
CH 10|| The convocation

I found myself waking up earlier than Chris. Finally the day is here, Chris convocation is here!

Few minutes after I woke up, Chris' mum knocked on our door.

"Please open up " shouted his mom

Chris didn't waste time in responding to her voice. He quickly threw his pillow on the bed and the blanket too.

"Coming, mum! " he shouted as we exchanged glances.

Everyone was rushed to do things speedily so we would get dressed and prepare to leave fast.

Mother opened the room door when Chris wasn't in, bringing in a woman when I was only in my underwear.

Chris left for me to dress but his mum just embarrassed me by letting a stranger see me in my undies.

"Don't feel shy. Am sorry we bounced in unannounced. This lady you see here will be in charge of your dress up and makeover to bring out the lady in you." she smiled

"But I can dress myself, " I said while covering myself with a towel.

"No no no sweetie, occasions like this need to be taken seriously " she said.

She turned to the door, "I'll be back. Make sure you dress her right " she said then winked at me before closing the door.

"Now let's get dressed " the slender looking lady spoke to me as she picked up the gown she brought with her from the bed.

"My name is Karry and I'm 42, actually married."

She looks her age though but she really looks fit.

"I'm a professional makeup artist and also a fashion designer and I've dressed Chris for a long time now. I'm pleased that I'm dressing his wife as well." she said while helping me get dressed.

"No need to introduce yourself because mother already did " she said as she made sure the dress fitted me properly.

I liked the material, the color and the design. Everything about it was just so beautiful.

It reached a little above my knees and it is a little wide flare starting from the waist.

It is a sleeveless gown actually but the neck isn't wide or small, just moderate. The gown is just perfect.

She stood back,

"Perfect! " she exclaimed, looking intently at the gown.

"Our Chris is such a lucky young man. You are a perfectly gorgeous lady by your looks and figure " she commended. "I bet many men out there will be jealous of Chris."

I didn't know what to reply. Jealous of Chris or mocking him.

"Sit here, it's time for our makeover." she said as she pulled out a seat for me in front of the mirror.

She made my hair that I fixed yesterday into a beautiful style. I can't really describe it but it was kind of a bit loosely packed.

Two thin braids were made on each side of my hair, leaving few tendrils down the back of my head and my temples.

It marvels me how people can be so creative, not on paper but in fashion. I was looking classy.

After the makeover was done, I couldn't recognize my face, I was looking different, like a more matured person.

"I like it! " I exclaimed

"Of course you'll like it. I made it in such a way that your natural looks are still intact, just a touch " she said

"You look great dear. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face once they see you " she stated, adding a little bronze to my cheek bones.

She helped me wear my golden coloured heels.

I stood up alone. Suddenly as if Chris was waiting for the right time to strike, came into the room.

He was so handsome in his body fitting tuxedo not like those baggy ones I see many people wear.

I couldn't help but stare at him, ignoring his gaze.

"I'll leave you two for now " said Karry

I tried giving her signals to stay but she still went on leaving. Crap

For a moment, we didn't say anything. I was tongue-tied. I was so shaky that I could even feel it in my bones.

I couldn't take it anymore so I confidently but still shakily walked, trying to leave Chris to himself.

But because I quivered when I got close to him, I tripped. Curse heels and fear.

My world spun and I saw red but I didn't fall. Did he just stop me from falling? This is too embarrassing.

His arm wrapped around my stomach while the other held my left arm and my face facing downwards, he pulled me up to a standing position.

He held me close to his body as my chest pressed against his. My hands were trapped between us. These hands are itching to slap me for being clumsy.

It was by accident though as a result of preventing me from falling.

He finally let go of me when we were aware of our position. I scurried off, not waiting to hear what Chris was gonna say.


We drove to the venue where the convocation was being held. University of Lagos (UNILAG) is far more advanced than UNIUYO, starting from the level of education to the surroundings.

I heard that UNILAG is far too corrupt especially for a female.

I would buy that since I had few encounters with some of the students and alumni.

We got out of the car, mother adjusted Chris's collar even when nothing was wrong with it.

When we walked for about 5 seconds, we heard mother from the back make a loud whisper.

"Will you two stop there! " She whispered loudly at both of us.

"Are you two married at all?! " she asked in a serious tone I've never heard before from her.

We stared at each other then back to her in confusion.

"Eddy can't you see what your husband is carrying? Huh? " she looked angrily at me.

I then realized that Chris was hanging his ironed grad. gown on his left hand.

