
Mania of love

DaoistImNumk · Urban
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10 Chs

East Country Is In Shock!!

Whole time Jack give some light refreshments to Rose. He took care of her so gently as if he could break her if he use any force. Catherine and Leo also do not have heavy faces. All of them were happy.

Mrs. Paul did not stay for long after clearing all the papers. She knows how to handle the situation. Declaring the separation is not a joke, it can be very controversial. Controversy cannot be avoid and can only face.

Leo called his assistant Tony after Mrs.Paul left. Without no time Tony arrived in three minutes. Tony is an excellent assistant with a natural and disciplined character. 

"You have to spread the news of our separation throughout the country. Everything should be detailed, You got it right"

After hearing leo wanted to spread the news tony is puzzled and wanted to question him but leo clarifies himself.

"The news will be very contentious. Amber will surely try to hype up the news and will act again on the devotion that Stanton had towards my mother. They will make me an unfilial and greedy person. After there all acts finished and the public started to criticize me. you have to take this to court, you know our East country has a very reasonable law that clarifies that without evidence no person can criticize anyone directly and indirectly including they also cannot say anything regarding my character. And after that, you know what has to be done."

Half of the laws he did not say but tony nodded knowingly, how could he forget about the government? But it is not his fault that he forgets about it. East country's economy is liberal. Businessmen do not need to concern themselves with the government. They only needed to take into account the environmental condition. Tony headed out and went to meet Mrs. Paul to talk about the matter.

Leo without any tension started to talk to Catherine. He said " How do you think about education of Rose? Will it be okay if she stays at the home and the tutor will come here to educate her? What do you think? "

His gaze softened while talking about Rose. Catherine also does not have any idea about it. Sending Rose to school with others will be very dangerous. Taking a tutor at home is also not safe, it will also affect her mentally, physically, and socially. Jack and Rose are talking happily about the books. Seeing her interest in books Jack also does not know how to feel, he wanted to cry and also smile. Not knowing what to do about her studies they started to talk, play and eat.

Amber left very quickly. They were not even greeted by a maid. After today the future will doubtless change.

On 13th December 2022, the country fell into chaos upon hearing the news of the separation. The point is not the separation that made people daze But shocking point is that the villa left by Sahra where Amber's used to live now is in the hands of Leo Brown. The Internet is suffered outages because of searches about the news from millions of people at the same time...

Questions emerged as how when why the separation and how the hell Amber lost the villa. At the same time, Santon posted on the official website of Amber real estate "It is very unfortunate of us to have a son like Leo. He did not even spare his mother's left evidence of our love. I'm unable to educate him. It is all my fault to be so easy on him. Now, what is accomplished cannot be recovered. Sahra may be seeing this and will be very sad to see her son's behavior."

Critics say"How can leo Brown be separated from each other? How unfilial is leo to separate lovers? Greediness, a selfish son who cannot even leave his mother's last remain for Mr. Amber."


Reading this all the news channels, and social media is filled with criticism for Leo. At this time YONO posted a declaration that made citizens dumbfounded. "It is sad to listen to Mr. Amber's grief but just because you are sad does it mean you can criticize anyone without evidence. The truth is not out and only one side story cannot represent the truth. This matter will be discussed in court. Mr. Amber does not need to feel unnecessary thoughts. The law is supreme and it will naturally provide the decision fairly."

Without no time Amber's received a legal notice from Mrs. Paul. The whole Amber is in chaos. The Amber villa is not bad and is beautiful but is nothing compared to Brown's villa. Right now sitting in the hall, Stanton Amber furiously stares at the notice and said "Good very well. Leo is so courageous to file a case against him."  he overlooked the law of the country. Now he is trapped in this case and what could he do? Leo is very clever. Unlike how he used to be ignorant and simple. Now if things head like this then the case of Sahra's death again will come but there is no turning back from this. Thinking about the death of Sahra Leo felt disgusted in his chest.

Boyle is feeling so jealous of Rose that after returning she didn't come out of the room. The four of them are in the study room discussing the matter. Steve and Emma both said it would be better if they return to Brown's and apologize to them. But Stanton the head of the family filled with haughtiness did not agree. And at last, concluded that they will head towards the court.

After one week the pre-trial hearing started. There also Stanton did not have any to say except false love created by himself to the judges. But the jurists are different from the common citizens.  They have to analyze the situation completely on the base of evidence and clarity. Brown's lawyer Mrs. Paul presented all the proof and easily won the case. Because jurists also do not have to think so carefully about this matter, the evidence itself can declare everything.

After this, Amber does not have anything to say and just agreed with the decision of the court. They have to pay the amount of five million to the Browns, as compensation. If not Stanton has to be jailed and cannot touch any villa which is Browns.

From this day the Ambers have kept their distance from Brown. And the result of a court displays the truth. Citizens have no say in this matter.