
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime & Comics
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788 Chs

BIG-MOM Pirates vs. Red Hair Pirates (3/5)

"A counterattack even with a hundred times the speed increase of World-sama, is that marine really human?"

"Impossible, I've been in the New World for so many years, and I've seen countless so-called strong people, but I've never seen a pervert like the two of them, who can't even see the trajectory of an attack."

"World-sama is a pirate with a bounty of five hundred million and a legendary pirate who was at one time tied with Roger and Whitebeard, how could he be nearly as strong as a teenage brat?"

Unlike those pirates' side of the story, Smoothie, who roughly understood Longinus' strength, instead chimed in, "That marine is a monster that can match up to Katakuri nii-san, and World was able to fight him. It seems he's not a complete loser like the rumors say."

"World, at any rate, was a great pirate who once competed with Roger and Whitebeard, and without some strength, he would have ended up in that cruel era." Perospero said, licking his candy cane.

"Of course, Mama won't work with a loser who doesn't have the power," Cracker, hidden among the cookie warriors, said.

"Unfortunately, the decade-long freeze has caused irreversible damage to his muscle tissue." Katakuri wrapped his arms around him, "Forcing him to use his maximum abilities will only bring him close to collapse."

"Get ready to make your move, a wasted World won't be of much use."

Naturally, Cracker and the others wouldn't doubt Katakuri's analysis and only laughed gloomily, "What a pity, I was hoping to see what kind of might the last era's sea pirates would be like when they went all out!"

"It will be known, since he plans to take revenge on the World Government, he should have the consciousness of dying, so let him leave the last chance to go all out for the World Government."

Katakuri said, walking towards the battlefield, and suddenly his left hand curled into the air, releasing his fingers, and a bullet slid down his fingertips.

"There's an enemy!" Smoothie and the others were instantly alert, while Katakuri looked up towards the cliff to the left.

A group of "normal humans" stood at the top of the cliff, including a guy with a sniper rifle aimed at them.

"Red Hair Pirates, you're going to get in on this too?" Katakuri's voice wasn't loud, but surprisingly, the Red Hair Pirates crowd could hear it at the top of the cliff.

"It's the Red Hair Pirates!" Smoothie and the others were also whispering in amazement; naturally, they were no strangers to the enemy they had only previously repelled by combining two sides' forces.

Not to mention that their captain, Akagami Shanks, was one of the most popular of the newer pirates, a powerful monster who, like that marine, was almost a round of age younger than Katakuri, yet still rivaled him.

Those pirates under World's banner were even more trembling. They absolutely could not forget the day when tens of thousands of men were hammered to pieces by hundreds of men.

Even a minion-level character on the other ship was at least a cadre-level character when placed on their side, especially since that sleazy-looking punk among them had sniped more than a dozen captains on their side all by himself.

"Don't interfere in their fight, just give me a face!" Shanks stood on top of the cliff overlooking the road.

"To give you face? So who's giving us BIG MOM Pirates face?" Katakuri chimed in.

"Katakuri, I do not wish to fight you, but if we must fight, we, the Red Hair Pirates, will be your opponents next!" Shanks said with his right hand on the hilt of his knife at his waist.

"When did you Red Hair Pirates become the Marine's lackeys? Don't forget who killed Roger, Akagami!" Perospero scoffed.

"You said Captain!" Shanks pressed his left hand to the straw hat above his head and grinned, "Captain, he, never dies!"

Positioned half a step behind Shanks, Beckman said, "We don't have anything to do with the Marine, and stopping you just happens to be a common goal with him."

"After we've crushed the World Pirates, you can do whatever you want."

"So it looks like there's no negotiating!" With a flick of his wrist, Katakuri held the trident "Mogura" in his hand.

"Haha! Looks like we'll have to fight through it." Shanks took the famous sword Gryphon in his hands and jumped straight off the cliff, attacking Katakuri with a powerful jump cut.

Having fought before, Katakuri, who knew that Shanks was strong, naturally wouldn't prop it up and directly launched the Fruit Awakening, and the ground around him squirmed like a glutinous mass.

The hard, iron-like giant rock instantly turned into a pliable, ever-changing whip that kept snapping at Shanks from the ground.

"Fruit awakening? What an interesting ability!" Shanks' eyes lit up while he even had the leisure to think, "I wonder what Buggy will look like when he awakens? To cut yourself to pieces in an instant?"

A flash of black light appeared, and the long whip of mochi cracked.

Naturally, Katakuri knew that an attack of this magnitude couldn't stop Akagami, and as he launched the Fruit Awakening, he met them with his trident.

A blast and ripples of heated air radiated from the sky;

They were both pushed backward by the tremendous recoil and then stopped from flying back at nearly the same time and toe tapped before charging towards each other again.

As he watched, Cracker quietly picked up his "pretzel" sword, knowing that Katakuri didn't like people interfering in his battles.

However, this pirate named Shanks was too dangerous, only 19 years old and already able to fight their Charlotte family's supreme masterpiece to the point of rivalry, and even gathered such a strong group of men around him that in time. It would have a massive impact on their BIG MOM Pirates' domination.

So, even if it was to anger Katakuri, he couldn't care less.

"Don't move, Cracker."

A deadly breath accompanied the faint warning, and Cracker had a feeling that if he lunged his sword at this point, he'd be killed next, right?

"Oh, Benn Beckman." Naturally, Cracker, who was naturally afraid of pain, wasn't going to gamble on this but focused on the middle-aged man with the musket at the top of the cliff.

A firearm was something that, not to mention him, a small leader of the BIG MOM Pirates wouldn't have much to fear, but in that man's hands, it was more frightening than his mother's wrath.

"King to king, general to general, if you're so itchy, I'll be your opponent." Beckman was calm and composed.

"Looks like we won't be able to intervene in the battle between the two of them without finishing you off first." Cracker clapped his hands, creating a multitude of biscuit warriors around the area, "Everyone, let's all get on it too."

"Let these arrogant newcomers know who is the true ruler of this sea!"

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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