
Married At Twenty

“I can’t get married to him “I cried telling my mum “You caused this diamond so you’ll have to fix it “mum replied me sarcastically without any emotion “I broke down crying realizing Am about to get married to someone who is 15 years older than me and the person I had hated growing up“What mess have i entangled myself in”I thought

Ola_Bi_Si · Teen
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12 Chs

A New visitor

Andrea Pov 💕

"I angrily left the studio after hearing what phoebe said "

"I just hope he doesn't hit her like she said "I thought

"I know how hard things are for diamond with my presence here and even though I might still have feelings for her I just have to think of Miguel who has done nothing but help i and my mum through all the situation with my father and now he took me in till mother will be back ,I just couldn't bring my self to ruin his relationship with diamond "

"I walked down the hallway to Miguel office but I also saw him coming from the other side with a bag in his hand "

"Where is Diamond "I asked him the moment he was at my front

"She's in my office and am taking her clothes to her so that she could change back "He replied me

"Is that so "I answered back

"Take the car keys,Diamond will be out soon,Drive both of you home,You can finish the shoot tomorrow "He said to me handing me the car keys

"Okay I will wait for her at the parking spot "I told me then headed out

"Diamond finally came out after some minute and entered the car without even acknowledging my presence "

"Are you alright "I asked her after some time driving

"Yes "she replied me silently

"Did he hit you "I asked her curiously

"She gave me a long stare without replying then looked out of the window "

"We got home and she was about opening the car door to go her when I held her back "

"Am sorry for asking you that question "I said to her

"It's nothing but just know one thing he might yell at me but he doesn't hit me"She told me

"I just hope I could make things right for you "I said to her heartily

"You can by leaving this house and my life "She replied me

"Diamond "I called her name suprised by what she just said

"You know what you're just like phoebe,You might not be scheming like her but you two have the same intention of ruining my life,She Lied to Miguel today I just wonder what else that witch will do "She said angrily then opened the car door and left

"What has phoebe done and what intention does she have to diamond but anything it is I would make sure of protecting diamond from her " I said to myself




Diamond pov 💎

"I walked angrily into the room and fell on the bed crying "

"Why would Miguel trust phoebe words and not try hearing me out "

"I was also a fool for believing phoebe and wearing that dress "I thought angrily

"I laid on the bed without moving for hours crying,I picked up my phone and dialed Sarah's number but it wasn't going through "

"I threw the phone on the bed frustrated and decided to go out because I was feeling hungry "

"I headed to the kitchen to see if I can get something to eat when I saw madam claudia in the kitchen "

"How you doing dear "She said to me happily

"Am good ma'am "i replied her

"Do you need anything "she asked me

"Yes I'm hungry "I told her

"Wait lemme make you something to eat "she said to me

"I would make it myself and can I make tonight dinner if you don't mind "I asked her

"You really don't need to ask,You can "she replied me smiling then headed out to leave me alone

"Maybe cooking will stop my mind from running for some hours "

"Miguel was around before I finished cooking,I set up the table and phoebe with Andrea was already seated "

"Wow you made dinner tonight ,I didn't know you could cook "phoebe said trying to act nice

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me "i replied her sarcastically

"Miguel came over to the dining and sat down without even saying a word to me "

"After we all finished eating Miguel and Andrea left while I waited to talk with phoebe "

"I never knew you were so petty,Lying so you could cause a fight "I said to phoebe

"You seem okay to me that means I have to try more harder next time "Phoebe replied her

"Then I guess you have to try harder coz I'll never let you win and stop acting nice to me when we both know we hate each other "I told her

Then let's wait and see and I would have to act sweet to you in front of miguel coz am such a sweet angel "she replied me

"Wow aren't you such a sweet angel "I said to her teasingly

"I have to take my beauty sleep so talk to you tomorrow "she said to me then left

"I went into the room but Miguel wasn't there I guess he isn't sleeping here tonight aswell "



Morning ....

"I woke up the next day and Checked the clock on the table next to me "

"It was past ten and Miguel must already be at work ,I guess I wasn't going to complete the shoot "

"I got ready and headed downstairs to eat "

"After having the breakfast I sat down in the living room when I felt someone hug me from behind "

"Sarah "I said happily and hugged her back when I noticed she was the one

"She sat down next to me giggling in excitement "

"Why are you so happy and why isn't your number going through "I questioned her

"Really my line isn't going through "she asked me checking her phone

"These are your bags "Jessica said to Sarah after walking in with two traveling bags

"Are you going somewhere "I questioned Sarah

"No"she answered me

"Then why the bags "I asked her

"I will be staying here for a month,Mum is back to grandma place and I can't bear going back there and dad will be out of the country By tomorrow "She told me

"What and you just decided to show up without informing me "I said to her

"It's not like this is the first time I'll do it "she said back to me

"But that was my dad house "I tried explaining to her

"And this is your husband house "she said cutting in

"I don't think he'll have a problem with me staying here for a month and you should be happy your best friend is here "she added excitedly

"It's not like that "I told her

"Will you please take those bags to the guest room "Sarah told Jessica who was still standing

"If you don't have anything more to say then I should head to my room because I really need to shower "Sarah said to me standing up and followed Jessica

"Your room really "I yelled at her in disbelief but she already left

"Will Miguel allow her to stay "I thought