

Two years

a long time for humans but short time for Immortals now we can see three people in the garden having tea under the gaze of the setting sun. Three having the wonderful reminiscence of the commandeer and the lessons they learned. Some memories wonderous and some painful.

Clark has learned to make a puppet of himself and connect his mind to divide attention and control it. At this time the bald professor left him due to having his own mind fucked up non other than Clark again erasing memories with mind control, the perverts are relentless! now due to his actions Clark was forced to leave him in a coma as that bastard tried to extend his mind to his family.

Nothing is bigger than "FAMILY" once the great Dom said!.

Seriously he underestimated the professor. All this years of experience his control has reached a fine level penetrating through the gaps of admantium!. Now the world shall know memory loss! no wonder wolverine cannot remember and Clark made sure to restore everyone's mind to be cleansed! and oh boy! it was mayhem!. Some secrets are not meant to be kept.

Some left and went to find answers including storm and wolverine who were puzzled their memories restored, they knew those headaches and voices were not and imagination and something was wrong!. With details of professors powers forced to be revealed! Charles is not going to like this. It was hilarious seeing Scotty boy trying to stop the wolf to butcher Charles and Erik being discontent.

Though this was just a few days work the X-Men called and thanked me for this revelation with telepathy. Scott was mad saying I was a threat and dangerous but one psychic blow he was silent!. Storm and Hank helped to stabilize the situation and now noting down what everyone missed. The good deed I did was giving wolverine a path to meet Captain America. Clark remembered from comics that he was in the same Infantry as Steve so it was an amazing reunion having a buddy who has not left alone, steve was amazed and relaxed.

I know it was wrong to sow discord but forcing the team to stay even though they do not agree, and hiding their guilt and works of killing some misunderstood people has ticked them off which was later erased by Charles and some were forced. Looks like not all hands are clean and later a secret between three happened with Clark, Wolverine and storm. Charles was kept in the dark as he woke up from the coma.

With all the work done in a few days with the psychic battle Clark went with the main event!, the Avengers and some treasure collection of Wakanda and Africa.

!!!! In the two years span of work he done!!!!!

With now preparing for the future Clark had some existential crisis in the supernatural world.

Why the Fuck! he has to wear a spandex and a cape to save people! he needs some moderations with his image. First creating an unchained armor or a armor of sun from Fate Stay Night of Gilgamesh from Uru and some rare metals like Badmantium, Vibranium and Admantium and Promethium. Some metals need to be made but he needs time which he does not have. So if he needs time it was easy he needs a shortcut to obtain some materials and a Naughty plan happens in his mind which will make Batman be like " Why the hell did I not think of that?".

First of all the metals since he was superman he can always acquire it from space and with his previous life as a scientist he knows exactly where he will find the goldmine.

!!!! Meanwhile at other side Jupiter !!!!

Clark: Hmm! I am a Freaking! Genius! and I remember! Wakanda's vibranium fell as a meteorite there, so if I play this right than I could find a gold mine at the planet which shield earth from 70 to 80 percent meteor shower!.

Clark was floating in deep space at the Jupiter's orbit above it's atmosphere and used his supervision looking at golden nuggets ready to be taken. Huge ores of vibranium and admantium has made it's way towards Jupiter-Chan.

Yeah sure Wakanda lucked out with the vibranium ore falling there but jupiter who take the harsh brunt of meteor storms has collected quiet the rare metals. Look at that cheedar! of vibranium mountain at Jupiter.

Clark Makes his way towards it releasing the full force of his bioelectric field marveling his power. The clouds covering Jupiter went away and went to collect his trophy.

With the sling ring provided by the Ancient one he made a huge portal to Mars to hide his treasure. All the sweet vibranium and admantium in tonnes went there.

The Sling Ring was worth it!.

With Ancient one creating an atmosphere of red sun radiation has really damned his powers, but the one who has doomsdays power he adapted with an increase in body strength. Though Clark can use a spell to siphon yellow sun radiation, but developing doomsdays bodily strength is a must! for him.

Raven has kicked his ass multiple times with all the martial arts learned by her throughout the world and huge arsenals of spells, Clark wondered! should she not be the supreme mage! and not him. The audacity of the baldy! she wanted raven and him to form a contract so that she can use his true magic which was shot down. Seriously! how perverted can it get!, are all baldies perverts!. Yeah sure she wants Raven to have a troublesome fate as her with her dormammu problem but one must know ones limit. Clark agreed after several persuasion with the condition with him creating his own domain. As Clark has some business to attend to!.

!!!! Meanwhile with Black Market and Claw!!!!!

Within the two years Clark has sold only adamantium on the black market. The Metals are rare with only Japan and Nigeria having mines to excavate.

Lots of customers made to auction with both SHIELD AND SPEAR snooping on the seller but bruh you have no idea who you are dealing with.

Claw who is the antagonist of Black Panther was a good middle man in this affairs, with even SHIELD and SPEAR having hard time to deal with him.

Clark knows the knowledge to mold and create volatile admantium and with energy control!, dealing with antimatter and some chemical reagents is nothing to scoff at. With sun his best friend creating them was no problem. His Wishes with God made it worth it.

Claw supplied him with some hard to get equipment's with Clark taking away trackers. Yeah sure all villains do that scoff! wanna backstab a Kryptonian bruh! you better have a red sun in your pocket.

Claw: It was nice doing business with you Mr.Victor your identity is still a mystery and your way to mold admatium is flawless. Shield and Spear is hungry to find you like jackals. It is a pity you will not work with me, though the offer still stands.

Victor(Clark): Maybe in the future Mr. Claw I have some personal business to take care of, I want to first establish a relationship with you.

