
Marcus and Winston Wick in convergence of Marvel and DC

This is a story is about a Marcus Wick and Winston Wick, who are the sons of Jonathon Wick of an alternate universe where his wife didn't die of cancer and they had a beautiful pair of twins. But fortunately or unfortunately those boys dies.... and gets reborn in a world which is mainly Marvel but convergence of DC here and there.... So let us embark on the journey of the two brothers and lets see what wave they bring on the world of legends and gods.... **************** Author ranting: I don't hold a good track record on update, so don't expect anything regular. I will write mainly in week ends and for my enjoyments. I wish to entertain you all alongside that, so wish me luck. I am not hardcore marvel fan or DC fan, but I am fan nonetheless... so I strictly going to stick to MCU and DCU. And if anything clashes with cannon, point it out, I shall try to minimize the damage.

Cidny_Remon · Movies
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28 Chs

New York

As their 5th time opening the survival ground, they still felt apprehensive about the trial. All they knew they will have to break their limits, both physically and mentally, to survive. Two white portals appeared and merged, thus appearing the red portal, and sucked them in.

No matter how much time passes inside the portal, no time passes outside. So, from outsider's view, they just got sucked in and instantly threw out, making them stronger, faster, more resilient.

-Ahh, darn it. My eyes still hurt, throat is still soared. (Winston)

-That's all in your mind. We are all healed the moment the trial ends. We should be thankful that we have mastered our heat vision and cryo-breath. (Marcus)

-Ahh, I wanna eat Ma's apple pie. (Winston)

-Me too. Though you gotta say, these power restrainers are something, they only limit, our strength, speed, agility without affecting our resilience and mind. So, our body is practically indestructible while masking us as normal humans. Not to mention they can be turned off with just a mental command. It also blurs our face in any camera in the 1000 meter radius. Truly a wonder. (Marcus)

-You bet, Marc. Not to mention the mastery of Horu-Kanu. Something tells me, we are going to need them as we are going to New York.




-So, you guys remember the rules, right? (Martha)

-Yes, Ma (in unison)

-What are they again? (Jonathon)

-No late-night outing,

No alcohol until 18,

No getting in a fight,

No use of powers. (in unison)

-Great, don't forget to call every week. (Jonathan)

-And also letters, don't forget to give one every fortnight. (Martha)

-Ma, who the hell wright letter these days. (Winston)

-We are of people of old age, these things mean a lot to us, Winston.(Jonathan)

-Don't worry Pa, we will write. Take care of Ma and yourself. (Marcus)

-Goodbye, sons. I hope you guys don't get into trouble and get back as soon as you got that degree of yours.

So, the bus drove away with the twin to the city of New York.




So, they arrived in the city of New York. First, they checked in for their scholarship at ESU office, got their dorm room. From the next day, they started attending class. Marcus decided to major in history, anthropology and journalism, while Winston decided to do major in military science, criminology and administration. Both of them didn't go to any science-related major, much to shock and dismay of professors. They thought such a brilliant mind going into these fields is a waste of talent. What they didn't know that, when the internet era will go into full swing, they just stuff as much earth science as they need within a month with their speed reading. Actually they don't care about earth science, cause when they would retrieve the scout ship all the Kryptonian science would come under their grasp.




Days ticked by, they continued to take classes, attend quizzes, sit for exams, at night they would train, and much to their frustration ignoring night time crimes as they promised their father Jonathan they wouldn't get into a fight.

But as we all know, even the toughest dam has its limits. And when the dam breaks, all hell breaks loose with it.




It was just another evening in hell's kitchen neighbourhood. a few blocks away from the empire state university. Running a grocery store in the neighbourhood isn't easy, but Mrs Cassandra is pulling by somehow. After giving protection fees to both Irish and Mexicans, she is hardly afloat with two children. But things are just like that for small shops like hers. Well, it does feel good to see people's happy face to around. The past couple of week she sees this young cheerful teenage boy barely 13 or 14 in her shop, regularly buying. When she asked where he lived, he heard an astonishing answer, the young boy is an ESU scholarship student. The world sure has some genius minds!

Today is the day when the Irish people would come to fetch protection money. She never enjoys the lecherous look of that thug.

-Hey Mrs, Cassandra. Beautiful as always. I see your business running smoothly as always.

Said the fat Irish thug with a lecherous smile.

-Yes, thanks to you and your people. Here's the donation to your people of this month. Now leave me in peace.

Answered Mrs Cassandra in disgust.

-Wait, what's the hurry sweety. I think you need some company of a man. How about coming with me to the club tonight.

Saying that he tried to touch the waist of her, but before he could reach a small hand grabbed it. Much to Mrs Cassandra's horror, the ECU scholar student intervened.

-Return the money, and apologize to her.

Said the boy named Winston in an icy tone.

-What the fuck?? Look at what we have here! What are you gonna do, hotshot, if I don't?

Saying that he tried to force his hand out by a swing. But he couldn't budge his hand an inch. It was kind of comical how a 13 to 14 looking boy grabbing a man of 35.

-Then I shall have to make you so. And I swear you are not going to like the process.

The young teenager said.

-Honey, it's alright. It's just some donation money. Leave him be, please.

Mrs Cassandra was worried the boy new to the city, doesn't know how deep the water is, thus acting impulsively. She thought the boy would be 18 or 19. But looks younger for some reason. She never really asked his age. Never really in her dream did she thought an eight-year-old child (soon to be nine) is studying in ESU.

-You are giving him 3 grand of cash in a paper packet. Even a child would understand, what are those, Mrs Cassandra. While I could ignore that, this filth was going to touch you. No need to worry I am going to teach this filth a lesson.

Right at this point the thug pulled out a revolver and point it towards the teenagers head.

-Not so cool now huh, hotshot. Come on, be a good boy and release me, Come on now, com.... urgh


