
Mania of love

DaoistImNumk · Urban
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10 Chs


Taking a deep breath Leo who has red eyes sigh " Now everything is clear. There is nothing that exists as a misunderstanding. My mother's words were all precise and straight. Now the only thing you people have to do is get out of this villa."

Mrs. Paul nodded and said " yes if Mr. Leo wants you to shift then it is his right because this villa is after his name. The video is also proof that Mrs. Brown has spoken out to stay separately if Mr. Leo wants."

Stanton and Baty have ugly facial expressions, not only them but Steve, Emma, and Boyle likewise have very miserable fronts. This villa is very majestic and can be term as one of the most noteworthy points of Ambers. Now the villa is going out of their hands. How could they still have that haughty and arrogant look? But unlike their thoughts, Rose who has been quiet is calmly reflecting if she didn't have spoken the truth maybe this video would never have appeared in her life. In her last life, she didn't encounter such a video, now seeing this she is already aware of the fact that the future is going to be very different from her experience.

Mrs. Paul is a very intelligent and strong woman. Her words cannot be denied. She is a very well-known, successful individual. And cannot be challenged. Acoustic to her assertions Stanton didn't stay for long and said "If my love has named this villa to our son, naturally I have no entity, and will surely move out. And I'm very happy about it." his words sound like he is a gentleman but the truth is very vulgar.

Boyle is still unwilling and said " This cannot happen, how could we stay separately after living so far together? It is not a good thing, we should talk and reconsider everything."

Rose saw her unwillingness and coldly laugh at her, in her heart. Boyle has schemed against her so many times in her past life. This girl who is so innocent

Baty said nodding her head " Boyle is reluctant to part with Rose. Leo, you should give last chance to her. She is immature and naive and doesn't hold a grudge against a small child." How shameful can she be? To ask someone as vicious as Boyle to forgive.

'The whole family is a hypocrite'

Rose watches her parents. Her dad has the look of a young boy, who lost his mother. Her mother hugged her father and patted him lightly on the back. This is the support and encouragement which can only be shared between couples. The strong love and attachment, the understanding and care, everything stands worth it if you have this kind of love for someone, and that person also reciprocates your feeling. If only she has a person who will love her dearly she would do everything for him, but not in this life.

On the right side of the sofa, Jack is in a very calm and thoughtful look, he is merely three years older than rose who is six years old. But contained a knowledge of eighteen years old child. He is in utter shock at seeing their actions but his expression is still indifferent.

Seeing the shameful old couple who should be visiting the church is scheming, the elder couple should be working for their daughter's future are calculating others' life and the girl who is only seven years knew the words of a grown-up, who can conspire. This group is so dangerous only now he knew the depth of their viciousness. But also knew he and Rose cannot say anything between the matters of an adult, the scene of Rose drowning is still fresh in his sense, if his maid didn't jump into the pond to save Rose would have come to a dangerous end.

Leo stupefied hearing Boyle's remark how can a young girl of seven years be this heartless and still have the facade of wanting to stay with them?

He argued "It would be good if you all don't speak about the matter anymore. Mr. And Mrs. Amber don't have trouble with us Brown's. We will surely be okay if you don't interfere with our matters. This news would be undoubtedly in the newspaper or television and will not sum up which is not right. I will correctly state why and how this happened so Amber doesn't need to hold any unwarranted apprehension."

What are these people think they are?  How shameful can they be?  The words let out by them are so nonsense that a psychological patient also would puke on them. If Rose stays with them she will surely be under threat. Thinking through the whole scenario apparently, Leo does not even want to see these people. Leo will know the outcome in the future and will be grateful for the decision he took today.

Not taking any time Stanton said "we will leave. How could you be so troublesome to make us shift for merely a small fight between children? Leo, you disappoint me very much today." saying thus they walk away to pack their luggage. But all of them have an angry look and deep down in that greedy heart of theirs, they all are unquestionably thinking about the villa only.

"This kind of fatherly words do not suit you, Mr. Amber. How could I disappoint you? When we do not have this relationship. Mr. Amber should direct your moral love to your son." listening to these words Stanton lost all his facial color. Without halting he sped towards their room.

Hearing his words leo even laughed. Was it a small fight? The disease caught by Rose is that small. Boyle a 7-year-old girl's viciousness to the level of wanting to kill her cousin is this considered small? Will my family be at peace living with them? How much Rose would have suffered under them when they were busy working. A merely 6-year-old child who does not know anything about her surrounding people. Now Rose is caught by CIPA he would not be taking any risks. Rose is the heart of all. If she suffer under them it would be made them feel guilty. And as a parent, how could Leo and Catherine want Rose to be treated badly?

Clarifying every point Leo turned to Rose, and very naturally he pick her up,  giving a peck on her head. He spoke out "Mrs. Paul thank you very much to appear here out of your busy schedule. Have some refreshments and let's talk about the papers left by my mother." speaking he led everyone to the study room.

Mrs. Paul gas a very gentle and kind look. She nodded her head and followed.

The study room is very spacious and it can even be called a mini library consisting of thousands of books. Rose is so small to reach the chair so Leo helps her and settled her on the perfect protected soft seat. Rose glanced at the books on the table and started to casually flip through the books. She looks like playing but she is studying the entire book.

After a while, there are teas and other refreshments placed on the large dining-like study table. Leo read all the papers left by his mother. There are three villas excluding the villa that they are now staying in, apart from these lands and some small clothing factories in different parts of the East country. The wealth left by Sahra is very large and very important.