

How did the world change so fast? At first humans were living peacefully with their normal lives, back then there was not much of what we call different races, subclasses and other things that separates mankind today. I think it has been about 500 years today since the highest mountain in the world Mt.Everest erupted but funny enough, instead of hot, red larva flowing out of the mountain, it was green larva and green gas burst out wich went up and formed what we call today The Moving Clouds. -- Mark is not a vampire like his father and not a white mage like his mother, what is he? He has a book given to him by his mother and that book contains one part of a system. The other part of the system is owned by the Grand Master of Magic City. When the system is separated into two wich means it has two hosts, then they both are destined to face each other so that only one host can contain the whole system and unlock it's full power. But mark is only a student in a school full of different subclasses and races with different abilities. How will he grow through his challenges as the chosen one in the prophecy? Am sorry for the poor cover. I will generate a better one in the future. This story is really great just try it. It will get better as more chapters are released and as I gain more experience. Is it comedy you are looking for? It is included. Is it a magical world? It is included. Is it romance? Yes it is found in there. It gets better when Arthur wants to go against the Grand Master.

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Mark currently was checking the dashboard of his system with an "am thinking" look on his face. He was trying to analyse the message that the system had sent to him.


((Quest Completed

you have successfully defeated two Pighumans. +5 loose points to distribute it to any of your stats.


you have successfully saved the girl. +2 points to charm and +2 to pecerption.


EXP gained: 15/100


New skill Unlocked

PENETRATION: This skill helps you to acquire information about anything. The amount of information given will depend on the level of the thing or person.

Penetration comes with a side skill known as X-ray. It can help you see through obstacles. This skill can level up as your perception levels up.))

Mark's heart was filled with joy because he never imagined how this system could be so helpful.


The girl Mark just saved left from her hiding spot and she was going to thank the one who saved her but something was off about him.

That was because he was just looking into space and keeping his face serious then he will just smile after sometime.

"I don't know how to thank you , I don't know how to reward you but if not for you who knows in what state I would have been in now?

I want to thank you with all my heart and I will repay the favor someday I promise."

The girl said this while Kneeling down.

"It's okay." Mark sent his hand and lifted her up.

"If it was me in that situation I believe you would have done same but what I don't understand is how you ended up here. Did they drag you here? Who are they ?"

"They are from the noturios gang called the Lightning Gang. They have the reputation of disturbing the peace of the town for an unknown reason.

This gang usually use Pighumans as messengers so as I was passing by this site, they spotted me and they started harassing me, then I started shouting for anyone to hear me and come to my rescue, then you showed up."

" Okay but why will you be passing at such a lonely and dangerous place all by yourself?" Mark asked.

"Some group of people are searching for me, please save me, let me come and live with you for some time, then when the search is over I will go my way am pleading." The girl said while bowing her head.

" I don't think that can be possible and besides I don't even know you and I don't know those who are after so why should I help you?"

"My name is Kayla and those people after me killed my parents and they are after me but I don't know why they killed them."

Mark looked at the direction of the school and thought that he will go to the school another day but for now he should save this girl, so Mark offered his hoodies to the girl and they left.


At home Mark's father was becoming very worried as Mark had stayed out alot, then he heard a knock on the door and Mark came in with a girl wearing Mark's hoodies.

"Mark you are back. What took you so long?"

" Father I was just passing by and I saw this girl being harassed and....."

Mark explained everything that had happened between him and the girl to his father.

" So Kayla are you sure you can't recognize this people even to describe them?" Mr Hanstine asked.

" Yes sir at the time they were doing the act I was asked by my mom to run through a secret passage but I manage to see that those people had masks on and they were all in black."

" Hmm you will stay here for now and you won't be going out much. Mark take her upstairs and give her the second room from the left."

Mark's father asked Mark to lead the girl upstairs while he tried to make dinner for them.


In the Magic School, the 10 Elders who controlled the Magic School were holding a meeting.

"So mister Draxtol bring me the list of the new students you registered and their locations.

We will have to invite them soon for the first test into the academy."

Mr Draxtol placed the list in front of an old man with white, long beard but he was still very handsome and strong.

So he took the list and he was examining it when Suddenly his eyes fell on a particular name Mark Hanson.

'So the prophecy has come to us. Hmm I am thankful only a few of us know about this prophecy and I am sure the Grand Master is aware.

This boy don't know that his coming here is a threat to the Grand Master. I will try my best to hide him till he is ready'

" What is wrong Mr Conan? You seem to have been lost in thought since you held that list." A woman who wore all black and even painted her eyes and lips black but she was very beautiful, said while looking at Mr Conan.

" it's nothing Miss Linda I am just happy that more and more students are coming up, atleast the world have recognized the threat of the Zedian Race."

"Hmm that is true." said Miss Linda

" The Zedian Race have been seen so frequently around the city it seems like they are hatching something. I must say; since thier last leader was defeated, they have been suspiciously quiet but active."

" I agree with that," another Elder spoke.

"And I suggest that since the Zedians post as a threat to our students, we should set a curfew on how long they can be out of school and also I suggest all students living out of school should be brought in to live in the dorm."

" Okay all those who vote for these ideas?"

Mr Conan asked.

Everyone raised thier hands.

"Okay it is decided bring it let me put a stamp on it."

Mr Conan said looking at one of the servants who was recording important points.

Let's keep going together and don't forget to vote and comment thank you

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