
Maniac Eldest miss is an Overlord

"yao yin you're getting married to Shi zeyi in a year time, you should be more filial when next you see his parents okay?" "really? who said I'm getting married?" killed on the night before her wedding, Lu yao yin was giving the chance to go back a year before that day, to her engagement night. Now she knows who her real friends are and just how to deal with her scheming enemies plus she's no longer the timid selfless Lu yao yin but the 21st Century most feared Mafia Lu yao yin. To stop her fate from repeating she do all she can to avert it. what marriage? what title? she doesn't need any of their pitiful offering that would only bring her closer to her death

unique2bliss · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Masters girlfriend is a tigress

When Shi yunya got home her father was so angry that he slapped her twice before he could calm down. Apart from the money spent, what even made him very pissed was the video that was uploaded online, someone had uploaded the video of what happened at the mall and 70% of the people that watched it concentrated their conversation on the incest issue. in a space of few hours the video had gone excessively viral and viewers list kept increasing by the minute.

Shi jianguo had received a few calls with his friends and partner calling to ask if he had seen the video, it was as if someone was directing people thoughts and word cause more and more people kept on ignoring the point that Lu yao yin had spent so much money on 6 pieces of jewelries.

"Are you an idiot?! what nonsense have you done? why didn't you just ignore her when you saw her! now you've created such a disgusting scandal about your brother!"

She listened to her fathers never ending insults and abuses and felt her hatred for Lu yao yin increase by leaps and bounds

"Honey calm down I'm sure it's all that sl*t fault, she purposely said that to tarnish our children's image...you shouldn't take it out on our daughter but that b*tch instead" Yun meiling ran out to defend her daughter, Her heart ached seeing her own child with swollen cheeks and red eyes

"I don't care! you...you...you better go online and explain yourself, I don't want to hear any of those rumors by tomorrow or consider yourself not part of this family!" He yelled angrily

Yun meiling supported Shi yunya and turned to leave,

"wait" Shi jianguo called them back before they walked out of the room "also announce that you are engaged to Hao yu, it would help lighten the rumor"

"Father! I can't marry him" of all the boys in their socaliste circle he just had to pick the one that was a sissy, there wasn't any girl that was more girlish than Hao yu,

"Enough! its either you provide someone else this minute or I don't want to hear anything else! people would think you were really in love with your brother if they find out that a girl your age was still single!"

"but dad_" her mom cut her off

"yunya don't anger your dad anymore just do as he said okay? at least for now till the issue calms down"

She begrudgingly left the room accompanied by her mother, she really felt angry at Lu yao yin but she had no one else to thank for everything but herself.


A deep green Ferrari kept cruising through the highways of Imperial, For hours now the driver kept branching one place to another, it was as if she had no place to go. Lu yao yin didn't directly go home after leaving the mall, she had noticed that a few cars were following her and it became more obvious as she kept on driving.

The people trailing her were either newbies at the business or they were seriously stupid, they followed her for over four hours drive relentlessly without even stopping, if it really wasn't their first time trailing someone they would have noticed that she had actually seen them. She too was getting tired of the whole cat and mouse chase so she draw into a dark lonely alley then parked and waited for them

few minutes later four black cars drove into the alley, the doors open and some group of men dressed in black suit highlighted the car each looking fiercer than the other.

"Lu yao yin you are coming with us" one of the men said

"really? but I don't think so"

"you have no choice, men get her" The group of men charged towards her, they didn't carry any weapons, maybe because they didn't believe she could deal worh all of the but they were so wrong...

Lu yaoyin didn't wait for them to get to her side before also charging into their midst, within few minutes most of the men were on the floor while thoses still standing were having a hard time standing straight. All their internal organs were in serious pain.

"You_how could it be?" one of them asked in unbelief

"hmph do you think I'm weak? I have attained all the abwlt there is in takwando so beating a few hoodlums like you should be an easy job. From a child her had been force through many drill that made her almost invincible and although she had switched bodies she still had every of her moves.

