
Married At Twenty

“I can’t get married to him “I cried telling my mum “You caused this diamond so you’ll have to fix it “mum replied me sarcastically without any emotion “I broke down crying realizing Am about to get married to someone who is 15 years older than me and the person I had hated growing up“What mess have i entangled myself in”I thought

Ola_Bi_Si · Teen
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12 Chs

My New Life


"Back at diamond house,Robert has regained consciousness and he has been told that his company is back to normal "

"How did all this happen "he asked curiously

"And what changed Miguel mind so suddenly "he added

"I don't know,he might have thought it through once more "Alicia replied him lying

"And diamond,where is she"He asked when he hadn't seen her since he's woken up

"Well I sent her to stay with my sis Bianca for some days coz of Miguel,she would be fine there "she said stammering

"Robert glared her a suspicious look and said "

"Hope you're not lying to me alicia "He asked her suspiciously

"Why would I do that,Diamond is fine and the company is back to normal,you should be happy about this and moreover you just woke up so don't stress yourself too much Robert "she replied not maintaining eye contact

"If you say so,But just know I won't spare you if you've done anything wrong "He told her and laid back on the bed



?Back at Miguel House ?

"Diamond stared at the mirror and couldn't help but get annoyed "

"What does he think of himself,He literally poured water on her and now she's completely drenched up,thank God her mother already sent her clothes "she thought while going through her clothes to pick what to wear

"She finally went out to the bedroom but Miguel wasn't in there again "

"He must have gone to eat "she thought

"Am also hungry,I haven't had anything since morning,lemme just go down to eat as well "she said to herself

"Her eyes suddenly diverted to the bed and a smile crept on her face "

"She went into the bathroom and filled water into a bucket and went back into the room and poured the whole water onto the bed "

"Let's see if you also get to sleep on your bed tonight "she said going back into the bathroom to drop the bucket and headed downstairs




?Diamond ?

"I walked downstairs with a smile on my face ,am not someone he can mess with like that "I thought

"I got to The dining and he was already seated with madam claudia standing behind him "

"Good evening madam claudia "I said the moment I took a seat and Miguel raised his head and stared at me before looking back at his food

"Evening dare,let me serve you your food "madam claudia replied me

"We both ate in silence and soon Miguel was done and he stood up to go into the room "

"Thanks for the food madam claudia "He said before leaving

"I was still busy with my food when I heard him yell from the room "


"I flinched a little from where I was sitting and I definitely know I was in deep soup

"What have you done to annoy him "madam claudia asked concerned

"I don't know "I lied to her before heading up to the room




"I had gone into the room after eating and wanted to take a nap "

"What the heck "I shouted the moment I sat down on the bed

"The bed was completely drained with water "

"Only one person could have done this "I thought to myself

"DIAMOND COME HERE NOW "I yelled angrily

"I waited for her to show up and she finally did,she closed the door silently behind her and stood in my front "

"You called on me "she said acting completely clueless of what she did

"Why's there water on the bed "I asked her silently trying to control my anger

"She suddenly burst out laughing and my head heated up instantly "

"Do you think this is funny "I asked out of rage

"I only did to you what you did to me "She replies me sharply

"I moved closer to her and gripped her tightly by her arm "

"You're hurting me "she winced in pain

"And I would keep on hurting you,if you don't obey me "I said to her

"I held my grip more tightly to her "

"You're hurting me Miguel "she said in pain

"Coz we're married doesn't mean I still can't ruin your father,if you do anything silly then just consider it your father downfall "I threatened ,then released my grip on her

"Please don't do that,Don't let anything happen to my dad "she pleaded me crying

"I won't,if you just do everything I say and you know the first thing you're doing is to sleep on that bed you drenched with water "I said to her

"And you better don't play smart with me,you have to sleep on that bed tonight "I wisphered to her before leaving the room to sleep in the guest room


?Diamond ?

