
Marcus and Winston Wick in convergence of Marvel and DC

This is a story is about a Marcus Wick and Winston Wick, who are the sons of Jonathon Wick of an alternate universe where his wife didn't die of cancer and they had a beautiful pair of twins. But fortunately or unfortunately those boys dies.... and gets reborn in a world which is mainly Marvel but convergence of DC here and there.... So let us embark on the journey of the two brothers and lets see what wave they bring on the world of legends and gods.... **************** Author ranting: I don't hold a good track record on update, so don't expect anything regular. I will write mainly in week ends and for my enjoyments. I wish to entertain you all alongside that, so wish me luck. I am not hardcore marvel fan or DC fan, but I am fan nonetheless... so I strictly going to stick to MCU and DCU. And if anything clashes with cannon, point it out, I shall try to minimize the damage.

Cidny_Remon · Movies
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28 Chs

The Baba Yaga Dvoynyashki (3)

-So, what do you think Maria? What are we looking at? Super child soldier program?

-I highly doubt that sir. A child won't be able to withstand such serum.

-Then a mutant case? Have you talked with Professor Xavier?

-Yes, I talked with him, it turns out that they are not mutant, they are not even borderline human even. Professor X can't find their brain wave in the normal spectrum. That leaves us with two possible option, either they are part of a mythological people like Amazonians and Atlantians or.....

-Don't even mention the last one. Have you tried satellites?

-I did sir. They always come out of cover and always vanish under some sort of covers. We tried to match them against people who went in the same buildings or structures but never came out. The result is negative sir. As if they are a ghost. Them wearing Kevlar armour, face mask and visor didn't help either. Those particular models seem to be custom made, not registered for commercial availability.

- I think we should contact Diana. Meanwhile call back agent Romanoff and Coulson from whatever they are doing and send them in, to find and identify these...

-Baba Yaga Dvoynyashki. It was first used by the Russian Bratva. That's the name by which they are being called by on the streets. Ohhh, it means The boogeyman twins in Russian. Apparently the duo portrays themselves as the boogeyman of criminals.

-They speak Russian?

-And Spanish, and Chinese, Japanese, fluently even.

-Oh well to find these self-righteous boogeymen, take them in if possible. From their conduct, they have humanity left in them I think. We should work on that. Such power is too dangerous, left unsupervised.

-Understood, sir. I shall issue the initiatives right away.




Romanoff POV:

How do you chase something that comes and goes and it pleases? The easy way, you better be at the place where the ghost is going to be before even it reaches there.

I have been doing this kind of things my entire life. Tracking and contacting should be one of the very trivial and easy tasks for me. But that supposed very easy and trivial task turned out to be one of the toughest assignment in my life.

15 days ago...

-What do we have in our hands these time Phil? (Romanoff)

-Not something good. I don't know the details yet. Fury only briefed about two possible highly trained soldiers from mythology who are acting like a vigilante and picking fight with crime syndicates left and right in New York. Our job is to track them down and make contact, recruitment if possible. (Coulson)

-Just when have we started recruiting vigilantes? What is Fury is thinking? (Romanoff)

-Apparently the order directly came from him. Maria is going to update us in detail in a minute.

Maria Hill entered the room in a hurry.

-What is so urgent that called me back from my undercover mission in Cairo, Maria? (Romanoff)

-Yes, the situation in Afghanistan is not looking so good. I should be there if possible. (Coulson)

-Don't worry you are going have your hands full for the foreseeable future with the task I am about to assign you. (Maria)

- Ohh, you have my attention. It better be fancy as you speak.(Romanoff)

-Have you ever heard of ghost guys? (Maria)

For the next 15 minutes, I and agent Coulson got the details about the mission. When I saw the footage of the two children killing those thugs, for the first time in many years I felt chills through my spine. Those 13 something boys probably could take me down in a minute. 10 seconds if they worked together. This is going to be very tricky if we can find them, that is.

-So, we got no whereabouts, no leads whatsoever, except for they are going to strike one of the 15 hideouts of the Hand in New York in the next 3 days. (Coulson)

-Yes, the analysis department analyzed as such from their attack pattern. They usually take 1 to 3 days of intel gathering before they strike. (Maria)

-And they are not going to stop until they eradicate the Hand from the New York?! (Romanoff)

-I thought they only operate in Hell's kitchen. How the Hand made them so pissed off? (Coulson)

-Apparently they found out about the forced prostitution in china town under the Hand's management during their second raid against the hand. (Maria)

-Oh good lord. (Coulson)

-Yes, before things get more ugly, we want to end this farce. You saw what they are capable of. Your job is to track them down, contact them and convince them. We do not possess the necessary force to contend with them, not without bringing in tanks and choppers armed to teeth in a civilian area. So, be as much subtle as possible. We saw, they prioritize civilian life over anything else, so we believe negotiation is possible, as they have a sane mind. We don't want to use force if not necessary and only resort to such means as the last option. We better get to them before some bad influence does. Dismissed. (Maria)

Or so Maria said to us. They truly proved out to be the boogeyman they claim themselves. They always reach their target without our notice, even if we establish a surveillance net 24 hours wide. By the time the satellite picks up thermal signatures of the fight and we get to the place, they were long gone at our first two attempts. For the next attempts, we managed to see their retreating back, but that's it. They always manage to shake me and Coulson off.

Over the next month, they destroyed 9 of the hand's small base of operation all over the New York City, in front of our nose, and we couldn't even touch their sleeve. After so much damage to their business, the hand couldn't ignore this anymore. So, they sent in a big shot. And that's when we managed to make contact with them for the first time.

In an abandoned two-story building in hell's kitchen a man in ninja outfit was sitting in Japanese posture. According to our intel, that man is supposed to be Nobu Yoshioka, many times reported 'Killed in action' but somehow pops up in our radar again and again. A good match against our ghost. Looks like they purposefully let the words out to lure the duo in. But is you ask me they are severely underestimating our boogeymen if they think they can deal with them with only one veteran ninja. They should already know about them possessing super strength. That said, the man Nobu Yoshioka is dangerous too. Tales of his skills are renowned among SHIELD too. Perhaps they are betting on the fact that the opponents are children and thus is inexperienced. Let's observe for now, what happens.

Natasha POV end