. I have thirty thousand dollars in my bank account." She said again. Grey hissed and Sheila sighed.

  "You all heard her. She's married to Christian Norton and she's sending us home with only 30 grand. Her own poor parents." Grey clutched his chest, drawing Sheila to his side.

  "What are you thinking?" Sheila spoke.

  "Fine. They won't leave." Summer mumbled to herself. "I will." She tried to walk away and Grey drew her back.

  "Stop right there, Mrs One Percenter!" He slapped her. People gasped. Summer held her cheek in disbelief. How dare they come to her workplace and cause a scene, then disrespect her on top of it? Jess tried to hold her back but, already snapped

  "You know what? I did marry Christian Norton. But that's his money. Not mine. I've sent you money every single month. I'm nothing but a cash cow to you. Just leave me alone." She yelled at them. She didn't have to expose her family issues like that. But they started it and they just wouldn't stop.

  "I'm your father. Whatever you earn. Belongs to me." Grey stated matter-of-factly.

  "Yea, me too." Sheila opted in.

  "What if..." Chris stepped in. "... you're not her father?" He made his way to Summer, wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her close. Summer felt at ease with him by her side. But what did he mean by "not her father?"

  "Well if it isn't our Fancy son-in-law. Just give us some money and we'll be on our way. We're all family here." He said again.

  "Only, you're not Summer's family."

  "Christian!" Why did he keep saying that?

  "What are you talking about? I think I would know my own daughter." Sheila spoke. Chris faced Summer.

  "I wanted to talk to you first. But it's seems I have no choice but to right now." He could've easily led them to the office to continue the chat, but they had to be publicly disgraced for bullying his wife.

  "I have the results of your blood types. You're not Summer's parents and if you don't admit it, a DNA test can easily prove it." He said again.

  "You wanna cut us off with a stupid blood test? No way! She will always be he daughter of Gray Cale." He said. Sheila hit him. "...and Sheila Cale."

  "Security! See them out!" Chris led Summer away as the Security guards wrestled with them to drag them outside. Once settled in his office, Summer, leaned on the table, arms folded, lost in thought. Of course. Why couldn't she see it? They never loved her. She should've known. But why? Who then were her real parents? Thoughts raced in her head and a gentle touch from Chris was enough to soothe her and bring her back to reality. He stood beside her, his height, overpowering hers.

  "Everything makes so much sense now. Why I was always treated that way, why they always favored my brother..."

  "I know it's a lot to take in...i understand."

  "They're not worth my tears." She said, holding it back. "Besides, I feel free, like I've finally broken out of a cage. They've always been horrible to me. If it wasn't for my grandmother, I wouldn't even have been able to finish high school. Then I met Vincent. I supported him through everything..." She played with the ring on her finger "...only for him to abandon me for a rich girl. I have always been on my own." Tears welled up in her eyes. Chris listened intently. She really had been through a lot growing up and had no one but herself to stand up for her. He could feel her pain and the need to just make her okay.

  "Hey, you don't have to worry about the past anymore." He tipped her jaw to face him. "Look at me." He wiped the silent tears that managed to streak down her eyes. "I'm your home now. Okay?" She nodded and he kissed her forehead, then pulled her to his chest in a hug. He swore on his life, he would protect her for as long as he lived.

The Cales got home, arguing as they walked in. Ben was watching TV. As soon as he heard them, he turned back.

  "So, did you get the money?"

  "Money my ass, the jig is up." Grey spoke.

  "You were supposed to make this work." Sheila said angrily. "We swapped our own child for that rich bitch's daughter."

  "Wait, Summer knows, youre not her real parents? She'll never talk to us again." Ben told them. She already rarely spoke to them. Now that she knew they weren't even related, she'd cut them off completely.

  "We'll see about that." Grey smirked. Ben sighed. What extent was he willing to go to now? Whatever it was, he knew they would get her through him, cause Summer could only tolerate him.

Chris let Summer off work early so she could take time to process everything. Hours after the incident, they were both at home, eating what Chris had prepared for them, sipping wine.

  "So, I'm taking you to a gala on Saturday. We can go shopping for new dresses." He said. Summer smiled. He knew just how to make her feel better when she was down. Her phone rang. It was Ben. What now? She hesitated. But it was Ben. She had to pick up. Before she could speak, he did.

  "Summer, it's Grandma, she's not doing well. She wants to see you before she..."

  "What happened?"

  "I don't know, but there's no time, please." There was urgency in his voice. Chris' demeanor changed. He could see how tensed up she was and it made him worry. Summer knew her Grandma was in the hospital and had gone to see her a couple of times, but the way Ben spoke, sounds like she was about to give up. She got up from the table.

  "Just wait for me, I'll be right there." She hung up.

  "What's going on?" Chris asked.

  "It's my grandma. I have to go." She rushed out.

  "I'm coming with you." If it was about her family, he knew he had to accompany her.

At the hospital, Grey and Sheila stood beside Grey's mother's hospital bed. Ben hung up and signaled his dad.

  "Mum, when Summer gets here, ask for as much money as possible."

  "You're going to hell. I don't wanna be a part of this." Grandma replied, turning to face Ben who was seated beside her and began talking to him. Grey pulled Sheila aside.

  "Do you have your sleeping pills with you?"


  "Put three in her water."

  "Three?!" Sheila whispered-yelled. "What is she keels over?"

  "Just shut up and do as I say." Grey insisted.