
Manhattan's Legacy

Lux Osterman. The descendant of a being akin to a God. Lux, who's Narrative differs not from God. A Mind defying the very limitation set by endless odds and strange variables of the Cosmos. Pragmatistic approach in uncovering the secrets of the cosmos... Paradoxically Nihilistic, greatly caring for things he knew lack meaning. Apathetic yet greatly Curious to things he uncovers, Impersonal yet Personally Engaged. The anti-social who's thoughts are Ineffable and impossible to relate by the Common Narrative... That is Lux. And now a legacy was passed on to him. And so he asks himself "What changed could have a torch passed on to a star do?" =================================== Additional Info that MAY be referenced upon... Recommended Reads/Watch(Optional) : All comics which Dr. Manhattan appears, Doomsday Clock, Lucifer(by Mike Carey), Sandman(Neil Gaiman). Cthulhu Mythos, SCP Foundation. MHA, OPM, MCU, Tensura, DBS, Toriko, Mondaiji Tachi, Campione, Medaka Box, Umineko, and more... You may also just Wiki Fandom on characters you may not know. Note: Most referenced are mostly just the characters or some item and only few big events like the Thanos invasion, Power tournament, and all that interesting events will have the highest possibility to be referenced. Disclaimer: If they are yours, now you know that I don't own them. If you want it taken down, leave a comment. =================================== I created this fanfic on an arbitrary thought for fun, not really thinking much of a plot and more just running my thoughts just run wild. Also, I'm too lazy to edit any misspell or awkward sentence structure as that would just hinder me from updating since editing itself takes those times I'm being productive. And despite it being my 3rd language, I think I'm proficient enough in English for my works to be coherent, relative to this site maybe one of the higher end. Speaking of updates, expect it somewhere between once or thrice per a week or two. Depending on the levels of my desire for escapism which is common these days. Oh yeah, check out my novel if you want to get mindfucked. Also, it explains abstract concepts which I'll just glossed over here: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24765255205776605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4322821953

BeyondNarratives · Anime & Comics
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God's Miracle

From Manhattan, we moved to a country called I-Island. Although doubtful for the lack of creativity put into its name, naming a recognized country an island, I-Island supposedly is occupied only by the top-leading scientist and experts on various related subjects in the world.

Other than us, all of our relatives have already moved there some time ago, and they were quite adamant about us moving there as well while they advertise how wonderful it is there, thus my parents were somehow convinced that it would be better to move.

It was only when I attended my first day of school did I realize how different things could be, for the first time in my school life, there was silence. I no longer hear the braggings and obnoxious laughter of those brash kids in Manhattan even without the device, instead, I hear either silence or discussion regarding actual topics in class.

But other than that, there is not much difference. I'm not learning anything new that I haven't already learned nor was there anyone worth socializing with. But I guess that's because I just don't care or have enough interest to have motivation in trying so.

Seeing that there was no difference in my social life, my parents were quite worried. However, maybe because my mother had been praying to the ever-present idea of the higher authority of God and its miracle, I found someone who could understand me to an extent that loner no longer I was.

This happenstance of perhaps a fated meeting in the grand causal scheme of the Universe was when my father took me to pay a visit to the department of Hero-Tech development. It was during the lab showcase I think, when the head of the department, Mr. Shield, introduced himself.

There was another beside him about my age and is the only other person allowed to be there at such a young age in such a laboratory with highly advanced and delicate equipments.

Seeing such alikeness in circumstance, the other person would of course be curious about the other hence...

"Hello there... I'm Melissa, nice to meet you..."

The girl introduced herself before his father could prompt her to do so, stretching out her hands for a handshake.

"Lux." briefly shaking her equally soft hand for formalities sake, I gave my name in a somewhat monotonous and lackadaisical fashion that subtly indicates my disinterest to socialize ever so the anti-social I was.

"So you're Lux huh..." Melissa mutters to herself as if she heard of my name before from somewhere.

"Heard of me?" I ask for the sake of asking and a bit of curiosity.

Gazing at my eyes as if to determine whether it was a rhetorical question or not, Melissa replies "It's hard not to, you're number one in every field in the academy afterall. Everywhere I go, I hear your name."

"Am I? I didn't know." maybe that came a bit sarcastic and thus narcissistic. But I truly did not know, all I did is answer their elementary questions; I have no time to dwell on their outcomes nor do I care.

She smiled, as she respond in a rather enthusiastic tone, "Yes-yes, you are. Your work on quantum is revolutionary. Especially your theory on quantum intrinsic principles."

Oh, those papers huh. I remembered publishing them after being irked by the ignorance of those researchers in the quantum physics department. The path that they took on learning quantum is a path that won't go anywhere.

But those idiots never took it seriously and considers it as just the wild imagination of a child. Oh well, they're a bunch of idiots who are looking at the world through a keyhole, and they spent their whole life trying to widen that keyhole. To see more, know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened in ways that they can't imagine, they reject the possibility? Their life is a waste, that's atleast for certain within the uncertainty of the quantum world.

But this girl gets it and is atleast more imaginative than those poor idiots.