"I dragged myself to the bed and sat down on it "

"I looked at my arm and it was already bruised up,""I just have to do whatever he says now and that starts with me sleeping on this wet bed "

"I laid down on the bed and stood up back "

"There's no way I would be able to sleep on this "

"I couldn't get to sleep throughout the night and when it was around 4am in the morning I had a knock on the door "

"Who could that be ,I thought to myself before getting up to get it opened "

"It was the girl that came in with my bag last night "

"Good morning ma'am,sir wants you downstairs"she said then turned her back and left "

"It's just 4am ,what does he need me for "I said frustrated

"I hurriedly went downstairs not wanting to upset him

"He was sitted at the living room with his laptop on his lap "

"Good morning I said to him "

"Morning,hope you had a good night rest "He asked before raising his head to look at me

"But with this look of yours am sure you didn't even have a chance to close your eyes "he added mockingly

"I didn't say anything,I just kept mute but I was already feeling pissed "

"Pick up that note from the table "He said pointing at it

"I moved to the table and picked it up "

"Really am I a servant or on a guard patrol "I said angrily when I read the content in the note

"No babe,You Just have to get up by 4am to make me coffee,prepare me my breakfast,send in my lunch to my office and my dinner must be ready before I get home and no going out for you and if you want to go to school there would be a bodyguard following you to school "He said repeating the content of the note

"And it all start now,get me a cup of coffee and make me my breakfast "he said authoratively

"Okay,But I have to go to school today "I said to him

"A bodyguard and a driver would be waiting for you when you're done "he replied me

"I went into the kitchen to prepare him coffee and he had complained every single time I made one,it's either the sugar was too much,or there's no sugar in it or he doesn't use milk and after the fifth one he was finally satisfied "

I had to prepare him breakfast as well,and he didn't seize to complain also "

"After I was finally done with my work,I went to take my bath and finally headed to school 'with my new bodyguard "




Authoress ?

"Diamond finally arrived at school,with her guard right behind her "

"You can't follow me into the class"she said when they were about entering

"He nodded his head and stood right outside the class "

"Diamond entered the class and no teacher was in,she found a vacant seat and sat down on it and then I eyes noticed someone,she turned to look at the direction once again and yes the person she saw was no other person than Andre "

"What Andre is back "she murmured under her breath

"I just hope he wouldn't notice me "she said

"Well,well,Well,Look who is back to school "Diamond heard a voice said at her front

"She looked up and saw Alexa with her friends jennie and cherry "

"She hid her hand under the desk hoping they don't notice her ring "

"Alexa am not in for your nagging today "Diamond said

"So you slapped Miguel and your family was at the brink of loosing it all,Now everything is back to normal,how did you do it "Alexa questioned

"Oh I know,she must have slept with him "cherry said

"You know she's use to luring guys with her beauty "jennie added and the three laughed mockingly

"If you girls don't leave diamond alone,I will have to report you to the principal "a voice said from behind

"Here comes Sarah,her bodyguard "Alexa said mockingly

"Sarah moved to diamond side and glares at Alexa "

"Seems we would have our chit chat some other time Diamond "Alexa said before leaving with her friends

"Sarah hugged diamond tightly "

"Am sorry for not reaching out to you,Dad has forbid me to "Sarah said

"It's okay,I understand "Diamond reply withdrewing from the hug

"You don't look so good,what happened "Sarah asked when she noticed diamond look

"Diamond explained all that happened to Sarah "

"What!! Your mum made you do that "she said surprised

"And that beast has done all that to you in just a day and now he's making a guard follow you around "Sarah added unable to believe what she just heard

"Andre is back "Diamond said softly

"Yes and I know this is the wrong time for him to be back "Sarah said worriedly

"The teacher finally arrived and they all settled for class "

"Diamond had avoid Andre gaze throughout the class and once the class was done,she bid goodbye to Sarah and left "

"She was about entering the car when she heard a voice call out to her "

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