
Maniac Eldest miss is an Overlord

"yao yin you're getting married to Shi zeyi in a year time, you should be more filial when next you see his parents okay?" "really? who said I'm getting married?" killed on the night before her wedding, Lu yao yin was giving the chance to go back a year before that day, to her engagement night. Now she knows who her real friends are and just how to deal with her scheming enemies plus she's no longer the timid selfless Lu yao yin but the 21st Century most feared Mafia Lu yao yin. To stop her fate from repeating she do all she can to avert it. what marriage? what title? she doesn't need any of their pitiful offering that would only bring her closer to her death

unique2bliss · Fantasy
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98 Chs

removed all pawns

like the pages in a book, days flew by rapidly and the month had already come to end in a glimpse.

During the month, Lu yao yin had successfully removed all pawns that Ah Se mi had placed in DxD corporation. her method was tactical and less suspicious, even Ah Se mi would think it was a mere coincidence that they all had fallen into problems

the first to be removed was the Chief head security. in past times Ah Se mi had made use of him to smuggle Arms into China, it was a very risky endeavors cause he was at a risk of being found out by the government or being attacked by other smugglers.

considering this fact Lu yao yin had decided to beat Ah Se mi with her own game

#Breaking News: [DxD corporation Director of security Bo xin found dead after a clash between Arm dealers.]

#TrendingNews: [Bo xin an arm dealer! Does DxD know of this?]

the news went viral in a day but also died down after DxD released a formal statement concerning the issue.

the company's PR department president posted on their official website.

"we are deeply sorry for the misconduct of one of our staff. we as a corporation had also noticed his suspicious activities and so we were conducting an investigation on him before this news came out" there were attached files of the investigation they were conducting and also some findings they had made "It breaks our heart to find that some of our staffs could still engage in Illicit activity, we feel sorry for his demise cause we wished he was alive to suffer the consequences of his actions. We promise to cooperate with the police investigation and give all necessary information that we know. Thank you"

With this little statement they gained a lot of accolade for their strictness even for how observant they were to notice a common Chief head of security suspicious action.

after a week of so, she dealt with the other man. The man was a gambling addict, he had embezzled quite an amount of company funds to which he lavished on his gambling. The company stripped him of his post after a detailed investigation. still being sacked didn't stop his gambling spree, Lu yao yin used the opportunity to get rid of him permanently with the help of loan sharks he had borrowed money.

next was the actress, getting rid of her was quite easy, all they did was unearth her hidden scandals one after the other till they finally exposed that she had undergone plastic surgery to look like someone else and had even stolen the person identity. Lu yao yin didn't even have to lift a finger for this one, all she did was pass all the information and evidence to a popular paparazzi and instruct them what to do.

By the end of the month she was back to just attending to her daily work with nothing special to do.


"Hello" she picked the phone almost instantly

"is this Miss Yan?" an lady's voice boomed out of the receiver

Lu yao yin instantly recognized who the voice belonged to

"Ah Goodday Mrs Zi, yes this is Lu yao yin. is anything the matter?"

"no dear, how are you doing?"

Lu yao yin was momentarily stunned with how warm madam Zi was towards her.

"I quite alright Ma,"

the two ladies exchanged pleasantries for a while and then the other end off the call suddenly went quite

after a long time Mrs Zi spoke up again "is yichen with you?"

"No Mrs Zi, I haven't seen Zi yichen today. do you perhaps want to speak to him?"

"No it's just..." she hesitated "it's just we have been calling him to remind him of our anniversary party, but he hadn't been answering, we even sent him messages but he didn't reply"

She sighed sadly "maybe he doesn't want to attend that's why he's avoiding our calls"

through Madam Zi words, Lu yao yin remembered the anniversary party that madam Zi had mentioned the last time she was in the Zi residence, but there was no way Zi yichen would be avoiding his own family aniversary right?

She furrowed her brows "Mrs Zi that's not possible, Zi yichen would definitely not behave like that, I'm sure he might just have been busy and isn't with his phone"

She said a few more words to comfort the elderly woman

"Miss Yan can I ask for a favour?" Jia Lin didn't know why but she trusted this young lady, it's maybe because she knew that Zi yichen liked her

"sure, as far as it's in my power I'll try my best"

"please could you bring yichen along with you to the party, Zi yichen has always avoided coming home ever...ever since his...his sister's disappearance" the line went quiet

Disappearance? but Zi yichen said she died?

"but I'm sure that as far as you agreed to attend then Zi yichen would most definitely come along with you, please Miss Yan can you do this for me?"

her request what easy so there was no need for Lu yao yin to reject beside she was dead bored in the office and a little party should be fun.

"There's no need to worry Mrs Zi, I'll be there and I'll make sure Zi yichen comes along too even if I have to pull him by his ear"

Madam Zi laughed to her joke and the tension in her voice was finally dispelled

"thank you Miss Yan, I'll be waiting"

immediately she ended the call with Jia Lin, she dialed Zi yichen number, it rang for a couple of times but no one picked it up.

Since he didn't pick up she decided to go to his office and check up on him.

Zi yichen has given her a special pass before now so that whenever she came to his office she wouldn't have to go through the stress of asking the receptionist to inform him that she was around, all she had to do was show the golden colored pass and they would immediately send her to his office.

"Good day CEO Lu, please this way" the fine young receptionist greeted then ushered her into the elevator.

Lu yao yin nodded then followed her quietly, they didn't directly go to the Top floor where Zi yichen office was but they stopped at a certain floor then Zi yichen secretary took over from the young lady.

In G-x corps each worker had a pass and each pass had a different floor limit, that is there were certain floors that certain workers or all workers couldn't go to_ especially Zi yichen office floor. only a handful of people had access there.

"Boss is in a meeting now but you could wait for him in his office till he's done" Secretary Ju said as he lead her to the office

Lu yao yin immediately understood that that was why he wasn't picking his calls or answering his messages, he must not have carried his phone with him.

"ma'am do you need anything?"

"no thank you, I'm okay"

"okay then I'll be on my way" Secretary Ju turned and left, leaving only her in the office.

Lu yao yin glanced around the office, the design was simple but had a strong manly fashion sense.

She sat down on one of the cushions in the room and scrolled away on her phone.

Zi yichen followed by some men marched towards his office. They had just finished their meeting and they were accompanying Him to his office.

He opened the door and suddenly stopped in his track. those behind him wondered why he had suddenly stopped, they peeped and saw an alluring beauty sleeping so soundly on the cushion not to far from their boss working desk and chair

Zi yichen turned to secretary Ju, "what time did she get here?"

secretary Ju had totally forgotten that Lu yao yin was in the office and he had also forgotten to inform his boss, with a guilty look on his face he replied

"Two hours ago"

Zi yichen glared at him then walked briskly into the office, if only he known that his beloved was waiting for him, he would have cancelled the meeting and run to be with her.

The AC was blasting on full, so first he reduced it since he noticed her cheeks were flushed from the Cold air. Then he took off his coat and placed it on her body but as soon as the material touch her, her eyes flung open.

Lu yao yin opened her eyes and saw Zi yichen covering her with his coat.

"You're back" she said.

Her drowsy voice rang in the ears of Zi yichen and everyone else in the room, it sounded so beautiful like a feathers tickling their ear drums.

Zi yichen glared at the people at the door, they all got his message and scurried away in lightening speed.