
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Summer rushed into the ward, followed closely by Chris, her eyes roaming her grandma as she lay on the hospital bed fast asleep. Tears welled up in her eyes. Her grandma was the only one who made her feel loved while growing up. The only one that could protect her from her parents when they were abusing her and now she was terribly ill. She would literally do anything to make sure her grandma got better. Grey stood beside the hospital bed and Sheila stood behind Ben who was sitting on a chair beside grandma.

"Grandma, I'm here now." She hovered above her, touching her pale skin.

"Your grandma said that her biggest wish was to see your brother Ben as well off as you are. Just give us the money Summer, let us make her wish come true." Grey said in fake sadness. Summer had seen that before. She wasn't moved by anything he had to say. She looked to Ben, the only person that could be truthful.

  "Summer, grandma really said that." He has to lie. He wanted the money too. His dad was just terrible at asking and had been terrible to Summer, doesn't mean he'd have to suffer on his dad's behalf.

  "Do you swear your life on it?" She asked again. Ben looked at his dad and Grey blinked at him to lie. But Ben just couldn't. He sighed and turned away from them.

  "Really Ben?" She couldn't believe it.  "Christian, call the best hospital. I want my grandma far away from them." She said and Chris nodded.

  "You're not taking her away. Unless you bring a million dollars." Grey protested.

  "Have you no shame?" Summer inches towards him but Chris held her back. "Christian, call someone!"

  "Nobody fucking moves." Grey drew out a knife. Everyone moved back in fear. Even Sheila and Ben. "A million dollars is pocket change for you. It's not worth dropping dead for."

  "Just put the knife down." Chris shielded Summer. What was wrong with this man? Has he lost his mind? He charged towards them and Chris tackled him to the ground.

"Call the police!"

Chris winced in pain as the doctor applied medication on his wound. Summer stood by him, rubbing his shoulder. Sheila and Ben stood there also apologetically. The knife had sliced through his palm real bad. 

  "Is it going to be alright, doctor?"

  "It's nothing serious. It may leave a scar. But that's about it." The doctor replied.

  "I'm so sorry Christian, I can't believe that dad...I mean ...he would do that."

  "As long as you're safe." He replied. She smiled. He was so sweet. She faced her mother and brother.

  "How could you let him do that?" She yelled. "Injure Christian, drug grandma. If the doctor hadn't found out about the pills, who knows what would've happened to her... "

  "Summer, please don't press charges. Look, your husband is okay." Sheila pleaded and Ben nodded.

  "I'll consider it as long as you both get out of my face." She shouted and Sheila led Ben out in a hurry. Chris placed a hand on hers in reassurance.

Summer stepped outside the hospital, her thoughts overwhelming her. How could he do that and out everyone in danger? And her mum couldn't even talk him out of it. She just followed him blindly. Chris' mother came out from nowhere and slapped her hard.

"You little tramp. You got Christian hurt. I knew something like this would happen with you and your low down trashy heap of a family!" She shouted. Summer's cheek glowed red, and it stung, but she kept her cool. She was right. Christian getting hurt was her fault.

"I know I put Christian in harm's way, but I ..." Chris came out of the hospital, staring hatefully at his mother, then faced Summer, examining her cheek. How even did she know they were here? He knew it. She had spies all over the city.

"Christian, my sweet baby boy, are you okay?" Mrs Norton tried to talk to him, but he was focused on Summer. "I told you she was no good for you."

"Did you hit her?" He asked and she stuttered for words. "Mother, I swear to God, if this ever happens again, I'm going to..."

"What? You're going to what? What are you going to do to your own mother for this thing?" She gestured towards Summer.

"If you don't accept her, you lose me. Do you understand?" He stated adamantly. She looked Summer, then growled and walked away.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. He hugged her, then led her to his car. Cecelia wasn't driving. Just the two of them. Once inside, she became sad. He noticed it and faced her, inquiring.

"I don't think your mother is ever going to like me."

"She's been living in a bubble with those snubs for far too long. She needs to come down to earth." He held her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. "Don't think about that, okay? I'm sorry she did that babe. I will make it up to you. Let's go shopping for those dresses." He said and she smiled. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

The gala event was an extravagant affair, with decorations and a red carpet buzzing with excitement. Vincent and Nancy arrived at the red carpet outside and all eyes were drawn to them. Cameras flashed and they both posed. She pushed Vincent to the side.

"Move away, I hate your cologne, it's making me nauseous. I need to look dazzling." She said, then began posing for the camera. Just then, people began whispering and others gasping as they stopped taking pictures of Nancy. She turned back and gasped. It was Summer and Chris. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored tuxedo, that exuded charm, while Summer dazzled in a stunning designer gown, commanding attention with her grace and elegance. They stole the spotlight with their effortless style and undeniable chemistry. The press swarmed them like flies, demanding their attention after a while, Chris stepped away and let Summer be the centre of attraction as the cameras didn't stop flashing till they got inside the hall.

"This is the last time you steal my shine, Summer Cale." Nancy said through gritted teeth. Vincent couldn't take his eyes off Summer as she walked in. She looked like a goddess. He didn't even notice Nancy staring at him.

"Let's go." She dragged him inside. Once they got inside, she took him further inside the hall, where there were less people.

"I'm gonna drug her."


"So when she's resting in her dressing room, you're gonna go in and beg her to take you back. She's desperate for attention so of course she's gonna say yes. And you're gonna have it all on recording. When Christian hears it, he'll dump her ass." She chuckled.

"Is that going to work?" Vincent wasn't sure that plan would follow through. It sounded dumb.

"It will. It has to." She replied, then dragged him by his collar, "Come on." She led him away, and gave him a waiting spot.

"Watch her closely. When she's drugged, you follow her into her room." He nodded.

She took a champagne from a tray from a waiter passing, took out drugs from her bag and poured it in. Another waiter was passing and she waved him.

"Here. Give this to that lady over there." She pointed to Summer who was talking to a guest with Chris. She handed some cash to the waiter and he nodded and walked to Summer.