
Marco the Phoenix reborn

Phoenix, that's my name... Well I believe it is until Anna called me in a different name. Marco, who's Marco? What connection do I have with the Whitebeard Pirates? Why does the pheonix within me purr in yearning while I doesn't? Follow my journey as how everything began and soon fulfill Anna's last wish, to prevent the tragedy of the Whitebeard Pirates.

vampireking11 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

First bounty?

A few days of peace when the Marines finally caught up with them. Anna twitched before pushing Phoenix inside to avoid being seen.

"Anna" Phoenix called in confusion. Anna made a quick search to her bag before taking a cloak then immediately wrapped it around Phoenix then hood his face shadow them.

"Never take them off and never EVER show your face to anyone. Do you understand me Phoenix, promise me that." Anna ordered but Phoenix could detect her desperate for him to follow her orders.

He gulped and nodded, "I-I promise."

She sigh in relief, "Good." She turned to the Marines for a moment then back to him, "I'll handle them, keep yourself low. Do not ever come out no matter what situation I got into, even if I need saving."

That widen his eyes in disbelief, "Anna are you telling me I should leave you fighting ALONE!?"

"Yes." She answered sternly, "To protect you, remember that."

Anna turned and left to face the Marines alone. Phoenix can't do anything other than watch in the small window as she deflect cannon balls then firing back using her bow and arrow, time to time shifting the ship toward the Marine's ship. Ones close, Anna jumped to their ship and began killing the Marines on sight. The cannon ball stopped as the people were more focused on targeting Anna than the ship, none noticing the other occupant inside.

Phoenix as he watched can't help but be astonished to everything he's seeing. This wasn't his first time seeing her kill but her flawless move, moves with sword in hand as if she's dancing and eyes reflects nothing but coldness, still he can't help but think he's watching a theatrical play where the story was about a tragic life had turned into a cold revenge against the responsible of despair.

'What happened that made her become like this.' He unconsciously questioned, right hand gripping his chest as if the phoenix within was crying for sadness and grief.

It hadn't taken long until Anna finished the Marines then had Phoenix take the their supplies while she collect her arrows before helping out. Ones done Anna burned the ship and sailed away.

"Anna is it really necessary to kill them?" Phoenix can't help but question it, "We could have just do what we can to escape and-"

"It may be possible... but they will never leave us alone. Eradicating them will be the most easiest and convenient action right now." Her eyes became harden as she looked away and murmured, "And I don't prefer those Marines calling him right now."

"Him?" Phoenix questioned. Anna sigh before waving her hand telling to leave it as that. Phoenix can't do anything other than reluctantly leave it as that.

"This is just a beginning Phoenix." She glanced to him, "Marine attacking us will become the most normal day of our lives."

It was as Anna said, every single day Marines will come and keep attacking them. Phoenix was never allowed to help no matter how much he insist he could protect himself, Anna kept fighting them alone, always making sure no survivors before taking their supplies with her arrows then sailing away at the same time fixing the damage as much as possible.

Phoenix from time to time found it really surprising that Anna knew how to fix the ship in very fast phase. When he questioned this, Anna gave a nostalgic smile.

"Someone I know gave me tips how to fix a ship, even though I don't really wanted to hear anything about it but for this moment I'm glad he actually grilled me for it."

Sailing and Marines attacking them, it had really become the norms of their lives. There were times they arrived in some islands and of course only Phoenix went to gather supplies while Anna stayed on ship. The reason was due to a wanted poster that been publicize for everyone to be cautious and be reported ones found, Anna's wanted poster that's been titled Blood Dancing Anna. Within those days Phoenix had ones comment something about her epithet, making her smirked saying its way better than her last epithet. Her words really questioned Phoenix, its like she'saying she's been wanted for so long for her to be given an epithet already. When he asked this, Anna did nothing but laugh no matter how much he insist for answers.

