
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · History
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40 Chs


The door burst open, startling everyone in the room. Two heads cautiously peeked out, scanning the empty hallway before retreating back inside and swiftly locking the door. Their voices dropped to hushed whispers, barely audible over the muffled sounds.

The eavesdropper, whoever they were, remained hidden, their presence unknown. Suddenly, a loud splash echoed through the air, causing Bai Lang to gasp as she emerged from the depths of the koi pond.

With no foliage or hiding places nearby, the young girl took a daring dive into the shallow pond that lay in front of the room. She carefully maneuvered herself among the rocks and lotus leaves, using them as a shield to conceal her whereabouts.

"I must witness how Sou tan mei becomes a part of this family while I'm here," Bai Lang muttered to herself, determination gleaming in her eyes.

She tiptoed through the pond, ensuring that no wet footprints were left behind, and made her way back to her room.

In a rush, she quickly changed out of her drenched clothes. Lu mama's disapproving gaze met Bai Lang's. How could a young lady be so careless as to walk around soaking wet for all to see? Lu mama found it disgraceful.

As Lu mama gathered her sewing kit to teach Bai Lang the art of Double side embroidery, she couldn't help but reminisce about her time in the imperial palace. This skill was a closely guarded secret, only known to those in the seamstress department. Now that Lu mama had retired and Bai Lang was under her care, she vowed to teach the girl the proper etiquette befitting an imperial princess.

Bai Lang spent the rest of the day engrossed in her embroidery, diligently working on the final touches of the pair of mandarin ducks for the auspicious pouch. She was so focused that she didn't even notice when Sou Rou Xue entered the room.

A shadow fell over Bai Lang, interrupting her movements. Startled, she looked up to see her niang's stern expression. "Is that for Bai Liu's dowry?" Sou Rou Xue questioned. Bai Lang quickly greeted her niang, feeling a pang of guilt for the unfinished pouch in her hands. Sou Rou Xue walked past her and into the inner chambers.

Knowing better than to keep her concubine mother waiting, Bai Lang instructed Xin yi to pack up her belongings. She then followed Sou Rou Xue into the inner chambers, unsure of what awaited her there.

As she walked in, she noticed Lou mama serving her mother a refreshing glass of plum tea. Taking a seat opposite the two women, Bai Lang remained silent, patiently waiting for Sou Rou Xue to reveal her purpose.

"Xiao Lang," Sou Rou Xue called out, breaking the silence.

"What do you think of your Biaojie?"

Caught off guard by the question, Bai Lang paused before responding, her voice filled with sweetness and innocence.

"Niang Biaojie is Biaojie. What can Bai Lang possibly think about her?"

Sou Rou Xue grew frustrated with her daughter's answer. She wanted to gauge Bai Lang's opinion on her Biaojie, as her elder brother refuse to see reason.

"Xiao Lang, your mother is asking if your Biaojie is compatible with your second brother. I heard they crossed paths in the garden."

Bai Lang observed Sou Rou Xue with a perplexed expression as she feigned ignorance of her mother's implication. Despite everything that had happened, it seemed that her mother was still following her uncle's suggestion. Bai Lang inwardly sighed, realizing that it was time to paint a clear picture for this woman.

Bai Lang could sense that her uncle had something that was pressuring Sou Rou Xue, based on what she had overheard earlier.

"If you're referring to Second Brother, Niang, we did see him and Young Master Liang at the small pavilion that day. However, Second Brother did not pay any special attention to Biaojie, and Biaojie was more interested in Young Master Liang," Bai Lang innocently explained.

"That little wench." Sou Rou Xue clenched her teeth in frustration. What else could she expect from her sister-in-law's daughter, who shamelessly climbed into her brother's bed during his coming-of-age banquet?

Lo-shi knew exactly how Sou Rou Xue's father was and that he would force his son to marry the girl to maintain the Sou family's reputation, regardless of her questionable background.

And now, her own daughter was eyeing the heir of the duke, but had she taken a good look at herself and the kind of person she was before attempting such audacity?

Bai Lang noticed that Sou Rou Xue was fuming, which was exactly what she had hoped for by mentioning Sou Tan Mei's interest in Young Master Liang.

"Now let's see them try to push Sou Tan Mei on us," Bai Lang thought, taking a sip of her cold, sweet plum tea.

"Mother, I think it's best if we don't proceed with Jiufu's plan," Bai Lang started to object, but Sou Xue interrupted.

"Xiao Lang, I have to go along with whatever your Jiufu has planned. But I need you to find out when your second brother will be staying at home next week. I am confined to my courtyard, and I need your help," Sou Xue explained.

Bai Lang wondered what her Jiufu had on her mother that she still hadn't come to her senses. It seemed like Bai Lang would have to take matters into her own hands.

"I understand, Niang," Bai Lang replied. It was already late in the evening, and Sou Rou Xue bid her farewell.


Just then, a steward approached Lou Mama at the front of Bai Lang's courtyard, right after Sou Rou Xue's departure.

Upon conversing with Stewart, Lou's mother ventured into Bai Lang's inner chambers, only to find her lost in profound contemplation.

Lou mama, approached Bai Lang while she was lost in her thoughts.

"Third young miss." Lou mama called out.

Bai Lang turned her attention towards Lou mama, waiting to hear her purpose.

"The master is summoning you," Lou mama informed after a brief pause.

"Fuqin?" Bai Lang questioned.

"No, third miss.


"Answering thrid miss, yes it first master who has sent a steward to escort you to his study." Lou mama replied.

Confusion and a sense of unease filled Bai Lang's mind. She quickly changed into appropriate attire with the assistance of Lou mama and made her way to meet the head steward.

Dai shan, the head steward, greeted Bai Lang with respect. "Third young miss, if you would kindly follow me, I will take you to the master's study."

Bai Lang nervously bowed before following Dai shan as he led the way.