
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime & Comics
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788 Chs

The Okama King List 1

Not to mention the hot-tempered Akainu, even the surrounding marines who heard the words were frowning.

Is this the attitude of the high-level government to the marine?

"Well, I've said all the things I need to say, the rest, you just have to obey the orders!"

When the words fell, the cold expression of Den Den Mushi's simulation then dimmed down. It was Gorosei who directly hung up the phone.

"Damned old bastard!" Akainu almost spewed heat from his nostrils.

"Cough ..." the surrounding marines cough twice with embarrassed faces, pretending they did not hear.

Although they are also not used to seeing the government's way of doing things, Admiral Akainu also seems to be too aggressive.

"Admiral Akainu, tell me your decision!" Akagami said.

"Aaaah!" As if a wounded beast, Akainu reluctantly roared, venting like a blast to the sea, a wave took away a dozen unlucky pirates after, hate said, "Retreat!"

After hearing the order given by Akainu, the first relief was the BIG-MOM pirates.

The forces sent by the marines are too strong; it will suppress even their alliance of the three major pirates; the most critical point, the Beasts Pirates and the Demon Sword Pirates, are not the same minds with them.

Who knows if these two pirates will retreat the next moment because of too much damage?

"Hey? Is this the end?" Garp somewhat awkward scratching hair; how made him seem to be out on a camping trip?

"I've never seen anyone who can eat as well as Linlin!" Charlotte Linlin asked somewhat sympathetically, "Dog-headed Man-san, would you come back to play with Linlin next time?"

"This guy, is she really stupid or fake?" Garp wiped his mouth and fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, Kaido is still roaring in anger, "Why just stop fighting, I have not had enough of a top-level war to destroy the world!"

The already upset Akainu erupted like a volcano and shot towards the dragon, "Come on then!"

Longinus shook his head slightly and said to the surrounding marines, "Retreat, start to save the wounded with all your efforts."

Both sides have a tacit agreement to start retreating, apparently are worried that the other side does not follow the rules.

The good thing is, apart from Kaido and Akainu, there is nobody who wants to continue this war.

Only when the fleet withdrew to a safe range, Longinus said, "Then I and Admiral Kizaru will leave first, and Admiral Akainu's side, I'll trouble you to look after him, Admiral Aokiji."

"I know." Aokiji nodded.

"Hey? Do you really want to go back?" Kizaru's strange cry, "Dragon that guy is unlikely to wait for us to go back to catch him, besides, this situation is estimated that CP0 has long taken over it!"

"At least pretend to do it!"

"Oh?" Kizaru steeply widened his eyes, looking up and down at Longinus, "Such words would come out of your mouth, really surprising!"

"Although the soldiers to obey orders as a natural duty, but today's situation, is always unbearable for people to fight." Longinus sighed.

"Even you are like this, it is no wonder Sakazuki, he will be mad." Aokiji said with a smile.

"It is rare to hear such words from your mouth, then, I am strong and seriously injured also with you to go!" said Kizaru smiling, his heart has a bring good students together with the pleasure of the degenerate.

Longinus and Kuzan pulled the corners of their mouths; you are alive, like saying injured seriously, who believe it?

Could it be that, because of the lack of travel allowance, the mental is seriously injured?


Impel Down, the guards searched around for the intruders, but no one noticed the pervasive wind that permeated the air.

"The fifth level of the Freezing Hell and the sixth level of the Eternal Hell neither located anyone, it shouldn't be, Ivankov and Inazuma's identity can't be held below the fifth level only!" The clear wind faintly murmured.

As the most dazzling newcomer in the marine once, Dragon naturally knew the existence of Infinite Hell.

Therefore, after he infiltrated the Impel Down, the first thing he did was go straight to LEVEL6.

It's a pity that no matter how he looked, he couldn't find anyone.

"I say, can you not always fly around me, so, really annoying ah!" A weak voice rang out, causing the breeze flowing within the prison to stall.

The man who spoke was a curly-haired man who, even when chained by Kairoseki, still gave off a sense of calmness.

"You can see me?" Dragon was indeed a little surprised that the person who could spot him in this state was strong with his Kenbunshoku.

"Hm~" the curly-haired man gave a perfunctory reply.

This attitude made Dragon even more surprised; who in Impel Down did not want to escape?

If others discovered him in this state, he would have made a scene!

"You don't want to escape?"

"I want to, but ... it's too much trouble!"

The curly-haired man's words made Dragon silent; what the hell is this guy? There is a chance to escape, and even too much trouble do not want to move?

"You are really ... unique!"

"Rahahaha! If I had a pretty lady with me to break out of prison, I might want to escape!"

Dragon felt that this conversation could not be carried on or had to find the demon king to change his gender to lure this guy out again?

After a moment of silence, Dragon asked, "Have you seen a prisoner with purple exploding hair, wearing mesh stockings and a tight, ultra-low-cut jumpsuit?"

"Mesh stockings? Tight super low-cut jumpsuit?" The curly-haired man's eyes suddenly lit up, "Such a unique taste, must be a very beautiful lady!"

Dragon was silent for a moment and said with a clear conscience, "I suppose ... it's sort of right?"

"Was she arrested last month?"

"That's right."

"Too bad, I should have known I shouldn't have bothered, I should have sat up and admired it then!"

Dragon said heartily, "No, you wouldn't want to."

"So do you know where she went?"

"It seems to be missing. It is said that there was a haunting and the whole thing disappeared from the prison."

"Disappeared? Haunted?" Dragon was a bit puzzled.

At that moment, something sent a whisper into the wind.

"Can those guys in masks do it? It's been so long and no intruders have been found!"

"I heard the Chief Warden say, the Admiral Hitsujiza and Admiral Kizaru of the Marine Headquarters will also come over to support!"

"That's great, Longinus-sama is super powerful, I still remember the scene when he suppressed two levels of prison by himself!"

"Mmmmmm! Longinus-sama is definitely more reliable than those CPs or whatever!"

"It's Longinus!" Dragon's voice was instantly gruff for a few moments.

As a former marine, he instinctively despised that CP0 who only hid in the dark.

As for Kizaru, at most, he did those tasks which he could accomplish by accident.

Only this student of his is the only one who makes him feel scornful and tricky!

"Looks like it's time to leave!" The clear wind whispered.

"Can that ... take me away with you?"

"Aren't you too much trouble?"

"Rahahahaha! It's rare to meet a pretty lady who is to my taste, let me be a prince too!"

Dragon was silent for a moment, "More than a prince, as well as you can be a prince."

"Oh? This beautiful lady is actually still a queen? It seems that my perspective fruit ... wait, you would actually risk your life to rescue someone in Impel Down, could it be that ... you also like her?" The curly-haired man's eyes showed a dangerous light.

"No, you misunderstand." Dragon only felt a stomach trough nowhere to vent, "She and I are just companions of a power."

"Then please do let me join you, please!"

PS: Sorry, I slightly stuck below and slowed down a few minutes.

Published in Qidian, September 07, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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