In the middle of the sea and no Marines attacking them, Anna continue to train Phoenix, be it a swordsmanship, combat skill or devil fruit power. Phoenix continue to work hard to her training, not wanting to slack and used every possible time they have before Marines and in Phoenix's point of view, hope Bounty Hunters would come to attack them because he wasn't allowed to fight against Marines but very fine in Bounty Hunters.

Still not all the time they always left unscattered. Every time Anna fought against the Marines there will be no guarantees she will never get hurt. Most of the time were scratches and bullet wound but worst could come such as deep slashes, burn, lack of blood and bone cracks that if not immediately tended could cost of lost arm or continues pain. Through this, Phoenix became a doctor for Anna. He may lack experience but he knew enough from the book and only hope he's actually doing the right thing.

Anna no matter what kind of wound she will receive will wave it, assuring the young teen these wounds weren't worst from how much she receive back then but was only ignored by Phoenix who kept fixing them as much as he could. However, staring those wounds and the real reason why she's getting them, Phoenix can't help but question almost everything to the point it became self blaming.

The Marines knew him but not Anna, yet Anna did something to shift their attention toward her. The reason she's wanted and wounded from all those battles were all because of him, protecting him from them to the point he's been pushed to do nothing but watch as Anna continue her life threatening was until an Admiral named Kizaru appeared to take her down. Anna fought alone inside their ship while he's hidden from any Marines on sight cloak still covering himself which he soon found it was a rare type of cloak that was made to block observation haki, meaning able to hide the person's aura completely. She was able to hurt few number of Marines when the Admiral finally step in to fight against her. It was an intense battle and Phoenix could see why that man was an admiral in the first place. His speed was so great that Anna sometimes failed to either dodge or block to the point she got wounded in either scratch or worst critical damage.

Phoenix can't stand it anymore. Being hurt all the time and now for the first time seeing her struggling to stand up, he can no longer comply to her wish, he need to save her!

So before Admiral Kizaru could give a finishing shot, Phoenix intervene the attempt using his own sword against him. His appearance shocked her, Admiral Kizaru and the Marines, not believing their target had a companion and much worst in Kizaru's part, never sensed his presence. Using their shock state against them, Phoenix fought against him with his devil fruit power, giving them another wave of shock about his power.

However this only made Anna glared angrily, "I told you to stay hidden!" She shouted, body forcing to stand up even in her bloodied body.

Phoenix absurdly shook his head in deviance and thankfully his hood didn't come off to show his face. He's done making Anna take everything, it began to him so it should be him who should end this. He dashed forward and attacked Kizaru who easily blocked his sword.

"Hmm who would thought she had companion? Neh are you perhaps the kid they're talking about, the one who killed the knights?" Kizaru questioned, face reflects nothing but laziness. Phoenix glared, "That's right scumbag and you better prepare yourself because I am never forgiving type of person!"

Phoenix charged forward to attacked him. Kizaru on the other hand found this futile as he easily blocked it, Phoenix wasn't surprise but he kept pushing with everything he had against him. Having enough playtime, Kizaru used his power as he disappeared like a speed of light, much to Phoenix's disbelief before sensing him behind and gave a grave kick of hit fused with Armament Haki to his ribs, feeling a crash of bone and pain that made Phoenix silently scream as he was smashed on the walls then falling down in defeat.

"I guess I should finish you." Kizaru said lazily as he formed a sword made out of light, "Along with that woman."

His word made Phoenix glared the Admiral hatefully although it was hidden due to his hood. Before the admiral could do something however, he felt a strong force, something that made every hair being within his body tense in fear. Phoenix felt this too which was shocking at the same time questioning where it came from.

Admiral Kizaru's expression was so disbelief that anyone would see this say that expression was priceless, immediately figuring out where it came from he turned to see the most wanted woman was releasing a very powerful force that's been suppressing her for so long, eyes nothing but anger for one only one reason. This admiral hurt Phoenix and that's enough reason to release hell.

