
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime & Comics
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788 Chs

Dragon's Proposal

On the largest warship, Drake looked at the silent figure standing on the distant sea and cautiously warned, "Sensei, be careful of the ambush of the revolutionary army!"

Longinus put up his palm, "Do not worry, they should have scattered their large forces to escape, this way, it seems that Dragon led the team!"

"Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army!" Drake exclaimed but soon calmed down; the teacher is the world's strongest, only one person, even if the revolutionary army leader is nothing to be afraid of it.

"You and Law went to chase those fleeing revolutionary army, as for Dragon, leave it to me to ..."

Before the words fell, the fleet around suddenly rose twelve sea ladder leading to the sky, which is known for the rage of the sea tornado, at the moment is docile and tame such rotation.

Although these sea tornadoes look spectacular and beautiful, no one will doubt what kind of disaster they will cause when they get out of control.

Although some of the warship soldiers on the fleet panic, after seeing the tall figure in front of them, their fear gradually dissipated, as if there is an infinite amount of courage, all of them quickly settled down.

Looking at this shocking and spectacular "cage", Longinus could not help but sigh lightly, "Dragon-senpai, are you planning to lock us all up inside?"

The figure in mid-air slowly approaching, into the line of sight is a dark green trench coat and cold face, "It can not trap you, I just want, let them temporarily quiet."

"I can't answer to the government if I just watch." Longinus has said the terrifying aura radiated around. If it was shocked by this aura, the through-the-sky water pillar lost support generally fell slapped on the sea surface.

The hundreds of meters high water column collapsed with a bang, and the waves stirred up made the warship shake violently.

However, the violent shaking of the ship's hull no longer bothered anyone.

"Good, so powerful, how did Fleet Admiral Longinus do that?"

"Is this the power that Fleet Admiral-sama has mastered?"

The soldiers were flushed with excitement, although they didn't know what Longinus had done, they could see one thing, in this encounter between the leader of the revolutionary army and the marshal, it was their Fleet Admiral-dono who had won!

"Kuwa, it's not a loss just to see this image!" Morgans excitedly took pictures one after another.

"Is this the legendary kind of ability?" Dragon couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm down the inner shock, "Fighting with you, the advantage of Logia ability users is really infinitely nullified!"

"Dragon-senpai, are you treating me like I don't know anything? To you, the fruit ability is just a dispensable accessory, right!" Longinus said, gesturing for Drake to start moving again.

Except for a warship used to convey instructions, the rest of the warships soon sailed off into the distance under Drake's command.

Dragon had a cold face but did not stop it; with Longinus, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

However, with this part of his delay, Sabo should lead the fleet out of these waters.

"It seems that we are really right this time!" Renouncing distracting thoughts, Dragon said in a deep voice.

"Yes, but, already much later than I thought!" Longinus stood on the deck, wrapped his arms around him, and looked up at the figure in mid-air in front of him.

After a moment of silence, Dragon asked, "Remember the question I asked you when we first met?"

Longinus said retrospectively, "About what Justice said? My reply then was that what makes the world keep getting better is justice, and of course, I still think so!"

A rare smile appeared on Dragon's angular face, "It seems that we have not given up our initial persistence!"

Saying that, Dragon asked again with a grave face, "There is a proposal, I want to ask you again."


"Join the revolutionary army, if it is you, I can let you to be the leader of the revolutionary army!"

This seemingly uneventful conversation was so frightening that a group of soldiers on the warship could not even hold on to their guns.

Morgans was so shocked that his heart stopped for a moment, "I didn't expect that Dragon would think so highly of Fleet Admiral Longinus, although Fleet Admiral Longinus does deserve such a high regard from him, but it is still too surprising to say such words in public!"

Even Longinus was surprised by Dragon's boldness. Still, he quickly shook his head and laughed, "Trying to use the position of the head of the revolutionary army to draw me in, Dragon-senpai, are you looking down on my beliefs?"

Dragon asked in a deep voice, "With your knowledge you should be able to see the future of the inevitable demise of the World Government, even if you are thinking in terms of peace, there is no need to cling to that kind of corrupt regime, right?"

Longinus paused for a moment, pretending to laugh unintentionally, "The government can rule the world for so many years, of course there is its reason for existence, even if there are some twists and turns now, but the future is bound to be bright!"

Although it was only a brief moment, Dragon could see that Longinus had a moment of hesitation.

"Is it because of them?" Dragon glanced at the people on the warship and a particular big bird, then, suppressing his confusion in his heart, said in a deep voice, "It seems that I can only use my fist to wake you up!"

"It's you who should wake up, Dragon-senpai!"

Almost as soon as they spoke the words, both of them rushed towards each other simultaneously.

Although it had been five years since they had fought head-to-head, both of them still used their strongest power at the first time. They were both well aware of each other's power, so naturally, there was no need to test them.


The moment the two fists collided, the world was quiet for a moment.

Then, the terrifying energy fluctuations to two people as the center of the declaration in all directions, the warship's weight blown up by the storm pushed in the distance.

In this fantastic collision, the two did not pause; after unloading the power, they rushed towards each other again with the fastest speed.

If Dragon is the lightness of the wind, then Longinus is the heaviness of the earth. The moment they swept past each other, Dragon always seize the opportunity to hit Longinus's body, while Longinus is oblivious accurately; tricky attacks on him is not effective.

After discovering this, Dragon also gave up the wind's lightness and switched to the destruction of the hurricane, incorporating the fruit power of the Hurricane Ryusoken hit swiftly.

Longinus likewise blasted up with a punch.

The King's frontier can enhance him more than just that fancy-looking ability. Moreover, it creates a better fighting environment for him.

For example, it formed a vacuum field in front of him, and after there was no resistance, it allowed his fist to hit out faster and stronger.

Simple and crude, but is the most effective means of attack.

The hurricane attack of Dragon got knocked by Longinus punch!

Published in Qidian, November 03, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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