Claw: Yes! it has been enjoyable with Mr. Victor buying my hard to get products. This Machinery and Quantum Tunnels are hard to get you know, though your huge amount of admantium in the old canisters made up for it. Maybe we will see face to face without the mask when you first arrived and startled me in the office teleporting, I wonder where you have got an extra mine of admantium.

Clark : Trade secret and also it was not my intention to separate you in a different place and talk to you. I had no intention to threaten you. I just wanted a business partner who has his lips sealed. Also here is a gift.

Clark drops several tracking ships on claws knees surprising him greatly with eyes bulging out.

Clark: Remember Mr. Claw trust is important with customers you know!, it is better to establish a foundation than to be greedily jump at the cheeddar.

Clark uses his sling ring and teleports away buying the necessary parts for him to make the tunnel that transports him to a different universe.

Clark has suddenly teleported to Claws office in Africa one day separating him in a mirror dimension and dropped some admantium on the floor. Saying he came to talk business. There were few shots from the gun and screaming but no avail as it seems Claw realized he was in a different place seeing no one was outside and suddenly vanished. Later Clark explained how he was not in this world but in a separate mirror dimesion. So they sat down to talk with the unknown hooded guest who was an Illusion.

The most surprising thing that was shown was volatile Admantium that can be molded easily. The chemical composition with Clarks tweaking cannot be reverse engineered at all. Shield may find out one day but it will be too late as by that time Zod will make his appearance. This creation was genius of him.

After conformation and some tests done by Claws Hench man it was quiet the ruckus. They were able to mold admantium with hard refining but with this! they can easily make alloy. One problem with admantium is that it easily becomes hard as hell after cooling the antimmatter in it is really a bother, but know with an formula it can be easily molded with less energy.

Now the unknown person who did the miracle is sought out by both SHIELD AND SPEAR. But it would take long to find out.

With All his work done and accomplishes he also finished his Genius Youth program surprisingly with Melissa who was eager to outclass her brother with Big Sister supremacy. They Finished Highschool level exams in just Twelve years!, a record in I-Island that gave quiet the reputation of Shield Family. With Competitiveness of Melissa with Clark it was quiet the fun years spent with secrets now made clear in the open. For a happy family one must not have secrets that will later cause pain. But Clark must and in due time all will be reveled.

Clark was concerned if Melissa will become his lex luthor but admonished it. But with all the dangers and foes coming his way he must be prepared to protect and strengthen his family. Melissa may blame him if her parents die or David would as Clark is their family spiritually not by blood. So he will make Amazo the Robot made up of promethium that can copy it's opponents power and clap anyone. Thinking about this makes major death flags for his family which he must avoid. Fury of SHIELD may try to harm his family and he needs to make sure that he does not go full Injustice Superman.

!!!! Back to Drinking tea at present time!!!!

Ancient One: So Superman should we visit some place isolated in Nevada where the cube whose power I reminded not to use in your premature development ready to explode!.

Clark: Please! I did not think it would happen that way as I have adaptability, also I would first make in line with it's spectrum before using it!, I did not know that without tapping into it's cosmic energy and using it with my personal store of power will drain my life!.

Ancient: Yes! you must be warned only with it's spectrum can you use the power of infinity stone which you tapped in with my help. Your True Magic Aligning it has accelerated it to adapt the energy in your tiny celestial body, also other celestials would be jealous of this accomplishment!. My reputation will sky rocket in the cosmos once they learned how I tempered it in your body.

Raven: Infinity Stone? the one master has on her neck the eye of agamotto.

Ancient: Yes Dear so how was you time with this fellow.

Raven: Pathetic! he developed a spell called chain of Eikundu and Gate of Babylon to shamelessly tie me! or throw sword made of magic energy like an Idiot!. Though it is creative but in actual combat this style shows arrogance and no skill at all!. Also He is a pervert! who stumbled in my bath!. Unforgivable!.

Clark: Hey! that is not my fault! who bathes outside in the moonlight!. I did not know you are doing a ritual. Also who do you call pervert! I am just twelve years old!.

Raven: Don't Lie! I know some demons and corrupt magicians disguise themselves to go in women baths to satisfy their lust!. Also you are mature like those bastards! sly and tricky!. I saw how you felt mesmerized instead of being bashful looking at my naked body. All men are the same!.

Clark: Did you forget the beating you gave me!, that is child harassment!. Mater I want Justice!.

Ancient one: Quiet the show you put off here well justice will be served later, but now we have pressing issues. Clark go home and replace the puppet. I will think about your proposition later about the machine you built. Also use the Mirror dimension to look at shields work with the eye of agamottos energy you have to not get caught.

Clark: Well I understand the part to watch with time stone but why will I go home?. Can I not follow you there at Nevada site where the space stone is set to be blown?.

Ancient One: It is time the Man of Steel Makes his journey.

Clark tenses up and he knows what will start after this fiasco. He can stop the upcoming was but humanity must learn who and what not to mess with. They must know to hold their greed and stand in place. They must know the consequences of their actions. Though shield can say they have fended of and alien invasion and portrait avengers as heroes. But taking notes from Civil War movie not all people not see them as that way. Too much show of power and intervention in some places will make them show as terrorists. Also how will this world and Universe show this fiasco with My hero Academia added in the fray.

Ancient: Make sure to look at the key you have, it is not not a movie you know.

Clark: Huh? Shit! I'll go! give me an update all right!.

Raven: Finally some peace.

Clark gives a stern glare and opens a portal to go home.

Clark replaces the puppet doing work on a watch with some tools to fix it. He continues it's work.

Not Much time is left and I hope Avengers and the Heroes can take out the Aliens and drop their no kill rule. I just hope the gate closes earlier and with more people with supernatural abilities

[ Later did Clark Know it will be quiet the light show with the chaos to come].