With an immediate effect I got the gown from him cautiously so as not to get it rumpled.

I hung it over my right hand just the way he did.

Just when we thought we were done, we made to leave, another whisper came again.

"I'm not done yet! " she whispered loudly.

"So Chris, what sort of a husband are you? Will you show your wife some love?! "

We stood there like confused children. My mouth obeyed the law of gravity as it was left ajar.

She sighed and shook her head then took my left hand, placing it on Chris' right hand which sent serious chills down my spine. I could see his face flush red maybe because he's embarrassed.

My stomach churned violently for a moment.

What if Amarachi is here and sees me holding hands with her Bf?

What about Chris, what is he thinking right now? Maybe he feels disgusted at me.

"You are a couple, you are supposed to hold each other's hand in love, at least to scare some useless people away from your partner. Oh what youths of these days " she said.

Chris' palm was a lot bigger than mine but was soft and firm while mine was sweaty and shaky and I know he felt it.

I just can't fathom the reason behind my being nervous.

Father wasn't with us at the moment, he was busy with his important friends. Mother already taught me how to walk as a real lady not clumsily as I used to.

I didn't have any more problem walking with Chris even though it was hand in hand.

At a particular point, we stopped for Chris to put on his grad. gown.

I helped him put it on "like a wife would for her beloved husband " and he didn't object to it because we both knew his mom well enough.

As I stood in front of him, with my eyes on his chest, I rearranged his collar and brushed his grad. gown with my hands.

I gently tugged his gown a bit as the final touch.

When I was done, I felt my heart heavily flutter when Chris leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on my right cheek.

It was unexpected and I blushed really hard. I know he was trying to impress his mother like I did. Nevertheless I felt it, it felt surreal.

I don't know why but it felt so right.

I watched him head off to his fellow graduating mates.

"He's handsome right? " mother teased, bringing me back to reality.

I didn't know what to reply so I just smiled.

"C'mon let's do some introduction " she said, taking me along with her with me following suit.

She introduced me to her la-di-da friends who I know were trying to flaunt their latest expensive designer bags most especially and certainly mother wasn't excluded.

I just couldn't stand them. I excused mother, finding my way out of that misery.

I went out of the massive hall. While outside, I put my hand into my purse, removing my phone, I checked for any notification.

I started feeling uncomfortable when I caught many eyes staring at me.

Normally people stare but theirs was just too much and majority where young adults and super teens of both sex.

C'mon, can't people just walk on their way without disturbances. Ugh

After some time, a guy I assume is a student greeted me from behind so I turned to look at him.

He was slightly tall, wearing all red, from his face cap down to his trousers except his timberland boots.

Doesn't this guy know what a formal occasion is?

I watched him lick his lower lip with slightly raised eyebrows. He introduced himself to me then complimented my said looks.

Funny as it goes, he asked for my mobile number. I have no idea if he was blind that he couldn't see the ring on my finger.

Intentionally, I brushed the few tendrils off my face with my left middle finger just so he could see the ring.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were married " he apologized and left, feeling embarrassed.

I liked the usefulness of the ring since then. I met up with father and he introduced me to his friends and business associates but at least his friends are better.

I waited to hear someone with a first class but I didn't, not even Chris. The convocation was slow but interesting. After the graduating students got their degrees and signed some papers, they dispersed for relaxation with their family and friends.

Chris finally showed up with a second class upper. I was proud of him because of his grades. We took a lot of pictures with his family by the professional photographer father paid to come.

Chris put his hand around my waist as he took me to his friends. They all turned around to face us with an 'eager to know' look on their faces.

"Hi, " one of them waved flirtatiously at me but I replied otherwise.

"So Chris, who is she? You've never told us about her" said another

Chris looked at me and smiled but I nervously smiled back.

"She's my wife " he proudly replied

My heart skipped at that word. Wife doesn't suit you Eddy.

They all looked at us in surprise with their eyes so wide.

"What about Am... " one wanted to speak but another put a hand over his mouth, preventing him from speaking. "No wonder the ring, I was even about to ask" the other continued.

"And I was here thinking she's your younger sister you never told us about " said the first one.

"Sorry I didn't tell you or invite you to my wedding. I will make it up to you guys " he pulled me closer.

When we got home, mother organised a big party just for him and so many people were invited.

During the party I heard one of Chris' friends asking about his girlfriend but Chris avoided the question all together.

I knew my place so I didn't try attracting him but instead just pretended for everyone. What a lie I live!