"I've already proven those principles actually." for the sake of her being imaginative enough, I shall sate her curiosity and enlighten her a bit.

"Really-really!? please do tell how...!" she seems enthusiastic enough.

We continued to chat before I even realise it. Our fathers looked at us with all smiles as the tour continues.

And thus a friendship starts that heads to be more as the ship sails.

My relationship with Melissa improved over the years as we became a student in the same class the next semester after we met. She became my lab partner and I imparted to her all the basics knowledge that I know, which she remarked as 'too much and too grand' to be just 'basic' knowledge. Nevertheless, she didn't give out on me and learned everything I taught like an eager and curious sponge.

A year later after we meet, she declared us as the acronym 'BFF' that which she gave meaning as 'Best Friends Forever'. Even though I lived in America before, I know not of the slang and slurs of the world and thus she began teaching me those. Though I doubt she knows much too.

On my 12th birthday, two years after my first meeting with Melissa, I was finally allowed to use my parent's lab equipments after they test my ability. The fact that I've been using it for the past years without their notice and explicit permission, I shall take it to my grave.

Nonetheless, it is good that I could finally use them out in the open even though most of them became redundant as I've built better ones in my secret lab at the secret basement of our basement.

My relationship with Melissa did nothing but improved as we work on many projects including the search for the origin of 'Quirks', interdimensional travel, quantum gate, and time travel.

We are mostly successful except for Time Travel, travelling itself is easy, the problem is the paradoxes and the catastrophic effects it does.

The origin of 'quirks' is as I expected, a mutation stimulated by remnants of cosmic energies from the heart of the Universe, the same energy that induced the big bang, created all life in the Universe, and predetermined everything.

Said cosmic energy was harvested by us as we used it as one of the ingredients to fuel both the interdimensional Portal Gun, the Quantum Gate, and the Time Machine.

The source of such energy is still unknown to us though. It exists even before 'time' is created and is thus outside of our current reach.

Half a month after my thirteenth birthday, we perfected Time Travel as we built a device that resolves the paradoxes.

Although the device was quite omnicidal as it creates another Quantum Reality, to be transferred all the effects of the paradoxes that we created in our own reality as its heads for destruction. Everything the device is used is the end of the dummy reality. End of every consciousness who believed that it was 'all that was'.

Melissa is reluctant to use it at first, but maybe it was because my pragmatistic, partially nihilistic, and rather cold anti-social personality has rubbed on her or maybe I have corrupted her sense of morality with our daily activities, eitherway or bothways, I have convinced her to just don't think much of it as nothing really matters and they will just all die at the end of the Universe's Causality anyway.

Everything do.

Eventually she learns to get used to it as I do, our learning progress became much more efficient and productive than it was before as we learned more of the truths and facets of the universe than we ever did before.

Combining interdimensional and time travel was such an idea that it has let us explored Multiverses, instances of so many continuum of spacetime.

January 21st of the year 2183...

Meli and I became a thing as we hugged each other for comfort after we 'ended' an advanced civilization of aliens who had occupied an entire Super Clusters in a more 'hands-on' approach for the first time after they discovered our existance within their ranks as we were observing them.

I now call her by cute shortened nicknames, Mel or Meli or Lisz or Lissa.

We took a break traveling around for about half year after that catastrophic event that decimated atleast an 8th of the ever expanding Universe that leaves an abyss of emptiness as the sign of their struggle.

We deactivated the clones who was in our stead, we enjoy each other's company as we recover from the trauma by preparing more 'devices' and being more equipped the 'next time'.

And it was on my fourteenth birthday, just after our graduation, I think that something drastic and dramatic happened in our already 'not so ordinary' life.

It was during a test for the gift my parents bought in an auction for me, it was an intrinsic field subtractor chamber.

Although it was an old device, it was apparently a part of some sort of priced collection. It came from a time even before Quirks were a thing, some myths said it created a god before. A god which I did not see in the time-stream that we have traveled, so it must be just that, a myth.

It's fun to play with though as it can subtract the 'intrinsic field' of anything to zero. Intrinsic fields are the very forces that make matter a matter, it's the fundamental forces of physics.

Although I've built better ones that could even reduce matter to nothingness, they're too efficient and too fast that the process itself doesn't last long enough for my eyes to catch a glimpse of it live without highly advance quantum cameras.

And I've never thought of building less efficient ones before so I could watch it disintegrate things to subatomics in such a timespan that the naked eye could see it, like this old device.

Thus, Meli and I start playing with it as we disintegrate unneeded things.

However, maybe it was because of our carelessness to use such an old thing without carefully inspecting it, or maybe it was the fault of those mechanical devices we disintegrated jamming some sort of old rusty hardware in its system...

As I was placing another object to be disintegrated...

...the door closes even though I knew there was still time.

I was locked, the timer changed to seconds.

Meli watches me in horror.

I can feel my hair standing while I hear the ticking of the mechanical watch on my wrist.

"...Operation Phoenix." I mouthed to Meli as she watch my clear and calm eyes even in this situation.

She didn't calm down at all though as she watches me be disintegrated from skin to flesh to bones to molecules to atomic dust and finally to quantum subatomic particles that might as well be nothing.


