
Chapter One

Sabon Gari village was a small village in country A; there are other three villages near it the closest is Titi, Dala and Raga village. Most of the villagers defends on farming while few defend on fishing and hunting. There were fewer herbalists in the village it was early morning around 5 o'clock in the morning, I know that I most wake up before my Dad wake me up .But I was too lazy to wake up because I slept late yesterday. 'Musa …Musa wake up' said my Dad .I turn my head to my left side and use my hands to cover my ears. Dad enters the room holding a stick in his hand, he said 'will you wake up before I beat you?', I sat down up on the bed yawning and stretching, I look outside the winddoor and I saw that it's still dark, I said 'Dad it's too early'. Dad raise his stick pointing at him 'your brother Bello has already gone to the mosque, while you are still sleeping, you have five minutes to get ready, I will be at the mosque' then he went out. Musa stands up, yawning and put on my shoes. I pick up my kettle and went out to do ablution. After returning from the mosque, we went to do our various chores; fetching water, sweeping our compound, take a bath then sat down together to eat breakfast. After breakfast, we get ready for school. My brother Bello holds my hand as we walk along the path to school .There is a mango tree on the path were we always use to climb before we go to school, we were busy removing mangoes on the tree when we heard the first bell being rang .We rush down in haste and run to school .The headmaster was standing at the gate holding a cane. As he was looking to the other side, we sneak behind him to go to our classes, when we heard him saying 'Bello and Abdul come here and kneel down' ,where did the two of you went to, that you always come to school late. We look at each other, Musa point at his brother,Bello looked at the headmaster and replied we went to fetch water for our mother .The headmaster said 'I will talk with your father regarding the issue of coming to school late'. We both said '.please don't sir' he ask 'why'. Bello said we climb the mango tree along the school path that is why we came late. The headmaster looked at Abdul 'is that so'. I said yes sir. He then beat us and also warn that if he catch us being late to school again .He will report us to our parent, he allow us to return to our classes. Like always Mr. Mike our math's teacher ask us to submit our home-work, some pupils start scratching their head, some frowning while others started submitting their books. After we submitted our books, He ask those that have not done their home-work to stand up, like always my brother was among those that have not done the assignment, Mr. Mike punished them, he then called my brother and said 'Bello why do you always not do your math's assignments?.Bello said 'Sir I don't understand math', 'but your brother always score all in all the subjects' said Mr. Mike. Bello screw his face and said Sir he likes math but I don't .Mr. Mike was speechless 'you are his brother you're suppose to serve as a role model to him, even if you don't like math ,you can ask your brother to teach you' Bello said okay sir. During break Bello climb the school fence and run away. Musa tried to reason with him but he didn't listen. After school he met him along the path waiting for me. Musa asked him where he went to, he told me that he went to the next village to watch folk dance. That's how my school life was.