Not wasting a second, she released the force in a form of a wave that she had suppressed for so long and within those second all Marines lost consciousness except the Admiral who's struggling as his body knell down from the force.

'This is... Conqueror Haki! T-this w-woman posses this immense Conqueror Haki!?' Admiral Kizaru realized in disbelief, never hearing this to any report he received about her. Did she hid this all this time?

This time, she enveloped her sword with Armament haki and gave a powerful slash that immediately cut the Marine's galleon in haft, sinking to the sea.

Pheonix was in beyond disbelief as he felt the galleon sinking. Before he knew it, Anna arrived to his side and immediately carried him and went to their small galleon. Putting him down, Anna shift back toward the sinking galleon then gave another cut toward the sliced galleon and resulted for the Marine galleon to crumble faster. Marines that were unfortunate to met her cut were all sliced while the rest were falling to the sea, unconscious.

Kizaru twitched and jumped himself to get on their ship when Anna ones again used Conqueror Haki, making the admiral feel weak as he fell on the sea.

Anna breath in relief and turned to Phoenix to give orders when she noticed he too lost consciousness. She can't help but giggled weakly.

'I guessed that I used it too much.'

Soon Phoenix woke up and shocked to see he's in bed. When he tried to sit up he felt a flash of pain to his ribs that made him groan in pain and fell to bed.

'The heck, where did this pain come from?' Suddenly he heard a familiar voice giggling to his predicament, "You shouldn't move too much idiot, I just reattach your ribs."

Phoenix turned to see Anna there, watching and bandages wrapped around her body, some parts stain in blood. It took time until he finally remembered how it started that made him sat up ones again but groan in pain that he had no choice but to lay down again. Anna sigh in exaggeration.

"What did I say about not moving." She asked in helplessness. Phoenix ignored her in favor to know the truth, "Wha-what happened? Back there what was that just now? Did we escape? Who bandage you?"

"We escaped, I used Conqueror Haki, yes, its me who bandage myself." She answered in all his questioned. She huff, "You do know I learned few things about medical, just that I'm too bad in treating myself."

"Then I should..." Seeing him trying to sat up again, Anna pushed him down. "Enough or I'll chain you." She threatened that made him still. She sigh, "Looks like that yellow admiral gave you such strong force of Armament haki. Normally you should be fine and heal thanks to your power but for whatever reason its slowly recovering you. That's why you should wait a little bit until your power finish restoring you. After that you could look after what I miss."

Phoenix sigh as he tried to calm himself, that's when he noticed his power was indeed restoring his damage within his body. 'Or I could just do it now.' With that he closed his eyes and concentrate, using his power he speed up his recovery. He didn't notice Anna's eyes turned nostalgic for unknown reason.

Finally done, he opened his eyes and absurdly sat up much to her surprise before giggling. "You could have take your time."

Phoenix ignored her comment in favor of looking at her wounds. He can't help but wince as he saw how deep some of it were. Anna sigh and gave an assurance smile.

"I'm fine. I'm used to this kind of pain."

Phoenix shook his head before getting their first aid kit and began treating her. She let him knowing no words could stop him. As he treat her, Phoenix can't help but question something Anna didn't expect to heatr.

"Am I a burden Anna?"


Phoenix silently treat her wounds even though his grip on the bandages were tight. Anna remained silent knowing he's still processing his words for him to say his concern.

"Was my existence... a burden?"

That almost made Anna's heart froze. Phoenix looked down, complete in guilt, anger and despair mirroring his expression.

"The one that is reported is me so it should be me whom they after... but you made a big scene in order to prioritize them finding you than me... fighting the Marines alone all this time and thinking nothing but making sure I'm hidden in their eyes to see..." Tears began to flow, "Everything started because of me... my existence gave you so much pain because you are raising me... I... I... I'm a curse! An unfortunate! Someone should abandoned! Someone that-"

"ENOUGH!" Anna's outburst had stopped Phoenix's mumbling and before he knew it, warm arms was wrapped around his small and trembling body. "It's not your fault." Anna started with love, comfort and protective tone. "Do not say that again Phoenix, you are not cursed, you are not a burden and never blame your existence."

