
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime & Comics
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788 Chs

Luffy: The Original Jimbei is a Mermaid Princess?

However, after they turned around, walked in the exit island's direction, the man cloaked in the coat of justice already standing in front of them.

"Long, Long, Uncle Longinus!" Nami sat down on her butt in fear; tears began to fill her eyes.

"Hai, Fleet Admiral!" Caribou screamed, his mind blanked for a moment, then his eyes bones turned up, "He should not know that I caught the mermaid princess thing, in that case, if he wants to catch should also be the first to catch the Straw Hat, they are right, yes, I should be able to salvage a little more!"

"Yohohoho, caught it!" Brook is still oohing and aahing and laughing.

As for Luffy and others, the three are staring intently at a defensive position.

"Really unlucky, this is the third time, right!" Sanji sighed.

"Unlucky people, can not survive the third time!" Zoro said succinctly.

"Hey, this time I will not lose to you again!" Luffy is loud and angry, "now we, and two years ago is not the same!"

"You have indeed grown a lot in the past two years; you defeated even Jimbei?" Longinus' eyes first lingered on the sack behind Luffy and then moved to the secretly smiling Caribou, "Accordingly, you also have a lot of guts well! How dare you openly capture the mermaid princess, it seems; it is time to clean you up!"

"In fact, it has not grown a lot!" Luffy could not help but gloat.

"Idiot! Is this something to be happy about?" Nami was furious and slashed at Luffy's head before reacting, "Wait, when did we catch the mermaid princess?"

"Hiss!" Luffy could not help but stare at someone in the sack behind him, "So Jimbei is a mermaid princess?"

Hearing Luffy's exclaim, the crowd is all a black line.

If they hear you say so, not to mention Jimbei joining the gang, it estimates that he would kill you mentally.

Robin is looking to the next face of shocked Caribou, "Is he captured the mermaid princess?"

Nami also hurried to explain, "Wait, we and he is not a gang!"

"It doesn't matter." Longinus shook his head and turned his icy gaze to Caribou, "'Wet-Haired' Caribou, I heard that you once wantonly killed the marine in order to raise your bounty?"

"No, there is no such thing, Fleet Admiral-sama, listen to my sly defense ... No, listen to my explanation ah!" As if the god of death is generally staring, Caribou's heart suddenly tightened, the whole body cold sweat completely lost the will to resist.

"You no longer have the need to explain!" Longinus appeared in front of Caribou's body instantaneously, and his right hand, covered with Busoshoku Haki, grabbed his body and tossed it.

The Mermaid Princess and the four maids all flew out of the swamp abyss in the next moment.

"My money!" Caribou looked at the scene with pain, but before he could come back to his senses, he heard Longinus proclaim in the coldest voice.

"Say goodbye to this world!"

"Wait ..."


A mist of blood filled the air, and it was the body of Caribou that Longinus crushed with one hand.


Nami painstakingly swallowed saliva; this will also be their downfall?

"Next, it's your turn!"

Seeing Longinus' gaze sweeping, it tightened several people's hearts, and then they could not help but take the initiative under the tremendous pressure.

"Fourth gear - Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun!"

"Ittoryu - Daishinkan!"

"Diable Jamble - Premier Hachis!"

"Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri!"

"Cien Fleur Delphinium!"

"Thunderbolt Tempo!"

"It seems to have become stronger and more tacitly integrated than the original path!" Longinus muttered to himself in his heart. However, he was not surprised by the result.

To save the two companions who are still suffering in the Impel Down, they are indeed under tremendous pressure than in the original story; this pressure forced them to be unable to retreat; they can only grit their teeth and bleed and keep moving forward.

"It's just a pity that the gap is still too big!" Without the idea of dodging entirely, Longinus let the six people ... no, let the five people's attacks fall on his own body.

With a kick that came by Sanji grasped with his hands and then forcefully slammed on the ground.

"Cough, aaahh!" Sanji screamed in pain, a large mouthful of blood spits out.

Simultaneously, the other five attacks that landed on Longinus also lightly scattered, not to mention injuries; even his body did not shake a point.

"Indeed, it's the same desperately tough defense as two years ago!" After seeing the blade that is enough to cut through steel fall on the arm of Longinus but did not even cut the skin, Zoro's pupils contracted violently; he could not help but remember the picture seen two years ago in the Impel Down.

"This, what degree of defense this is!" Brook, who fought Longinus for the first time, was also a bit dumbfounded that all their full attacks combined did not even manage to break the enemy's defense.

How can this be fought?

"Sanji!" Luffy shouted in shock and anger and then attacked Longinus again, "You bastard, go to hell! Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun!"

Luffy's two fists compressed into his body, and then an instant burst of countless fist shadows blasted at each other.

"Fancy." Longinus shook his head, neither defending nor dodging, catching a pause in Luffy's attack, appeared in front of Luffy like a teleport, a heavy punch on the small of Luffy's back, "for you, I just need this move, Iron Fist!"

"Uhhhh!" Luffy eyes bulging, as if dead fish, the body bowed into a ">" type backward out, and like a ball, in the ground, many times bounced up and down before finally lying on the ground.

"Luffy!" Zoro shouted, also too late to use the Ittortu "Nitoryu Iai - Rashomon!"

With a flash of white light, Zoro rushed towards Longinus with great speed, and the air currents stirred; it seemed that even space had an illusion of being cut.

Longinus blandly stretched out his right hand; in Zoro's incredulous eyes, he caught his accumulated power strike directly and then smoothly landed a foot on Solon's waist.


Zoro flew out like a cannonball, crashed through several coral reefs and shell houses after buried in the ruins.

"Finished, completely not an opponent!" Nami, with tears in her eyes, this result has not changed at all with two years ago well!

"Yohohoho, looks dead! But, didn't I already die long ago?" Brook oohed and aahed and laughed.

On the other hand, Robin is highly concentrated on the movements of Longinus, holding her breath, after noticing the sudden disappearance of Longinus's figure, nor too late to capture the trajectory of the other party's actions but directly launched the ability.

"Cien Fleur - Spider Net!"

Numerous arms hooked up like a spider web, forming a shield to protect the three behind them.

"Robin is really reliable!" Nami's heart rejoiced and then saw the image of the spider net cut off and broken.

It was a fist of Longinus that shattered the shield, and the shock wave fell on the three, and all three of them were blown away, like a meteorite hitting the ground hard.

PS: The second chapter did not finish yet, but it's coming, no more than fifteen minutes at most.

Published in Qidian, November 11, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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