
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime & Comics
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"Slavers... slave hunters... slave ships..." the eyes of Longinus flared, his killing intent surged, and for him, those were the only words that were taboo to mention.

Seeing that a few iron balls had been shot high into the air, Longinus lightly stepped on the sea king class beneath his feet and indifferently spoke out, "Dive into the sea... and destroy the ships."

The terrifying giant eyes the size of a sea king-like diamond showed hope towards humans, and in an instant, the gigantic form was integrated entirely into the waves of the sea.

The cannoneer of the Jack Pirates couldn't believe it and rubbed his eyes. What was this, that sea king class had dived into the sea before the shells hit, was it just lucky...or did it have human intelligence.

It would be fine if it were the former, but if it was the latter... a few cannoneers already couldn't imagine what was coming next!

"Captain, Captain..." the pirate who had previously conveyed the order dared to approach their captain, "That sea king class dived into the sea, and our cannon fire has failed."

Jax didn't care. It was just an addition anyway, "Run away? Count that sea king type lucky, forget about that for now, everyone pays attention to me, don't let Louis' dog destroy the Ship without a second thought, that's the war material the Hezka Kingdom is preparing for the next war, that's the real deal!"

Seeing that the pirates who had sent the message hadn't left yet, Jack said with a disgruntled expression, " Cease your delay, say what you have to say quickly."

"Ship... Captain, according to our observation, that sea king class seems to have sensed the danger before... before hiding into the sea, if it has the intelligence to prepare to ram our Ship from the bottom of the sea, then we'll..."

"Idiot, did you let your brain get eaten by fish? How could that beast be intelligent? What's more, my Black Undead was built with..." a cruel smirk on Jax's lips, touching his palm to his waist again and was about to pull out his big black and bulky thing when the hull began to shake violently.

Every time it hit the hull, the sound was like thunder that struck the hearts of the pirates, and the cracks and gaps in the hull seemed to spread fear in the hearts of the pirates.

"It's it; it's it, it's that sea king class that's coming for revenge!" The pirate who had spoken was already lying on the deck in fear.

"Steady, we can win..." called Jack loudly, trying to keep his mind calm, but the sound of the Ship's hull cracking abruptly made his soul go crazy, and he was too busy holding the hull's mast for help, "Idiot, get the other ships! Come here. I'm an ability user, are you trying to make me fall into the sea and drown?"

With Jack's remains still intact, the boys on the other ships quickly brought the boats around, but a sharp tail from the sea caused the boats that had come to the rescue instantly torn apart.

Those ordinary ships were no better than the main vessels, they couldn't even handle the tail of that monster, which scared the other vessels to move away quickly.

"You guys..." Jack nearly raged to the point of his lungs collapsing, actually believing in his heart that the sea-king class was seeking revenge.

Seeing that his men had abandoned him, Jack's fury went so far as to hold the buoyant mast with one hand, and with the other, he drew his musket from his waist and shot into the sea.

The bullet with a long and narrow tail of flame was increased to incredible speed when fired. It broke through the water and flew towards the shadows below the surface.

It was the ability granted by the Fruit of Increase, which was the lower level fruit of the 'Destroyer of the World' Byrnndi World's Moa Moa no Mi, the pirate who crossed the sea ten years ago.

Unfortunately, the Moa Moa no Mi does multiplication, while his increased fruit does addition.

Although it penetrated the seawater's resistance, the bullets fired at the sea king type were no more powerful than a single stone.

In the next moment, the sturdy snake's tail fell like a punishment from Poseidon, blasting his last foothold to pieces in Jack's despairing yet resentful eyes.

The remaining pirate ships scattered and fled like frightened birds, not daring to stop for a moment.

In the distance, the Louis fleet could hardly believe their eyes, what was going on, the mighty Jack pirates were falling apart so quickly, and the one who helped them out of their trouble was a sea king class?

Of course, the Louis fleet did not let their guard down. This brutal beast is no friend or foe. Maybe the next unfortunate one will be their turn.

"General Louis, what are we going to do, kill that sea king class quickly while still on the surface?"

It is the consensus of all that the sea kings of the sea are invincible, and the Jack Pirates have proved this view with their demise.

"No, don't do anything rash!" Louis took a deep breath and made a difficult decision.

He wasn't sure he could kill this sea king type before it dived into the sea, so he chose to try not to anger the sea's vicious creature.

"Is this big guy a sea king class? The scenery on the sea sure is different from the island!"

A soft, sweet voice sounded behind him, causing Louis, who had been taking it easy, to turn pale, "My little angel, what are you doing out here? Get back to the cabin!"

The cute little loli with short pink hair said with a complaint, "Hina is not a child anymore, and Hina has seen the sea battle before, dad, you are suck!"

"Sucks to kill...to kill...to kill..." as if the sound of magic echoed in his ears, the disowned old father looked lifeless, for the impact of this sentence created was like the thousandfold critical strike for anyone who had a daughter in charge.

The "fierce face" of the sea king class gradually approaching. The shadow under the huge body even covered most of the hull, Louis fleet soldiers sweat in their palms. If not for their strict military discipline, someone would be already under tremendous pressure did something irrational.

Seeing the sea kings open their mouths as if they were going to swallow the people and the Ship in one gulp, the heart of the kingdom's soldiers sank. Louis' right hand also touched the hilt of his sword at his waist, ready to kill the sea kings with a single blow before it dived into the sea.

Just then, a figure jumped out from the mouth of the sea king class and landed firmly on the deck in front of them.

The "fierce-looking" sea kings, on the other hand, lowered their straight bodies to the level with the deck. There was a friendly expression of affection in their fierce eyes and a humming sound in their mouths, giving Louis the feeling that he was... like a puppy waiting for his master's praise?

"Well done...you're free to go!" Longinus nodded, as the first sea king class to escape from him, it would be able to go back and play for at least a year this time.

The sea-kings squeaked with happiness, their stubby snake tails slapping the sea's surface as they dived as fast as they could in their lives and swam towards the bottom of the infinite sea.

Naturally, someone who could be a Protector of the Kingdom wasn't stupid. Louis had roughly figured out what had happened, and although he didn't know why the teenager in front of him had been able to tame the sea king type, or why the teenager had helped out, it didn't stop him from expressing his gratitude.

If this teenager hadn't appeared, he couldn't imagine where he, the fleet, the motherland, and Hina would have ended up!

And Hina, who was standing next to Louis, blinked her adorable eyes, did this little brother, who didn't look much older than her, can tame the sea king type?

She was so jealous and want to learn!

Published in Qidian, February 15, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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