" who sent you?"

"we are members of the blue fang gang, we were sent by our leader to come abduct you because or Lord Gremlin" one of them fearfully answered

Lu yao yin wasn't surprised cause she had anticipated that this kind of thing would happen, she sure that after today she would have a hard time walking around.

"why are you all so stupid? how would a girl like me date such a tyrannical goon? how on earth would we have even met?" she sighs exhaustedly " go tell your boss that I don't know Lord Gremlin it was a stupid prank that someone pulled on me that's all"

"if you guys or anyone from your gang trials me again then trust me when I say I'll put an end to blue fang gang's existence" She sent them a fierce glare then drove off.

Deep in one pnt of the dark alley, Lu yao yin didn't notice the existence of two people quietly watching the scene. Two men dressed in black robes had a shocked look on their faces

"Ah chen looks like we got a sleeping tiger on our hands, she no helpless lamb she's a fierce ferocious tiger" one of the men said jokingly

"stop trying to use idioms you suck at it" the one called Ah Chen replied back with a stoic face.

" tsk you're no fun at all... all I'm trying to say is that masters girlfriend is a tigress, she totally fits master"

"She's not master girlfriend"

"really? then why would master ask us to secretly protect her if she isn't? I thought_"

"Ah Han" He shut him off "it's masters business not yours" He turned and walked off leaving the other guy behind

"Hey Ah Chen wait for me!"


"Dad!" Lu shenqi barged into the Lu residence, panting for breath with her phone in her hands

The air in the room wasn't that good, people downcast heads and moody expression could tell that something had happened. Lu xunhe sat on a big chair and his face carried a somewhat hint of anger

"Dad what's going on? why does everyone look like this?"

"shen'er don't disturb your Dad he has a lot on his mind now" Tang Ning pulled Lu shenqi away as she spoke

"but mom...what happened"

"aish the contract your dad has been working on with Dxd corporation was suddenly denied and even...even Mr He that had agreed to sign you as a model in his company called to say it won't be possible anymore"

"what why?!" Lu shenqi had not listened to any other part but the part that she was no longer going to be a model directly struck her eardrums. Being a model hadn't always been her dream but as she grew up and listened to Lu yao yin boost about being a model in future she too began nurturing that ambition just to spite her

"mom_ why? did...did Mr He say anything? did he give a reason?" she frantically asked

"He didn't! he...he only asked if we offended anybody then he cut the call. we've been trying to call him since then but it's like he...he blocked pur numbers"

"how could he do this?! we didn't offend anybody! only someone very rich could influence such big companies and we aren't even close to many rich people only_" Lu shenqi gasped then grasp her mouth like had realised something.

"Xiao shen what is it? what did you remember?" Lu xunhe that was initially quiet spoke when he saw the expression on her face

"its...its just earlier today Shi yunya met Lu yao yin at a mall and they had a little fight but the most shocking part was that sister spent 3 million dollars on a set of jewelries, she_she even drives a Ferrari now"

Lu xunhe eyes bulged out of his socket, he was totally shocked by what he just heard.

3 million dollars! on jewelries?! How did she get that much money?!, although he could be considered rich His total net worth was just $70 million dollars, if he spent 3 million dollars on jewelries then he would have wrecked by now!

"Shen'er are you sure? there's no how she would take out such an amount plus be able to ride a Ferrari too right?" Tang Ming didn't want to believe it, 3 million dollar worth jewelries? the highest amount of jewelries she had in her possession was 250 000 dollars so how could she not feel jealous

"I'm sure, they even uploaded a video on the internet" she took out her phone and played for her mother and still dumbfounded father" The video played for a little over one hour then came to an ended. This time Lu xunhe and Tang ning were even more shocked by what they saw. if they hadn't seen the girl in the video accept that she was Lu yao yin they truly wouldn't recognise her even if they past each other on the way

"hmph that bastard! she really is rich now! no wonder she won't come home, hmph! despicable! I know what to do"