"But... I have no idea how I have this power, I acted so carelessly to the point they found this power and most of all I'm just someone you adopted and raised." Phoenix reasoned. Anna remain silence but eyes telling something else. "If I'm not... tell me Anna... why am I like this? Why... why do you do this so much extent for me? You could have just abandon me like whoever my real parents are..."

Anna took a deep breath before speaking softly, "I can never do that Phoenix." She kissed his forehead, "You're my family and I can never abandon that. No matter what type of situation we stand, no matter what age you truly are, nothing can separate us from it, with or without bloodline Phoenix."

For some reason her word about age caught his attention, "Age?"

Anna smiled softly but not giving any answer. She flick his forehead.

"Ouch!" Phoenix bellowed and this time crying from the pain, "Wha-what was that for? Why do I feel so much pain?"

"Armament haki, a spirit kind ability that could create an invisible armor and could pierced through devil fruit user's defense, especially convenient to logia." Anna explained before grinning, "Very effective don't you think."

Pain slowly fading, Phoenix turned away from her. Anna sigh, she wanted to enlighten his mood by changing subject but looks like Phoenix won't let it go so easily.

"Stop blaming yourself."

"Impossible. Everything started because of me, because of my powers that until now still a mystery how I have this and you won't even tell me."

"There's a reason and you know, I thought you are smart Phoenix. Are you using more emotion than your brain? This isn't how I taught you."

Phoenix glared, "Then how do you explain THIS!? THOSE MARINES? TENRYUUBITO? THOSE-"

"Shall I remind you about the real reason why they came to our island?" Anna questioned in deadpan expression.

That was enough to make Phoenix stop his outburst as his brain began to drive. 'The reason they came...!' He finally remembered about the fact that they came because the crops from their island had poisoned a lots of Nobles and the culprit was...

Anna nodded knowing he finally figured out the real origin of their situation. "Yes I started it and because of me that we're in this situation." She crossed her arms, "I don't regret it by the way."

"Why?" Phoenix can't help but question. Indeed, all began because of her but why.

Anna giggled before turning to the window, "To let the world know I exist Phoenix." Her answer astonished Phoenix, not really expecting that answer. She elaborated, "Good or bad reputation doesn't concern me, as long as I have let the world know I exist then that's enough for me. I might be saying this because I'm selfish and its not like I'm denying it either." She turned to her with a smile but for some reason there's more to it than seen in the eyes, "Live with no regrets. That's what my father always told me and that's what I do."

Phoenix found this little surprising because Anna never mentioned anything about her past. He asked sometime ago, only to be laugh and that's that. Anna is a full of mystery and he would never deny that fact.

"Live with no regret." He repeated. Anna nodded before kissing his forehead ones again, making him blush from embarrassment.

"Do not think about becoming a burden because I'm the one who truly started this and you only got involve with it. Do not question your existence because you live and that's enough answer." She grin, "And since you live you have to make life more interesting."

Few days in unexpected peaceful day later the newspaper arrived with a new wanted poster. Both were surprised because they totally recognize the new wanted man. A young boy swinging sword wearing cloak, hood covering both hair and face.

[Wanted Dead or Alive

Cloak Man

80,000,000 beri]

There's no mistaking it was Phoenix's wanted poster.

Anna sigh in relief, "At least your face wasn't shown." Then she snorted, "Epithet Cloak Man? Really? How original."

Phoenix didn't care about his epithet nor the fact he had a wanted poster, for him its a good chance that finally he could stop hiding and fight along side her.

Checking the updated wanted poster it was Anna's and again gave them a wave of surprise.

[Wanted Dead

Blood Dancer Anna

435,000,000 beri]