

How did the world change so fast? At first humans were living peacefully with their normal lives, back then there was not much of what we call different races, subclasses and other things that separates mankind today. I think it has been about 500 years today since the highest mountain in the world Mt.Everest erupted but funny enough, instead of hot, red larva flowing out of the mountain, it was green larva and green gas burst out wich went up and formed what we call today The Moving Clouds. -- Mark is not a vampire like his father and not a white mage like his mother, what is he? He has a book given to him by his mother and that book contains one part of a system. The other part of the system is owned by the Grand Master of Magic City. When the system is separated into two wich means it has two hosts, then they both are destined to face each other so that only one host can contain the whole system and unlock it's full power. But mark is only a student in a school full of different subclasses and races with different abilities. How will he grow through his challenges as the chosen one in the prophecy? Am sorry for the poor cover. I will generate a better one in the future. This story is really great just try it. It will get better as more chapters are released and as I gain more experience. Is it comedy you are looking for? It is included. Is it a magical world? It is included. Is it romance? Yes it is found in there. It gets better when Arthur wants to go against the Grand Master.

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Paun puan puan puan...

" Everyone get up it's training time"

Mark's father shouted as he was hitting a spoon against a frypan.

" Damnit what an annoying father." Mark said as he rushed out of his room in anger forgetting that he was having just his boxers on then he met Kayla outside of her room staring at him with a shock look on her face wich made Mark to come to his senses and rushed back into his room.


Currently in the living room, Kayla was standing behind Mark who had a very angry look on his face.

" Dad why did you wake us up too early like this?"

" Son I received a message from the Magic School and tomorrow both of you will go in for the first test wich will be the determining factor of your level in school." Mark's father said.

"Both of us will go?" Mark asked looking at Kayla then back to his father.

"Yes both of you will go. I told the school I had my brother's son with me and he will be coming too." Said Mr Hanstine.

"What about those who are after her?" Mark asked being worried about his new friend.

" Don't worry son, she is in a disguise , no one will notice her and besides you both will be living in the dorms and you will be under the school's protection." Mark's father explained.

' School? My father will send some of his people to that school to search for me and even in this disguise it will not be long before they discover me but if I refuse to go to school, Mark and his father will start getting suspicious of me. Oh God, what should I do?' These thoughts were running through Kayla's mind before it was interrupted by Mark's father.

" Hey Kayla what is going on in your mind? Are you already scared of what will happen?

Are you scared that there will be bullies there?

Don't worry too much I will be teaching both of you how to defend your self in dangerous situations."

" Okay," Kayla replied nervously.


Currently Mark's father had led Mark and Kayla to a room in the house wich Mark never knew of. Even though the room was not that large it was an empty room wich was the best place for training.

"Okay guys now I want you to listen to me and watch me carefully. The styles I want to teach you are the basic styles that are used by the vampires for self defense only.

This styles will greatly improve your defense in such a way only a very skillful fighter will be able to break through." Mark's father explained as he took a fighting stance in wich Mark and Kayla followed.

" The first move you will learn is flash Move.

This skill will help you to move from your current position to some few meters away at a great speed.

Good news is you can use it as many times as possible but the downside is if you use it too much at once, it can reduce your energy wich will make you tired. So you have to do it like this....." Mark's father explained all the moves carefully.

As Mark and Kayla was practicing, Mark recieved a message from his System.


(( Congrats Mark Hanson, a new skill has been added to the system in the name of flash Move.

FLASH MOVE LV1. This skill enables you to move from your current position to 7 meters away at a great speed.

+2 points has been added to intelligence.))


' I learn new things everyday from this system. Now I am happy to be here afterall.'

Mark thought while smiling.

" Hello Mark what are you thinking about? Concentrate." Mark's father shouted as he saw Mark starring at space for a very long time.

Mark looked at his father and smiled for what was about to come.

'Activate flash Move. Flash Move, Flash Move Flash Move .'

Mark's Father's eyes opened wide as he saw his son doing what took him weeks to learn and years to perfect just in a day and that too very much better than him.

"Wow son how come you learned that move so quickly? have you been practicing alone or something? And what did my eyes see just now?

you went for about 7 meters away from where you stood before just with a single Flash Move, How come? I can go just 5 meters currently after years of hard work." Mr Hanstine said while being astonished.

'Wow thank God I met with this special boy who is destined to be a great person and he is the only person who I have seen having thesame crystal heart as my father, does that mean something?.' Kayla thought to herself.

"Okay now the next skill is...."

Mark's father thought Mark and Kayla more fighting styles and wich each style, Mark repeated it as though he had been training for years.

Kayla had already gotten tired and left the line because she wasn't much into the fighting stuff while on the other hand Mark's father continued to train as many styles as possible even the complicated ones since Mark could easily catch on.

With each fighting style learnt, Mark recieved more points adding to his intelligence. He had received a total of 7 points during the training But no skill was added to his system again after flash step but he could easily memorize all the fighting moves.

Finally the training had come to an end and the family went to freshen up and get breakfast.


Currently two guards from the the Palace are moving from door to door checking each house looking for the Princess and then they came infront of one of the most cheapest houses in the city.

" Hmm I don't think the princess can be hiding in such a place it's too low class." one of the guards spoke.

"Augh, Cain I have told you to reason with your brain not your mouth, you talk alot. Don't you know a place like this will be a very good hiding spot?" A female guards Asked with an angry look.

" I am sorry captain Erica. " the other guard said as he bowed.


Currently Mark and his family were having breakfast and chatting happily then they heard a knock on the door.

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