
one morning....

Im Camille working in one small company .... I am living alone in apartment ... everything is perfect but one day ....my family forced me to marry.. I told them I don't...but my grandfather is heart patient he make s big mess ... emotionally I said yes ...but today is my wedding day 🥺but truth is today is the first time I'm seeing my groom .... But after I saw I got a heart attack becouse that groom Is my devil boss.

 Ron ( prisident of SN company cold hearted he is perfect think that money is everything he also forced for this marriage) let's see what will happend next

Bride enter the stage..... she is the most beautiful girl ....look like a fallen Angel... Camille father give the Camille hand to Ron ...I'm giveing my heart to you hope you take care of her....

Camille inner voice (everything is ok how can I kiss my boss now I'm scared what I do ...can I stop this like filmy way ...)

Camille: hmmm boss can we skip the kiss ...I feel dizzy ..

Ron:do yo think you deserve my kiss??

Camille:no boss 

(May bride and groom kiss)

Ron peck the Camille forehead 

Camille (inner voice):thank God 🙏

( Ron home )

Ron mother welcome the Camille .... Camille resting in the living room ...

Sam (Ron little brother 23 year old gamer):today is my brother first night I'm gone put alram in his bedroom 😸 hehehe 

Sam is decorating the first night room after some time Camille enter the room....for Camille everything is new for her ...she was shy and little embarrass ..how can i sex with my boss ...maybe he is not coming room I will change my dress ,Camille took off her clothes ... When she lift her bra Ron enter the room ....

When Ron saw her smooth skin he can't take his eyes off ....let's see what will happend in next chapter